Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 379

Chapter 379

He ronghua's curiosity about a series of questions was undisguised.

Mrs. Si had never seen her in such a hurry before. She immediately laughed with a puff.

"Look at what my sister-in-law said. Can Mo Yan's choice be excellent? I've seen that child. It's really excellent. Not only I praise, but also his third uncle."

"Really, tell me again."

Looking at he ronghua's appearance, Mrs. Si shook her head with a smile and said, "it's no good. Your own daughter-in-law, you'd better understand it slowly by yourself."

He ronghua was ten years older than her. When she was young, he ronghua was already a famous lady in Kyoto and made a marriage with the boss of the Secretary family early. How many girls envied her at that time.

At that time, she was also very envious of the big miss he family, who had a particularly good appearance, temperament and fate. Every time she saw her, she could not help but cast envious eyes.

At that time, he ronghua was already the fiancee of the boss of the family, but she was still so easy-going and treated her as well as her sister.

Later, they became sister-in-law and had a very good relationship.

Others say that the sister-in-law relationship is not good, but they don't say that at all.

When they were in Kyoto, they were often together. Then she followed Si Weihua to Daqing City, and their contact was never broken.

In Mrs. Si's heart, he ronghua has always been calm and moderate, and has never seen her so excited.

So he smiled and said, "don't worry, sister-in-law. I won't introduce the girl. You still have time to go and see for yourself. I want to see. Our Moyan and other girls are made for each other. The girl is smart and loyal. Like you, she has an extraordinary vision in business. She was praised as a flower by his third uncle when she met for the first time."

"So good, then my silly son is blessed." he ronghua smiled and couldn't wait.

"Walk, let's go and have a look. It's quiet and doesn't let people know. It saves people's girls."

Mrs. Si said to her sister-in-law that she was so excited about her future daughter-in-law that she shook her head in silence: josei

"Sister-in-law, you just came here. Don't worry. We'll go this afternoon. I asked. The girl also happened to come today. I'm sure we can see her this afternoon."

The two sisters in law spoke for a while, and he ronghua urged them again. They had to go to Xiangyue snack together.

At the door of Xiangyue snack, Mrs. Si said, "this is the snack bar opened by the girl's house. Business is very good."

"Come on, let's go in and have a look."

When they went in, Mrs. Si asked for a card seat on the second floor, ordered something and asked the waiter:

"Is your little boss there?"

The people of Xiangyue snack call Gu qiaoyue the little boss. Zhang Peipei and he cunfang are a general manager and a landlady.

Speaking of the little boss, we all know it's Gu qiaoyue.

The waiter smiled and said, "our little boss is not in the store at ordinary times. If you have something to do, you can leave a contact information. Our little boss will contact you."

The waiters in the shop are specially trained to answer such questions without leakage, and will not expose the whereabouts of the boss.

He ronghua looked at the waiter and was satisfied. Although she had not operated the catering industry, the waiter had good quality and ability.

Mrs. Si asked again, "is your manager he in? I can find her."

The waiter smiled and said, "I'm really sorry. Neither our little boss nor manager he is here today. You can leave your contact information and they will contact you later."

"Do you know where they have gone?" Mrs. Si asked again.

The waiter shook his head and said, "sorry."

Unable to ask anything, Mrs. Si shrugged helplessly and had to say, "it's all right. Go and be busy."

The waiter left. Mrs. Si looked at he ronghua, shrugged and said, "it seems that you can't see your future daughter-in-law today, sister-in-law."

He ronghua was also disappointed. She was really curious about the woman who could move her son.

However, this disappointment soon dissipated. Anyway, she knew that her future daughter-in-law was the little boss of the store, and she was not afraid of finding no one.

Just when she was looking at the store, she took some examination.

At this glance, I soon found that this store is different from the small store I used to go to. There is a big stomach King activity hanging on a big sign at the door. Those who succeed in the challenge can get a month's free meal voucher.

After the big stomach King activity, there is an upcoming Qingming activity.

It is still more than a month away from the Qingming Festival. It is clearly written in the activity that if you spend more than 5 yuan before the Qingming Festival, you can get a special Qingming fruit for free on the Qingming Festival day.

She also saw that many people would get a small ticket when they paid. It could be seen that they were participating in the Qingming fruit activity.

The consumption atmosphere in the store is something she has never seen in other places. Even in Kyoto, there are various promotional activities, but she has never seen such a consumption atmosphere as Xiangyue snacks.

From the perspective of a businessman, this is a very good marketing method, that is, she doesn't know who came up with these marketing methods.

When the waiter brought the food again, he ronghua asked, "do you often have this activity in your store?"

The waiter smiled and said, "as long as it's a large festival, our store will launch all kinds of activities."

"Who planned these activities?" he ronghua asked with a smile.

These are trade secrets. She just asked casually. She thought the waiter wouldn't say it.

But the waiter said, "at the beginning, our little boss gave us ideas. Later, let us waiters brainstorm and give us ideas together."

The waiter said, pointing to the bottom corner of the activity sign on the table and said:

"You see, there is a name here, which is the creative person of this activity. Sister Ling came up with the activity of Qingming Festival. Their family had a kind of delicious Qingming fruit, so they came up with this idea. Our general manager paid her an extra half month's salary."

The waiter's eyes lit up when he said this.

When she first started working, she thought she would only be a waiter carrying dishes in the store.

But after entering the job, she found that Xiangyue snacks really have unlimited possibilities. Various reward systems encourage them to use their brains, because as long as they do well here, there is still more room for promotion.

The two people who trained with them have been promoted to store manager, which makes them see unlimited possibilities..

Looking at the lifelike look in the waiter's eyes, he ronghua has a more understanding of the small shop and is more curious about her future daughter-in-law.

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