Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 363

Chapter 363

Now Du Juan looks like she is in her twenties. She is still a little jumpy. She is not as deep as she was in her previous life, but she shows a sad appearance from time to time.

It can be seen that the things that led to her deep feelings have not yet happened.

When Gu qiaoyue went back, he had been thinking about Du Juan.

The first time I saw Du Juan in my last life was two years later. At that time, Du Juan had lost her current liveliness, and the whole person seemed to have a layer of sadness on the slope.

To be exact, Du Juan she has never seen before.

I remember it was because... I was saved by a rascal on the road... By her fiance at that time

Heroes save the United States, this is a beautiful talk.

However, this is the beginning of a nightmare for Du Juan.

Because her fiance went late, when she went, Du Juan's clothes had been stripped half. Although her virginity was still there, people still attached great importance to women's virginity at this time


Du Juan's fiance withdrew, which was also known by others.

After that, Du Juan has been living in gossip.

In case of such a thing, I'm afraid even the most lively person will change overnight.

Thinking, Gu qiaoyue suddenly stopped.

Du Juan didn't marry Zhang Yang when something like that happened, but later she heard that it seemed to happen this year

That is to say

She just inadvertently saved Du Juan from the tragedy of her previous life.

She was not seen by her fiance. She was molested by a rascal. In this life, Du Juan should not be withdrawn. She must be the lively Du Juan in the future?

Thinking of this, Gu qiaoyue's footsteps became brisk.

But I don't know that the gear of fate has been rolling forward, and what should happen will still happen.

Gu qiaoyue went to Daqing city the next day, followed by Changwu county. When she came back, she heard a gossip in the store.

"You know what? That girl is really pitiful. Tut Tut, she has been seen by those bastards. Alas, she has been retired by her fiance now. I'm afraid it will be......" someone shook her head and said with regret.

Someone answered: "no, that Du Juan is a very good girl. Why did she encounter such a thing? Although those rascals didn't succeed, they happened to be seen by her fiance. Now... That man can tolerate his woman's experience..."

"If I were her fiance, I would definitely withdraw from her."

"That's why it's said that Du Juan is poor. No one knows when she is molested by a rascal. It's known to everyone when she is withdrawn by her fiance."

"Her fiance said in front of so many people that he would withdraw from his marriage. Can it not be known?"


As soon as Gu qiaoyue entered the store, he heard these comments. The whole person suddenly coaxed him in his head. He went up and asked:

"You said Du Juan, but Du Juan in textile alley?"

"Yes, little boss, you know?"

"Poor girl, so many things happened in one day, alas..."


Du Juan as like as two peas in the past.

When I went shopping, I was watched by a rascal and pulled into the alley to be obscene. I was just hit by a passing fiance and saved.

But because her fiance witnessed these things, she withdrew from Du Juan directly.

Although his innocence was saved, he was dismissed and it is difficult to say he was kissed in the future.

Gu qiaoyue doesn't understand. Hasn't she cracked this matter? Why will Du Juan meet again?

Did you expect it wrong?

Gu qiaoyue felt a pang of sadness at the thought of Du Juan, who was silent and had no desire.

No, she has to see what's going on.

Gu qiaoyue went out directly and went to the textile alley.

To Du Juan's house.

"Who are you looking for?" a middle-aged woman asked when she opened the door. Seeing Gu qiaoyue, a charming girl, she asked suspiciously:

"Are you?"

"Aunt, I'm looking for Du Juan. I'm her friend. Is she okay?"

This woman Gu qiaoyue knew. It was Du Juan's mother. Seeing her red eyes, things should not be false. josei

When Du Juan was mentioned, the middle-aged woman's eyes turned red. She looked at Gu qiaoyue for a moment. It seemed that she was wondering when her daughter had this friend. Finally, she turned sideways and opened the door and said:

"It's Du Juan's friend. Come in quickly. Du Juan is in the house. You can persuade her, the child... Alas..."

The middle-aged woman sighed, shook her head and went into the kitchen: "I'll pour you water."

Gu qiaoyue nodded.

Du Juan's home is still in her memory. When she pushed the door in, she saw Du Juan lying in bed with silent tears.

"Sister Du Juan." Gu qiaoyue whispered.

Du Juan turned her head to see Gu qiaoyue. She was slightly surprised when she saw Gu qiaoyue. She sat up and tried to pull out a smile. She asked, "Why are you here, qiaoyue?"

Gu qiaoyue stopped her from doing it, let her lie in bed and said, "sister Du Juan, if you want to cry, cry better."

She won't comfort people, but looking at Du Juan's red and swollen eyes, trying to cry but holding back, her heart is a burst of pain.

"I'm fine." Du Juan shook her head with a smile. "It's just a little sad. It'll be fine in two days."

"You... Will pass."

It was very uncomfortable, but she pretended to be strong. Gu qiaoyue didn't know how to comfort her. She just patted her shoulder gently and didn't speak in silence.

"Qiao Yue, I always think you are very familiar, as if we knew each other in our last life." Du Juan suddenly said.

Gu qiaoyue smiled, nodded and said, "maybe, I also have a feeling of being like old friends at first sight."

Du Juan's mother pushed the door in and handed Gu qiaoyue a glass of water. She looked at Du Juan who was still lying in bed and said to Gu qiaoyue, "thank you so much. If something like this happened, she still came to see her. Can you please talk with her more?"

"Don't worry, sister Du Juan will be fine." Gu qiaoyue said seriously.

"Mom, I'm fine." Du Juan said gently.


Du Juan's mother sighed, turned around, quietly touched her tears, and hurried out.

"What are you doing here? Get out of here. You're not welcome in our family!"

Mother Du, who had just gone out, suddenly snapped, followed by a man's voice.

"Aunt, I just came to see Du Juan. Besides, it's none of my business to withdraw from the marriage. She's seen by a bastard. I can't be a man with a green hat."

"Besides, when I went there, she lost half her clothes. Who knows if anything has happened, or such things have not happened once or twice. My so-called hero saving the United States is just a good thing to disturb her... Du Juan, Du Juan, you come out... Do we let you stand in front of us? What's the matter?"

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