Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

It's hot in summer. Eggs can't last long. Gu qiaoyue keeps four hens at home and saves them for half a month. If he doesn't sell them, they will be bad.

"Go with your sister tomorrow. Mom will bask in the wheat at home."

The wheat at home has been exposed to two suns, and another one will be almost dry and can be put away.

Gu qiaoyue was worried that Zhang Peipei was at home alone. Gu Dayong came back just a few days ago. She couldn't let Zhang Peipei have an accident.

But at this time, food is also a big deal. Zhang Peipei will not go out until the wheat is well dried. Gu qiaoyue has to retreat and take the second place.

"Let's dry the wheat tomorrow and go together the day after tomorrow."

"Well, that's OK."

After negotiation, Zhang Peipei embroidered the insole while it was still bright, and Gu Qiaowan also took the insole and embroidered it.

Gu qiaoyue had embroidered with her before her rebirth, but now Gu qiaoyue hasn't used needles and thread for years. She has forgotten this skill. Looking at them embroidering insoles, she asked, "Mom, we embroidered several pairs."

The insole is thick. Inside is old clothes cloth pasted with pulp. Outside is wrapped with white cloth embroidered flowers and words such as wealth and auspiciousness.

Zhang Peipei said casually, "seven or eight pairs. When your father comes back, take him some pairs."

"Mom, Dad hasn't sent money back for two years." Gu qiaoyue frowned.

Gu Dayong works on the railway. He spends more than 50 yuan a month. In the past, he could send back more than 100 yuan every six months. However, in the last two years, Gu Dayong didn't come back and didn't send back his money. He didn't send anything except a letter in six months.

Zhang Peipei's embroidered hand paused and said nothing.

Gu qiaoyue said, "dad may not come for the new year. Let's take all the shoe cushions to the county and sell them. I heard that the workers in the county's agricultural machinery factory and brick kiln factory are the most waste shoe cushions. A pair can sell for several cents."

Gu qiaoyue doesn't know how much money there is at home, but it must not be much.

In the past, Gu Dayong sent money back. Zhang Peipei always took part of it to honor Mrs. Gu, and part of it was used to study for their sisters. Gu Dayong didn't send money back for two years. Except that he didn't give Mrs. Gu any more money, he didn't save money for school.

"Really, it's just two days to dry the wheat. It's nothing. I can embroider a pair in two days."

Gu Qiaowan was also excited when he heard a pair of hair. "Mom, let's sell it in the county. My sister wants money for high school right away."

Zhang Peipei didn't speak for a long time. Finally, he sighed and said, "OK, half of the embroidery has been finished in these two days. Take it to the county the day after tomorrow to see if it can sell money."

Gu qiaoyue breathed a sigh of relief and knew that there might be no money at home.

As a result, Zhang Peipei and Gu Qiaowan embroidered the shoe pad until midnight that night. When it was dark, they continued to embroider by pulling the lamp.

Gu qiaoyue took a needle and embroidered two stitches. The thimble couldn't be held. The needle was always poked in her hand. The embroidery was not as good as the original. Even Gu Qiaowan couldn't see it. She kept saying that it was to be used to sell money. Let Gu qiaoyue embroider well.

Gu qiaoyueshi doesn't embroider well. He just doesn't embroider. Go out and see what else can change money. Take it to the county to buy it the day after tomorrow. josei

As a result, the 85 year old family is really poor. It's not easy to find something that can change money.

However, Gu qiaoyue is not discouraged. Now the reform and opening up is the time for development. It can be said that there are business opportunities everywhere. If she comes back from rebirth, she can live a better life as long as she catches a bit of them.

Of course, before that, we must first solve the current crisis and not let Zhang Peipei have an accident.

The next day, after drying the wheat and taking advantage of Zhang Peipei's cooking, Gu qiaoyue pulled Gu Qiaowan back, cut a lot of wild vegetables, cleaned them at home, and planned to take them to the county the next day to see if they could sell them for money.

I packed up early in the evening and went to bed.

When they got up in the middle of the night, the mother and daughter locked the door and rushed to the county.

At the moment, there was no car, and the mother and daughter didn't raise cattle. They had to rely on one foot to go to the county. They set out at three o'clock in the middle of the night. It was just dawn in the county.

In 1985, the county was still very backward, but it was much better than the mud Adobe houses in the village. The quadrangles with green bricks and large tiles were left over from the past, and the two-story small buildings with red bricks were just built in recent two years.

Gu qiaoyue took a turn, roughly knew the price of eggs, and picked up a piece of 25kg.

Zhang Peipei said on the side, "the price has risen. It was one kilogram a year ago. Well, let's go to the market and sell it quickly."

In the past two years, more people have done business. They dare to sell their own vegetables, corn, sweet potatoes and eggs, which has formed a market.

A few years ago, when shopping, I had to go to the supply and marketing cooperatives. Even if there were eggs at home, few people dared to sell them. It was speculation and shameless.

However, those who dared to do business in those years have now made a lot of money.

She went into business in the 1980s. In 85 this year, she is catching up with the trend of the times. She must do something when she seizes the opportunity.

With the memory of rebirth, she will never live harder than her previous life.

The market is in the middle of the county's brick kiln factory and agricultural machinery factory. The workers in these two factories are well paid and are more willing to spend money on food and drink than ordinary people.

In the past, there had been several businesses. Zhang Peipei had come to sell eggs several times before, and he was also familiar with this.

Gu qiaoyue didn't care. She said to go around the county. Zhang Peipei didn't say anything. She just told her not to run away and come back later.

Gu Qiaowan also wanted to follow, but Gu qiaoyue was fast and disappeared after turning a corner.

Gu Qiaowan had no choice but to accompany Zhang Peipei.

It's not that Gu qiaoyue doesn't want to take Gu Qiaowan, but that she wants to look for business opportunities. It's better not to let her family know for the time being.

They don't know about Gu Dayong yet. They are afraid that Gu Dayong will come back in two days and be exposed again.

Then things will not go in the unknown direction.

Gu qiaoyue wandered around the County alone. Qingyang County in 1985 was not big. The only thing supporting the economy of Qingyang County was these three factories.

However, Gu qiaoyue knew that in two years, the meat joint factory would close down. Then the agricultural machinery factory was privately acquired. The brick kiln factory supported it for several years and soon couldn't stand the closure.

Since then, although Qingyang County has no support from these three factories, the entertainment industry has sprung up a lot. The canteen has become a large supermarket and the small guest house has become a chain of hotels.

By the nineties, houses were built one after another, and real estate developers began to make a lot of money.

Soon, large supermarkets, high-end entertainment cities, hotels, catering industries and schools rose one by one. Qingyang County developed rapidly and became Qingyang City in a few years.

I remember all this was due to the county magistrate at that time. What's his name?

Gu qiaoyue thought for a long time and didn't remember. He was bumping into an old man in a black tunic suit. He was in a hurry with a blue and white porcelain bottle in his arms. He was bumped by Gu qiaoyue and left in a hurry without saying anything.

Gu qiaoyue's eyes were fixed on the blue and white porcelain bottle, which looked familiar.

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