Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 1394

Chapter 1394

Song Anshan's resentment was only in exchange for the two people's sneer.

Especially when he saw that he was obviously angry but did not dare to vent, his heart was even more despised.

He used to be a senior member of the Song family. What about the Song family?

I'm not stepping on it yet.

The woman stepped forward, looked down at Song Anshan and sneered with disdain: "Song family? You didn't think there was a song family. I'm not afraid to tell you today that the Song family has long disappeared, and what you left is just your little assets in the European base camp."

The man also looked at Song Anshan and shook his head in disdain: "I don't know why the boss wants to keep him. Isn't it cleaner for such people to throw into the sea to feed fish?"

"You know what, the boss must have the boss's intention." the woman glanced at the man, and the man quickly shut up.

However, song Anshan widened his eyes, retreated and looked at them incredulously: "what are you... Talking about?"

What is the Song family long gone?

Their song family has industries in all countries in the world. In fact, their financial strength is comparable to that of a small country. How can they say that without it, they will disappear.

There must be something wrong with their news.

Or the two men deliberately frightened him. josei

It must be.

Thinking so, song Anshan's heart seemed to settle down. He stood up straight, looked at them and waved his hands and said, "it's okay. Just scare me. I won't believe it."

They looked at him like fools: "frighten you? What do you have to frighten us?"

"If I want to frighten you, I might as well punch directly."

In the face of their disdain, song Anshan's calm heart, which had just comforted himself, raised it again. He looked at the two people and tried to judge whether what they said was true or false from their faces.


Those two people really don't look like lying.

And to be fair, he is now their prisoner, and they disdain to lie to him.


That's the Song family

It's the Song family whose strength and financial resources are comparable to those of a small country. How can it be said that it's gone without it.

"No, it must be false. You're lying to me... How could our song family fall... That's the Song family... My father must be in charge of the overall situation now... He won't watch the Song family fall... At most... At most, he just can't get a foothold in China..."

Song Anshan shook his head and muttered to himself.

Their song family has a big family and a big career. Even if they can't get a foothold in China, it's just a phased failure. This failure doesn't matter to their song family at all.

He had always believed so, so even if he was wanted, even if he was caught by X, he was not afraid for too long.

What are you afraid of?

As long as the Song family is all right and his father is all right, his father will save him.

Even if he can no longer become the heir of the Song family, he can still live very well. Maybe in a few years, after this thing passes, he will be able to become the owner of the Song family.

But now

What they said must be false.

Song Anshan suddenly raised his head and looked at them. He suddenly took a step forward and grabbed one of them by the shoulders. He shook like a Madman: "you lied to me, didn't you? You said, you lied to me, didn't you?"

"Get out!"

Song Anshan didn't kick it.

This is the killer of organization X. how can ordinary people compare their skills? Not to mention being suddenly grabbed by someone's shoulder at this moment, subconsciously getting angry again. How can this foot be light.

With this foot, song Anshan directly flew several meters away, and finally fell to the ground.

The houses in this small village have no courtyard walls. In addition, the noise they made just now is not small. Someone has been paying attention to this side for a long time.

This time, everyone who was watching here was surprised.

"What kind of strength did you kick people away with one foot?"

"It's too scary. Is this still a normal person?"

"What were they talking about just now, the Song family? Where's the Song family?"


It may be that the village is closed and things in the village will not spread. The two guards of song Anshan pay no attention to the people in the village and ignore their comments at all.

The man who was caught by the shoulder frowned and touched the shoulder just caught by song Anshan. He murmured discontentedly: "Mom, I have great strength. I feel a little pain when I catch it."

Then he went directly to song Anshan and carried him back to the house like a chicken: "stay here and yell again. I'll be you."

"Also, don't tell me about the Song family. I'm not afraid to tell you that if the Song family is gone, there will be only a little force in your own territory in Europe. That force is still fragmented and can't become a climate at all. As for your father, he has already become a vegetable."

The man shut song Anshan in the house and went out swearing.

They went to the kitchen and got something to eat. They didn't care if song Anshan needed to eat.

The people in the village are also wondering whether they should save song Anshan.

"It looks pathetic. It shouldn't be my uncle. I don't know if something will happen if I'm beaten like that."

"I said that the little brother-in-law looked silly. If he had nothing to do, he would say something about Europe. He was like a young master. If he couldn't do it well, he was really silly by his big brother and sister-in-law. Tut Tut, tut Tut, just that ruthlessness. It's frightening to look at it."

"Do you want to go and have a look? It's bad if someone dies."

"I won't go, just like his man. If he doesn't want us to meddle in our affairs and wants to beat us, who is our opponent?"

As soon as these words came out, those who were just too compassionate dared not speak.

Darling, that's the strength. If you kick them, who can stand it?

You'd better mind your own business.

It was in the evening that these people talked and went back to their homes.

A family happened to be at the last house at the entrance of the village. When they were about to rest, about a dozen people suddenly came in.

These people are all dressed in camouflage.

Seeing these people, the man was stunned at first. Then he thought of something and his eyes lit up: "are you a soldier?"

This party was sent by the guards.

When I came to the hometown, I knew the situation first and then took action. I thought I had to explain it well, but I didn't expect that the man recognized them at a glance.

"Yes, Hello, fellow townsman. We are from the special operation force. I want to ask you something. I hope the fellow townsman can cooperate with us."

The fellow is also a military fan. After listening to this, he nodded hurriedly: "cooperate, cooperate, cooperate. As long as I Wang Shanlin know what you want to know, I must know everything."

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