Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 419

Chapter 419

Gu Pengfei hated it very much. That day, he clearly saw that Li Lingling took more than 1000 yuan to the hospital. The money could have been his. With this money, he could live well here, but now it's gone.

Not only did he lose his money, but he had to stay in this smelly hospital every day to take care of a disabled man.

Originally thought he was coming to enjoy happiness, but in fact he came to suffer. The gap made Gu Pengfei, who was spoiled at home, unbearable.

Every time he sees Gu Wenni's lifeless face, he can't wait to leave.

He didn't leave without anger, but when he got out of the hospital, he didn't even know where to go.

It's strange all around. It's so terrible everywhere. He can eat rougamo every day and sleep at night when he stays here, but if he leaves

Gu Pengfei is still young. He is afraid to leave. What he can do is to look at Gu Wenni fiercely and express his dissatisfaction in bad language.

Li Lingling didn't look at him, but looked at Gu Wenni lying on the hospital bed without saying a word.

Gu Wenni woke up early, but she hasn't said anything since she woke up. Except for eating every day, she is in a daze. The whole person looks like a fool.

Looking at her daughter, Li Lingling felt distressed.

"Winnie, can you talk to your mother? What do you want to eat? My mother goes to buy it for you. My mother is lucky today. The things she brought are sold out soon. You should believe my mother. My mother will make enough money soon to make you better soon."

Her voice was very gentle, and her tone was as soft as Gu Wenni.

Gu Wenni never spoke and was still dull.

Li Lingling talked with her for a while. Gu Wenni never spoke. She was still so wooden, and her expression didn't fluctuate.

Li Lingling sighed deeply again, turned her back, quietly wiped her tears and said, "Pengfei, you take care of your sister here. I'll go back and cook some porridge and send it over."

Gu Wenni is weak and can only eat light food. She cooks it at home every day.

Gu Pengfei doesn't want to stay here, but he knows that his mother won't agree. He can only stay here. He simply ignores her and hums heavily and doesn't turn his head.

Li Lingling didn't have time to answer his embarrassment. She just told her when she left: "take good care of your sister. Don't say those stupid words to stimulate her. Do you hear me?"

Gu Pengfei still didn't speak.

Li Lingling looked at a pair of children. Her heart was sour again. She hurried out, wiped her tears and went back.

The house they lived in was rented by Gu Wenni after she came here. It was very close to her little sisters.

Although Gu Wenni had an accident and didn't say anything when she woke up, Li Lingling learned from her sisters what had happened and why her daughter had been beaten, which would become what she is now.

In fact, frankly speaking, it's called self sin, but it's her daughter. She can't ignore it.

From her childhood sisters, she knew that Gu Wenni had worked in a factory here, but soon after, she got involved with a leader of the company, who was still a married man.

Her existence was soon discovered by the leader's wife. The woman was also a cruel role. She directly found several people to turn her and beat her up again.

But since Gu Wenni's accident, the man hasn't appeared from beginning to end.

Li Lingling's heart is cruel, but in this unfamiliar place, she has no way, and she doesn't dare to compete with the local snakes.

In addition to her daughter, she also has a son. If she annoys those people, the son will have another accident

She didn't dare to think about the consequences. She could only bear it silently and earn money to see a doctor for her daughter every day. josei

When Li Lingling got home, she met her little sister who had just left work.

The little sister's name is Tian Qin. She was her childhood partner. She came here with her husband a few years ago. Gu Wenni came to her at that time. As a result... So many things happened later.

"Lingling, how's Winnie?" Tian Qin asked as soon as she saw Li Lingling.

Li Lingling shook her head wearily: "still like that, never speak."

Tian Qin sighed and advised her again, "you'd better open up. Winnie still has a life anyway. The others... Hey... Lingling, I'll go to see Winnie with you later."


Li Lingling nodded wearily, turned back to the house, cooked porridge, made noodles for tomorrow, hurriedly picked up a bowl of porridge and went to the hospital again.

As soon as I got to the door of the ward, I heard Gu Pengfei's childish curse.

"I've never seen you so shameless. Grandma is right. Losing money is losing money. You've ruined my more than 1000 yuan. I don't care. If you don't lose money in the future, I won't finish with you..."

"Don't pretend to be dead for me, grandma said. You're losing money. Look at you... I knew I would go with Grandma so I wouldn't come here. Mom is really a liar. What a good life is a liar..."

Hearing this, Li Lingling's angry face at the door was livid.

She suddenly pushed the door open, pointed to Gu Pengfei, who was sitting on one side and scolded fiercely, and said:

"Gu Pengfei, get out of here. I don't have a son like you!"

Gu Pengfei was startled by the sudden appearance of Li Lingling. He stepped back for several steps, shrank in the corner and looked at Li Lingling fiercely. He pursed his mouth and didn't speak. After half a ring, he suddenly burst into tears.

He moved out of what he had done at home. The eight year old went to the ground and scolded with his legs:

"Liars, liars, all liars, I want grandma, I want grandma... You are all liars, you pay me back..."

The children's cries were loud and noisy. Everyone in the same ward frowned and looked at them impatiently.

"Please be quiet. All the patients need a rest."

Li Lingling apologized repeatedly, but Gu Pengfei still sat on the ground, kicking her legs and crying, scolding the liar.

Li Lingling angrily dragged him out.

Gu Pengfei struggled, pushed Li Lingling hard and said fiercely, "liar, you are all liars. I want to go home and find grandma!"

Li Lingling had an accident with her daughter since she came here. She didn't have much rest for several days. She leaned on her strength and was pushed by him. She stumbled a few steps and fell to the ground. She fainted when she was angry.

Fortunately, Tian Qin followed. Seeing the situation, he quickly called a doctor.

Gu Pengfei was also stunned. He looked at Li Lingling, bit his lip, turned and ran away.

Tian Qin wants to take care of Li Lingling and Gu Wenni. He doesn't have time to talk to him. He thinks that this is a hospital anyway. He doesn't dare to run far, so he ignores it.

But until Li Lingling woke up in the middle of the night, Gu Pengfei didn't come back.

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