Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 317

Chapter 317

Gu qiaoyue didn't expect that her bad hunch became a reality the next day.

Because there is no need to go to Zhang Sisi's house on the fourth day of the new year, Zhang housheng and other relatives have also been entertained. According to the plan before the new year, they will go to zhoulingshan on the fifth day of the new year and Daqing on the eighth day of the new year.

So they decided to go back to Xiangyue snack as soon as possible.

So, early in the morning of the fourth day, Gu qiaoyue and Si Moyan drove a car to Shilin village to pick up grandma's family.

However, when we arrived at Shilin village, we found that the atmosphere at Grandma's house was quite dignified. Grandma and uncle cuzi were not at home, so Zhang Jingqi and his grandson were at home.

"Grandpa, grandma, where are they?" Gu qiaoyue asked curiously when she entered the door. josei

It was agreed that no one would pick them up today, and there seemed to be something wrong with Grandpa: "Grandpa, are you okay?"

Zhang Jingqi looked up at Gu qiaoyue. His eyes were green and black. Tired, he said, "they all went to the hospital."

"Went to the hospital? Who's sick?"

Gu qiaoyue was startled. He was fine yesterday. Why is someone ill today.

Zhang Jingqi sighed and said, "your great aunt, she was beaten by the family. She was sent to the hospital last night. Last night, Li Fang's child came over with a bloody face. At this time, everyone is in the hospital and hasn't come back."

Zhang Jingqi is bloodthirsty and murderous. If Xiao Zhang Shuo hadn't asked him to take care of him, he would have killed her with a knife. He dared to bully her daughter. He really thought he was a paper tiger.

Gu qiaoyue only felt a bang in her head, so she quickly asked, "which hospital is it in? I'll go there now."

"I'm still in the hospital in town. I'll go too." Zhang Jingqi got up and said.

He wanted to go for a long time, but there was a little Zhang Shuo at home. Knowing that Gu qiaoyue was coming today, he had been waiting here.

But the eldest daughter is injured. He can't sit still. It's not easy to wait until Gu qiaoyue comes, so Anne can't help going to see her daughter.


Several people hurried to the town hospital.

As soon as I arrived at the hospital, I saw a group of people making noise at the door of the hospital. There was an old woman sitting on the ground, shouting:

"This is to force my old woman to die. When my son is raised, he will be separated. Damn old Zhang, he is trying to force my son to separate. This is to force my old woman to die. Forget it if I die..."

The old lady is the old lady of the sun family and Zhang Zhenzhen's mother-in-law. After Zhang Zhenzhen's accident last night, her family didn't follow her. Today, they didn't go back. They were afraid of taking responsibility, so they came to the hospital together.

As soon as she arrived at the hospital, Zhang Zhenzhen was in a coma and didn't wake up. She immediately panicked. As soon as the family discussed, they began to make trouble outside. Anyway, push out the responsibility first. At that time, even if Zhang Zhenzhen had something, they couldn't rely on them.

Mrs. sun sat on the ground, kicking her legs, patting the ground and yelling.

Many people behind him also swear.

Far away, Gu qiaoyue heard what they scolded.

Just like the old lady, she scolded Zhang Zhenzhen's family for being ruthless, and their parents worked hard to raise them. Now, seeing that their parents are old, they are making a fuss about separation and don't want to take care of their parents.

She also said that Zhang Zhenzhen beat her mother-in-law. Her mother-in-law just pushed her in a hurry. As a result, Zhang Zhenzhen fell and knocked her head on a stone. Then she said that Zhang Zhenzhen was taught by God. God didn't like her bullying her mother-in-law and separating her family

There are also many people watching the excitement at the gate of the town hospital. They believe these words after listening to them. At present, they are pointing out that Zhang Zhenzhen's family is not good.

Anyway, it's not easy for the elderly to pull their children. How can we see that the elderly have to separate when they are old? It's really unfilial.

Zhang Zhenzhen deserved to be beaten, and now she deserves to be hurt. It's a punishment that God can't see

Gu qiaoyue's face was livid and he got off with a gloomy face. He went to the back seat to hold Xiao Zhang Shuo and handed it to Si Moyan. He helped Zhang Jingqi get off.

Zhang Jingqi worried all night. He was so old that he couldn't carry it without sleeping all night. Now he heard these people scold Zhang peipeipei. His angry face and white hands trembled.

Gu qiaoyue hurriedly held him and comforted him in a low voice: "Grandpa, don't worry first. First see how your aunt is and make things clear."

Zhang Zhenzhen is in the hospital, sun Dadong and Wu Honglian are waiting for people to wake up in a hurry in the hospital.

These people of the sun family were swearing outside, trying to discredit the sun Dadong family. They were swearing. Seeing Zhang Jingqi coming, old lady Gu felt guilty and stopped swearing for a while. However, they soon scolded again, and even got up and pointed to Zhang Jingqi and said:

"They are all your good daughters of Lao Zhang's tutor. They encourage my son to separate from me. Why don't you old zhangjias die..."

Gu qiaoyue frowned fiercely, raised her eyes, looked at the old lady coldly, and then looked at the people behind. The people of the sun family who saw yesterday were present, and even sun Lilan stood behind the crowd.

Seeing Gu qiaoyue, sun Lilan's face was cold. When she saw Si Moyan, a look of obsession flashed in her eyes.

But thinking that the man was a mute, he snorted coldly and took back his eyes.

Gu qiaoyue looked around coldly, and her eyes fell on Mrs. sun again. She said faintly, "we have reported the case. Naturally, someone will find out what the facts are."

Gu qiaoyue didn't lie. When she was on the road, she asked Si Moyan to contact director Wu.

My aunt was beaten and almost died of cerebral hemorrhage. This is no longer an ordinary family dispute. We must go through the judicial procedure.

Upon hearing that Gu qiaoyue reported the case, these people in the sun family were stupid. Mrs. sun forgot to cry, and the whole person was scared silly.

Gu qiaoyue and others have ignored them and left with Zhang Jingqi.

Si Moyan looked at Gu qiaoyue's cold look and gently comforted: "qiaoyue, don't worry, my aunt will be fine. Let's go and have a look first. If we can't, we'll quickly go to the municipal hospital."


Gu qiaoyue nodded heavily.

She is very upset now. She never thought that things would develop like this. If she had known it would, she would

Even a little bitter is better than now.

Several people entered the hospital, but outside, sun Lilan was silly.

Si Moyan's voice was not small just now. Naturally, she heard it.

But Si Moyan can speak. He's not mute?!

Sun Lilan was stunned for a moment, followed by great joy in her heart.

Si Moyan is neither mute nor deaf. How could she let such a good quality man go? She hurried into the hospital without thinking about it.

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