Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 343

Chapter 343

Si Moyan hooked his lips and smiled. Looking at the little girl with a red face and obviously flashing eyes, he whispered in her ear, "did you look at me so handsome and lust for my beauty for a moment and forget?"


Gu qiaoyue's face became more red. He looked at him angrily and said, "you're too narcissistic!"

When I first met him, he was clearly fan, President of gaoleng. How can he become like this now

Shake your tail to sell cute and a little narcissistic wolf dog model?

Si Moyan was more narcissistic. He touched the beard residue on his chin and said solemnly, "do you think I'm more charming?"


Si Moyan continued: "in fact, I think so too. Why don't I grow a beard for a few days to satisfy your greed?"

Satisfy your cravings?!

For what? Did you say anything?

This man, this serious teaser, doesn't know who he learned from.

Just then, Zhang Peipei also brought two bowls of hot bone soup noodles. Seeing Si Moyan wake up, he smiled and said, "eat first, and then have a good rest."

Si Moyan quickly sat upright and said with a smile, "thank you, aunt."

Zhang Peipei told them to eat while it was hot, so they went downstairs to continue their busy work.

This afternoon, Si Moyan came with a beard and black circles under his eyes, but he startled Zhang peipeipei and others and asked him to have a good rest, but he insisted on waiting outside for Gu qiaoyue to come back.

So when I came over in the afternoon, I saw him sleeping on his daughter's leg in the living room, and she didn't say anything.

She can see it now, and hopes that they will go on steadily all the way. As long as they don't do something out of control, others will just turn a blind eye.

Si Moyan is really hungry. He hasn't eaten all day.

I was only tired before. Now I get up after sleeping for a few hours. My fatigue is relieved a little, and my stomach starts to protest immediately.

A bowl of noodles turned upside down in two minutes. I drank all the soup.

Gu qiaoyue only moved a few chopsticks here. When he looked up, he saw that he put down the empty bowl. Suddenly, there was a spasm in the corners of his eyes. He got up and said, "I'm going to bring you a bowl."

But as soon as he finished speaking, he saw that Si Moyan had carried the bowl she had just eaten and ate it.


Aware that Gu qiaoyue looked at himself, Si Moyan looked up and said pitifully, "I'm hungry."

Looking at him like that, Gu qiaoyue's embarrassment and surprise disappeared. He went downstairs and brought two bowls of rice.

When Si Moyan came up, two empty bowls had been put in front of him.

He said, "Qiao Yue, yours is better than mine."

"All the same noodles." Gu qiaoyue said silently and handed him a bowl again.

"I'm not full yet. Here you are."

Gu qiaoyue bowed her head to eat, but Si Moyan looked at her and insisted, "your food is really better than mine, with your fragrance."

Gu qiaoyue didn't understand what he meant. She bowed her head and ate silently without paying attention to him.

Si Moyan didn't speak, so he looked at her. After a while, he bowed his head and began to eat.

Gu qiaoyue looked up at him and felt distressed in her eyes. He was really hungry. She had never seen him eat so much at once before.

The bowls of noodles at home are very big. Zhang Peipei is really full. He usually only has two bowls at most.

He eats very fast, but he is not rude at all. He is silent. He doesn't make a sound when eating noodles, giving people a pleasant feeling.

Aware that Si Moyan looked up, Gu qiaoyue suddenly felt caught. He quickly bowed his head to eat and covered up what he had just peeped at him.

Si Moyan looked up at her, and his lips raised a good-looking smile. The whole person looked soft.

The 16th day of the first month, the beginning of school.

Gu qiaoyue and Gu Qiaowan got up early in the morning.

Gu qiaoyue was still driven by Si Moyan to the school gate. The car stopped. They both sat in the car in silence.

They all know that this difference is a week. They haven't felt anything before, but this time, Gu qiaoyue's heart rose inexplicably, and he didn't move for a long time in the car.

"Here I am."

After a long time, she spoke, but she still didn't move in the car.

Si Moyan turned his head and looked at her. He rubbed her head and smiled softly, "well, I'm not around and pay attention to my body."


Gu qiaoyue nodded. For the first time, he didn't open his hand.

Si Moyan continued, "remember to eat on time."

"OK." josei

"It's cold now. Remember to cover the quilt when you sleep at night."


"You can't eat cold food and cold dishes. Don't come into contact with bad students."


"Especially the boys. Although the boys are shy on the surface, they will have a lot of ideas in their hearts. Especially if you are so good-looking, they will definitely make your idea."


Gu qiaoyue looked up at Si Moyan, pulled again at the corners of her mouth, and finally nodded.

Seeing her nod, Sima Yan's lip angle was more curved, but he said again:

"Remember to call me every day. Your school canteen has installed a telephone. You dial my pager and I'll call you back as soon as possible."


Gu qiaoyue wondered, when did the school canteen install a telephone? Why doesn't she know? I didn't have it when I had a holiday last semester.

"The most important thing is to miss me."

Gu qiaoyue looked at him, suddenly smiled, nodded, and said overbearing, "OK, I'll check my post every day. If something's wrong one day, you'll be fired by me."

"So cruel."

"Why, don't you like it?"

"With pleasure, I wish you could check my post ten times a day. It's best to follow me and supervise me all the time."

Si Moyan said, suddenly attached himself, printed a kiss on her cheek, smiled softly and said, "I'll wait for you to have a holiday."

Gu qiaoyue touched the place he kissed, and nodded sweetly. He was about to get off with his things.

Sima Yan looked at her with a deep feeling in his eyes.

He can still remember that there were several unkind people in the school who really wanted to tie the little girl to themselves.

Just then, the little girl who had got off suddenly turned around, kissed him on the face, quickly carried her backpack, closed the door and ran away.

Si Moyan, who had just flirted with the little girl's achievements, was in a good mood. He watched Gu qiaoyue get out of the car. Suddenly, he was frozen. He didn't come back until the door slammed. He looked at her smiling face and walked away with a brisk step, shaking his head and laughing.

His little girl is always so cute and always fascinates him.

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