Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 592

Chapter 592

"Grandma, the two sides are really different. The building in Shenzhen is higher than ours, and the street is wider than ours. Moreover, there are film crews over there. I went to be an actor and played a little servant girl during the summer vacation." Gu Qiaowan smiled on the side.

She was very satisfied when she thought of the prosperity over there and that she also had business in that prosperous place.

In this way, she can go over next summer vacation and find the director. If she is lucky, she may play some role.

She will be a star in the future. Although she is still in school, she can go out to study more during the summer vacation.

Give full play to all the acting skills she has studied on TV, which is called learning for application.

Wu Honglian looked at Qiao Wan and said with an angry smile:

"I know you play a little servant girl. You don't say much when you come back. By the way, when will the movie you play be released? I'll see it when it is released."

Gu Qiaowan was embarrassed to scratch her head.

"I don't know. I'm just a small group performance. The director doesn't tell me when it will be released."

She paused and said, "but the director is very optimistic about me. I'll go to him next summer vacation. Maybe I can give a female four or five role. By the way, ask when the film will be released this year."

Gu qiaoyue said with a smile, "it's too late to wait until next year. It's taken this summer vacation. If it's fast, it may be broadcast in a few months or during the new year. You don't have to ask the director at that time."

Gu Qiaowan stuck out his tongue and said with a smile, "anyway, I'll go next summer vacation."

"There's nothing that won't let you go," Gu qiaoyue said with a smile.

Gu Qiaowan spat out her tongue at Gu qiaoyue, then went over and took Wu Honglian's arm, laughing:

"Grandma, let's not go now. When the winter vacation comes, let's go there. The winter there is warmer than ours. Let's go and stay for a winter vacation and come back."

Wu Honglian hesitated for a moment and said, "there is little time for winter vacation. We have to show your sister's mother-in-law's family and celebrate the new year when we come back." josei

"Grandma, I mean, let's show my sister my mother-in-law's house. After the first day of the new year, we'll go there together."

Gu Qiaowan said and said, "aunt and uncle are watching the farm over there. They may not be able to come back for the new year. Let's go and spend the new year with them."

Gu qiaoyue thought about it. It's OK to go there for the Chinese New Year. Needless to say, let's play in the past and say:

"Grandma, Qiao Wan is right, but it's a little early to go on the first day of the first day of the ninth day. We finished the fifth day of the fifth day, and then we went to stay until the fifteenth day."

Wu Honglian, Zhang Jingqi and others thought the idea was good, so they decided for the time being.

Gu qiaoyue's leave is too long, and there is less than a month left for the exam.

She plans to spend the rest of her time at school.

The day after Si Moyan left, Gu qiaoyue drove back to Qingyang County and lived in the dormitory.

Gu qiaoyue is a famous person in the school. She left the school for more than a month and came back to class, which attracted great attention.

These teachers also wanted to test whether she had studied hard after asking for leave for so long.

The teachers are all human beings. Almost every teacher has to ask questions in class. Gu qiaoyue has several times, and the content is from easy to difficult.

On the one hand, the purpose is to test whether Gu qiaoyue has studied well after asking for leave for such a long time. On the other hand, it is also to stimulate other students and arouse their competitiveness in the semester.

Tell them that Xueba has worked so hard. What else can you do.

Facts have proved that Gu qiaoyue came to the school before the exam, which is absolutely good for the teachers of No. 1 middle school.

This can be seen from the suddenly rising learning atmosphere in the whole one.

It was time for the final exam in another half a month, but at this time, the senior three had a new teacher.

And I teach math.

Senior three is the most important year of the whole high school. Generally, it is not easy to change teachers at this time, but it is also helpless. The teacher who taught them mathematics suddenly got an emergency and was admitted to the hospital. The school can only transfer new teachers.

The new teacher is very young, at most twenty-four or five years old. His surname is Bai and his name is Bai Ze.

In her self introduction to the first class of class 1, grade 3, she said:

"My surname is Bai and my name is Ze. You can call Miss Bai, the poor Bai and the swamp Ze."

His voice was cold, his voice was gentle, and he looked excellent. He just stood on the podium. All the girls in the whole class were crazy.

At this time, high school students were basically eighteen or nine years old, but their expression of feelings was still very green.

But now, facing the white teacher, the girls in the whole class looked crazy and screamed.

Then, the class is the same:

"Wow, how handsome."

"God, how can there be such a handsome teacher in the world."

"Miss Bai is the most handsome teacher I have ever seen."


Gu qiaoyue was reading the math textbook for the second half of the third semester of senior high school. Hearing this, she was also curious and looked up.

At this look, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

Unexpectedly, the eyebrows are similar to Si Moyan, especially the eyes. They are really very similar.

Gu qiaoyue was stunned at Baize.

At this time, Bai Ze also looked at Gu qiaoyue, with gentle eyes and some doting.

More like, like the eyes of Si Moyan when he looked at her.

Gu qiaoyue was completely stunned. The new math teacher unexpectedly

Looking around at these excited students, Gu qiaoyue shook her head and lowered her head to continue reading the math book in her hand.

Looks like what?

As like as two peas in the world, many people go to it, and it is not like five points.

Seeing Gu qiaoyue lower her head and continue reading, her white eyes moved slightly, and her eyes were a little colder.

The next moment, he smiled gently at his classmates:

"Well, everyone be quiet, otherwise you are so noisy. The school leaders should think that what happened in our classroom should be held accountable to me."

The students who were still discussing stopped talking because of his voice.

The classroom was quiet. The math representative stood up and said, "Miss Bai, we won't let the school leaders hold you accountable."

She blushed and whispered, "you are the most handsome teacher I have ever seen. I hope you will always take our class in the future."

If in the past, such bold words would certainly be laughed at by other students.

But at this moment, no one thought it was wrong.

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