Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 1400

Chapter 1400

"Si Moyan, tell Grandpa that he Chenggong is really x? How could he be x? He is a descendant of the he family." he asked with trembling eyes.

He didn't dare to think that he Chenggong was X. how could they afford such a big crime.

Moreover, X is a serious international criminal. How can it be the descendants of his family.

Then aren't they the sinners who connive at international recidivism!

Mr. He didn't dare to think. His mind was a mess. His mind was buzzing. He couldn't think about anything, but he seemed to be thinking about everything.

Mr. Si and Mr. Si Moyan saw that Mr. He was wrong and knew that he had misunderstood.

Master Si hurriedly said, "Lao he, it's not what you think."

About X, although it has been noisy recently, Si Moyan and Si Weijun are involved, but in fact, the people who know it are just fixed people, and only part of them know the mysterious means of X.

Although he is the father of the he family, and the he family has great prestige in politics, he doesn't know about these things.

That's why he collapsed when he suddenly knew this.

"Mr. He, I'm sorry for you. If I knew he was... If I paid more attention... Our he family is sorry for you." Mr. He thought more and more and collapsed.

He doesn't know what x does, but he also knows what x does. He wants to kill Si Weiguo, Si Laozi and Si Moyan, and tie up Gu qiaoyue's people. Such a heinous person comes from their he family.

If this had been put in ancient times, he should have thanked his sin with death!

Looking at the collapse of Mr. He, Mr. Si and others knew that he had really misunderstood and quickly helped him.

Si Moyan said, "Grandpa, you really misunderstood. He Chenggong is not x, but x impersonated him."

He Laozi looked at Si Moyan and his eyes fell hard on Si Laozi. He didn't understand at all.

Si Moyan said: "the people of organization X are good at changing looks. He can pretend to be others. He has pretended to be a lot of people before. This time, he borrowed the identity of he Chenggong."

Mr. He was stunned, and his turbid and red eyes slowly returned to calm. He sat on the sofa, digested the news, and asked after a long time:

"What about success?"

Sima Yan was silent for a moment and answered truthfully, "I'm looking for it."

But it may not be optimistic.

Si Moyan didn't say this later, but he wanted to.

Since X has replaced he Chenggong's identity and lurked around them, how can he Chenggong be safe? Now the best situation is that he Chenggong has been kidnapped and detained.

"If not, if not... If not..."

Mr. he muttered to himself. Under this great surprise and grief, he could no longer bear the fatigue when he was old. He leaned against the sofa and recovered for a while. Although he was still worried about his success, he was happy in his heart.

He Chenggong is not x, then their he family is just a victim, not a sinner.

Si Moyan hurriedly arranged someone to check the situation of Mr. He and determined that he was OK. Then he was relieved.

Mr. He didn't faint either. It was under this great surprise and grief that he almost didn't carry it. josei

He leaned against the sofa and rested for a long time. When he calmed down, he slowed down and asked whether Sima Yanhe had found it successfully.

Si Moyan only said he was still looking.

He also knew that he Chenggong's current situation was really hard to say, so he was silent and didn't ask again.

With the arrest of X, the people in X organization can no longer sit still. Many people have emerged one after another, but the fate of being caught is to meet them.

Soon, all the secret bases of organization X in China were cleared.

This time, for ordinary people, it is just a large-scale anti underworld and anti evil action.

What x, what organization, for ordinary people, they have never heard of it and will not care.

However, after what has happened so far, it is true that domestic public security has been upgraded to a higher level.

Gu qiaoyue didn't go back to her villa for the first time. She still lived in Wisteria garden, accompanied Mr. Si and Zhang Jingqi, Wu Honglian and others, and occasionally went to the company or school.

Because X was caught, the biggest threat around her came into contact, and the whole person relaxed.

In the twinkling of an eye, half a month later, all these actions gradually came to an end, but the guard came to see Gu qiaoyue.

Still Wisteria.

Si Weijun came to Gu qiaoyue on business this time. When he met, he also asked directly:

"Is there another killer named doll around x?"

Gu qiaoyue nodded: "there are many killers in organization x, as well as many close killers. I have been in contact with dolls, Qingfeng and red clothes..."

After giving a general introduction to these people, Gu qiaoyue asked, "what's the matter with the doll?"

"Qingfeng and Hongyi have been caught, but we haven't caught the doll." Si Weijun told the truth.

Gu qiaoyue frowned slightly and asked, "what do you want me to do?"

Si Weijun came to her at this time to bring her the news. He certainly didn't just come to tell her.

Si Weijun said, "you don't have to do anything. You just need to tell me everything you know about dolls."

Gu qiaoyue looked suspiciously at the guard and said what he knew again.

"In fact, I don't know much. When they were on that island, they seemed to be close to me, but in fact they were always on guard against me. The doll is a girl with a baby face and a little careless. Of course, it may just be her external temperament. In fact, it's not the case..."

How can a killer be really careless? Even if he is, it is estimated that he is only superficial.

"In fact, I don't have much information to provide. You know that people in organization X have certain means to change their appearance. Maybe the doll has changed its appearance at the moment."

Si Weijun naturally knows this, and it is precisely because of this that it is not easy for them to catch the killers who have not yet appeared.

Si Weijun had chosen a time when Si Moyan was away to ask Gu qiaoyue if he could get some other information from her.

But Gu qiaoyue didn't know much, and he didn't get particularly useful information, but when he left, he told him:

"You used to be the target of X and organization X. although most of the people in organization X have been arrested, we don't guarantee that no one secretly hates you."

"So, protect yourself."

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