Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 368

Chapter 368

Du Juan's mother looked at Gu qiaoyue with some tangles in her eyes.

To Daqing City

Seriously, she also wants to leave here with her daughter and take her daughter to a strange city to start over.

However, she has a job here and can earn some money anyway. If her daughter doesn't live well in Daqing, she can send part of her salary to her daughter.

But if they follow, they both have no jobs. In a strange city, how long can they live with only a little savings in their pockets?

"I'd better forget it. Du Juan just go to relax." Du Juan's mother thought for a long time and finally refused.

She wants to be the backing of her daughter and let her daughter go to other cities without worries.

Du Juan's mother said so. Gu qiaoyue also thought about why she was unwilling to go. After thinking about it, she said:

"To be honest, Xiangyue snack belongs to my family. We also have branches in Daqing city. In addition to Daqing City, other nearby counties and cities also have branches. If aunt and sister Du Juan are willing, they can work in our store temporarily. If you don't want to work in Daqing City, you can go to other places and don't worry about work."

Gu qiaoyue's words made them happy.

How could they not want to leave here when such a thing happened.

Leaving here, abandoning the sad memories here and starting over elsewhere is their best way out at present.

I was worried that if I didn't have a job in Daqing, I would sit idle and have no way back

But now, Gu qiaoyue helped them solve this worry. They have nothing to hesitate.

The mother and daughter looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Du Juan held Gu qiaoyue's hand and said gratefully, "Qiao Yue, thank you so much. If it weren't for you, I might have been the day before yesterday..."

"Sister Du Juan, you and I are like old friends at first sight. I can't sit back and watch you get hurt. Sister Du Juan, don't be polite to me. If you really want to thank me, go to my store to work and focus on my work to create more income for me."

"Qiao Yue..."

Du Juan holds Gu qiaoyue's hand and her eyes are red. How can she not know? Gu qiaoyue just wants her not to think more.

Yes, if you do more things and put your heart into your work, you won't think much.

Gu qiaoyue looked at Du Juan, held her hand and said seriously, "well, sister Du Juan, now you don't care about anything. The most important thing is that you should adjust your mood to meet the new life. Everything else has passed."

Du Juan nodded heavily, left here, went to a completely strange environment and began a new life

Du Juan's mother also had a happy look on her face: "when shall we go, I'll go and leave."

Gu qiaoyue said with a smile, "if you can handle it as soon as possible, aunt, we can leave tomorrow."

"Ah... Tomorrow is Monday, so it won't be so fast..." although Du Juan's mother wants to leave as soon as possible, she didn't expect Gu qiaoyue to think faster than her.

Leave tomorrow

It will take her at least two or three days to go through all kinds of formalities and instructions.

Du Juan's mother thought about it, looked at Du Juan and said, "why don't you go there tomorrow, Du Juan? Mom will go to you after she has handled everything."

"OK." Du Juan nodded.

After discussing the matter, Gu qiaoyue accompanied Du Juan for a while.

Out of the textile alley, Gu qiaoyue's heart was a little heavy.

I thought that the moment I met Du Juan again, I had helped her escape the fate of her previous life.


The only good thing is that Du Juan doesn't have to bear the stigma of her previous life.

"Forget it, let's go step by step." Gu Qiao murmured. josei

Just then, a voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"Gu qiaoyue!"

Listening to the gnashing of teeth, Gu qiaoyue frowned and rolled her eyes, "it's really haunting!"

Ignore him, raise your feet and leave.

"Gu qiaoyue, stop!"

When Zhang Yang saw Gu qiaoyue, he ignored him at all, and his anger was even greater. After shouting, he ran to Gu qiaoyue and blocked her way.

"Gu qiaoyue, what are you doing here?"

Zhang Yang looked at the girl in front of him fiercely, but his eyes flashed amazing. She looked better than the last time he saw her.

I don't know why, obviously I should hate, but some are just the unspeakable feelings. Looking at her, I feel very comfortable and happy

Hate is not hate, like is not like, very complex, like love and hate intertwined.

This feeling once made Zhang Yang very helpless. At the moment, looking at her, the hatred on her face dissipated slowly, was slowly replaced by happiness, and her tone was softer: "Qiao Yue, did you come to me?"

Looking at his narcissistic appearance, Gu qiaoyue turned her eyes: "looking for you? Hehe, looking at him indifferently, why looking for you? Who do you think you are?"

When this man was just born, she really had a deep hatred in her heart, but after such a long time, those hatred dissipated and all that remained was indifference.

Now Zhang Yang is just an ordinary person who once had a festival for her. If he doesn't come to her for trouble, she won't go to him deliberately.

But if he didn't have eyes to hit him, she wouldn't be soft hearted.

To Gu qiaoyue's mocking eyes, Zhang Yang said anxiously, "Gu qiaoyue, you know I like you, why can't you like me a little."

Gu qiaoyue turned her eyes again, ignored him, raised her feet and left.

For her indifference, Zhang Yang's fists were tightly clenched together and stepped forward to stop her again.

"Gu qiaoyue, why did you do that to me! You know I like you!"

For such a long time, every time he couldn't see her, he always wanted to strangle her.

But every time he saw her, his heart became tangled again, and the impulse to strangle her became the obsession to get her.

At such a moment, only a back was far away, and he could recognize her at a glance.

However, she ignored him as if she hadn't heard him calling her.

Gu qiaoyue stopped, looked at Zhang Yang in front of him, and smiled: "like?"

Gu qiaoyue looked at him indifferently. Nausea spread in her heart. She said coldly, "Zhang Yang, do you think people like you are qualified to say like?"

Zhang Yang's eyes were red when she said a word. When she came up directly, she wanted to catch her and question her.

"I'm not qualified?! why am I unqualified? I knew you first. Even if you want to find someone together, that person should be me“

"Oh, I see! You just look down on me. You just think Mr. Si has money to be with him, don't you? You're a smelly woman who sees money!"

Zhang Yang's eyes were red and roared, but Gu qiaoyue didn't hesitate to meet him.

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