Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 569

Chapter 569

"Yes, I'll give you a bottom line. Miao Xiaoyu is in charge of sales." Gu qiaoyue nodded.

"Miao Xiaoyu has talked to major shopping malls. At present, he has negotiated the supply of 15 shopping malls. They will place orders for goods only when you produce them."


Shi Kaide's eyes widened, some unbelievable.

While he was still worried about sales, Gu qiaoyue had already finished the supply of 15 shopping malls

And still talking?

Shi Kaide no longer worried about whether he could sell, but began to worry about whether his five production lines could keep up with the supply.

"About how much?" Shi Kaide asked after a few seconds.

Gu qiaoyue said with a smile, "I'm not sure yet. Miao Xiaoyu will give you the list a week before you start production."

Shi Kaide nodded.

Gu qiaoyue said again, "observe these twenty people to see if there are anyone suitable for sales. If so, give them to Miao Xiaoyu and let her take them for a while."

Miao Xiaoyu is her favorite assistant. Now when talking about the sales of sausage factory, she will still draw it out in the future.

Shi Kaide nodded quickly, pointed to one of them and said, "his name is Liang longlong. He is very flexible and can learn things quickly. It may be appropriate."

Gu qiaoyue glanced in the direction of his fingers and said, "but the one wearing a black coat who is talking to the technicians from the manufacturer?"

Shi Kaide nodded hurriedly: "it's him. He's the best of these people. He's mainly good at talking. He coaxed the technicians from the manufacturer of the production line and taught him the technical core."

Gu qiaoyue stood and looked at it for a while. She was also very satisfied and said:

"Observe for a few days. If you can, when Miao Xiaoyu comes over for a while, give her the person."

"Let him teach what he has learned, otherwise when he leaves, the rest of the people will not be able to pass the technology."

Shi Kaide said, "I'll talk to him about that."

Gu qiaoyue went around the sausage factory and went to the farm again.

At present, pigs are mainly raised, because the plant is built reasonably, the sewage system is good, there is almost no smell in the plant, and veterinarians will check regularly to prevent diseases.

The most important thing is that there are experts in breeding in the factory. Generally, there will be no problems in this regard.

After a round trip in Changwu County, Gu qiaoyue returned to Ningwu street in the afternoon.

The next day, Gu qiaoyue went to Xiangyue snack again and happened to meet Zhang yunyun.

This time when she saw Gu qiaoyue, Zhang yunyun was no longer proud of her chin. She had just met he cunfang and was officially employed. Now she is an employee of Xiangyue snack.

But before that, we need to train for a week. After a week, we will have an internship in Daqing Xiangyue electronics. If we pass the internship, we will be regular employees.

When she saw Gu qiaoyue, Zhang yunyun blushed and looked at Gu qiaoyue shyly.

Gu qiaoyue was stunned. He didn't know why.

Zhang yunyun came over, looked at Gu qiaoyue shyly, and said with red cheeks:

"Well, little boss, I'm sorry for what happened before. I... I won't think about President Xiao again."

"Oh." Gu qiaoyue nodded.

There's really no need to tell her about it. She can't control what others think or not. As long as Si Moyan doesn't think of others, she has no problem.

It's just that people say so. It's not good if she doesn't respond.

Zhang yunyun didn't care. Gu qiaoyue just said "Oh" and continued:

"Little boss, I will work in Xiangyue snack in the future. Please take care of it."


Gu qiaoyue is another monosyllabic word.

Zhang yunyun continued: "I used to be short-sighted. I always felt that I was very powerful. However, after knowing your deeds, I knew that you were the most powerful."

She said and looked up at Gu qiaoyue firmly:

"Little boss, I've decided to study like you in the future. I don't want to be as powerful as you, but to do my best in my job."

Gu qiaoyue was stunned, but also nodded and encouraged: "well, do well. If you do well, you will be promoted if you have the right opportunity."

Zhang yunyun nodded immediately and looked excited.

When he looked up at Qiao Yue, his eyes were bright, affectionate and shy.

"Well, go to work."

Gu qiaoyue waved her hand and hurried.

Maybe I've seen Zhang yunyun's pride before. Seeing her like this now, Gu qiaoyue always feels something wrong and feels fluffy in her heart.

When Zhang yunyun left, Gu qiaoyue went to find he cunfang and said, "Zhang yunyun doesn't know what's going on. It's only one day, and the change is so great."

In fact, she also vaguely understood the reason for Zhang yunyun's change.

After all, she will work in Xiangyue snack in the future, and she is the little boss of Xiangyue snack. Although she is not a real boss, she also has a certain voice.

She was afraid of herself and would trip her up, so she came in advance to show her loyalty.

She can understand all these, but... She always feels something wrong.

He cunfang said with a smile, "I think Zhang yunyun is very good. She is a quick little girl. She probably knows that she took a detour before. Now she wants to change it."

"You don't have any opinion on others. Since you come, you are our Xiangyue employees."

Gu qiaoyue nodded and said with a smile, "do you think I'm the kind of person who doesn't distinguish between public and private? As long as she does well, I won't care so much."

"I thought you wanted to say that putting her here was better than putting her in Mohs." he cunfang joked.

Zhang yunyun likes Si Moyan. When Gu qiaoyue went to Mo's family, she clashed with Gu qiaoyue and was dismissed.

Zhang yunyun didn't hide it from he cunfang during the interview. She also made it clear that she knew her mistake and would work hard in the future and never move other crooked thoughts.

It is because of her honesty that he cunfang has a good impression of her.

"She really told you."

Gu qiaoyue said in surprise. Unexpectedly, Zhang yunyun told he cunfang everything.

"Yes, listen to be honest."

People are not afraid of doing wrong. It's good to know that they can change their mistakes and be honest enough.

Moreover, to some extent, Zhang yunyun also has her helplessness. Her heart to change urges her to do something.

Gu qiaoyue nodded and gave Zhang yunyun a high look.

Think of Liang Yimeng she said again. I don't know what happened to Liang Yimeng. Since Si Moyan already knows, he shouldn't leave such a dangerous person again. josei

Compared with Liang Yimeng, Zhang yunyun is easy to grasp.

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