Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 652

Chapter 652

It's noon.

Gu qiaoyue leaned on the bed with her sore waist, muttering and scolding:

"Hooligan, shameless, smelly hooligan, smelly shameless, words don't count. Just a minute, that's a minute, Si Moyan... If I trust you again in the future, I won't be gu!"

Si Moyan smiled, rubbed her waist and said solemnly:

"We Chinese ancient women will be given the husband's surname after they get married."

"You... Die!"

Gu qiaoyue sat up angrily and pointed to Si Moyan.

The quilt slips off, and the fine white nephrite shines brightly.

Si Moyan swallowed his saliva, nodded and said:

"Well, what Qiao Yue says is what he says."

Sima Yan said so, but his eyes didn't leave her for a moment.

I sighed in my heart. It's so beautiful. It's a little more beautiful than usual.

As white as jade, it is suffused with delicate ruddy color, like the good pink warm jade. It is really flawless and makes people's heart beat faster.

"Does it look good?" Gu qiaoyue said with an ugly face.

Si Moyan nodded fiercely, "well, it looks good."

Gu qiaoyue raised her foot and kicked it:

"Get out of here!"

However, the kick out foot was caught by Si Moyan. He said solemnly, "Qiao Yue, don't come again."

"Get out!" Gu qiaoyue was furious.

The other foot was also kicked.

"Push an inch, roll, next time I write my name upside down!" Gu qiaoyue said angrily.

"Ah ~"

But the range of motion is too large, resulting in a burst of pain.

Si Moyan quickly let her go and asked nervously:

"What's the matter? What's wrong?"

Gu qiaoyue glanced at him unhappily.

What's wrong? How dare he ask? What's wrong? He doesn't know?

To Gu qiaoyue's fierce eyes, Si Moyan quickly begged for mercy with a gentle smile:

"I'm wrong. I won't dare again next time. I don't want it. Don't be angry. Be hungry. I'll cook for you. Good boy, don't be angry."

"Get out, get out!"

Gu qiaoyue said angrily, pulled the quilt, wrapped herself tightly, and buried her head.

But there was a luxurious fragrance in the quilt, and the smell of shame reminded her of the absurdity just now.

It's really in bed, on the bench, on the table, on the chair, in front of the dressing table

Gu qiaoyue quickly showed her head again, pointed to Si Moyan and said:

"Go and open the window."

"No, it's cold." Si Moyan refused.

Gu qiaoyue turned her eyes angrily: "whether you go or not, I'll go myself."

How can Si Moyan beat her, and he has just had enough to eat and drink. If he doesn't follow it now, he'll have to turn over the balcony tonight.

And I've turned over the balcony once. If the little girl is alert and locks the balcony door in advance, it's bad.

"Well, well, don't move. Lie down and I'll go."

Si Moyan said helplessly and went to open a crack in the window.

Gu qiaoyue felt more comfortable.

Si Moyan came over and looked at her helplessly and said softly:

"What do you want to eat, I'll do it."

Gu qiaoyue wrapped herself tightly, turned her eyes and said:

"I want to eat blood bird's nest, litchi and strawberries."


Si Mo Yan frowned and looked at her helplessly. His eyes were full of spoiled words: "Qiao Yue."

"What's the matter? You asked me what I wanted to eat, and now I can't do it again?"

Guqiao Yuejiao smiled, obviously proud after the prank.

Si Moyan sighed helplessly, came forward, gently printed a kiss on her forehead and said:

"I'll get the blood bird's nest now, but forget the litchi and strawberry. It's winter now. Where do you want me to get it?"

"I don't care. I just want to eat." Gu qiaoyue said coquettishly.

"Qiao Yue."

Sima Yan looked at her mischief, shook his head funny and whispered in her ear:

"It's OK to eat. Let's come first. Let me think where to get it?"

"You... Hooligan!"

Gu qiaoyue said angrily and said:

"Well, well, just cook a green vegetable porridge."

Sima Yan looked at her, smiled and couldn't help kissing her on the lips. Then he said:

"Well, if you sleep a little longer, there seems to be some trouble at home. I'll cook porridge and wrap some steamed stuffed buns for you."

Sima Yan went out, but soon he came in again.

He took a bowl of wheat milk essence in his hand, handed it to Gu qiaoyue and said:

"It may take a while for the meal to be ready. You can drink some malt milk first and then sleep for a while."

Gu qiaoyue looked at the gentle Si Moyan in front of her, and her heart was that no matter how big her anger was, it dissipated completely.

She took the wheat milk essence in Si Moyan's hand, took a sip, looked at Si Moyan, and suddenly said: josei

"Si Moyan, knowing you is the greatest blessing of my life."

Si Mo Yan smiled, his eyes full of spoiled tenderness and said, "Qiao Yue, knowing you is also the greatest blessing in my life. Can you not shut me out tonight?"


Gu qiaoyue looked at him speechless and didn't speak.

This guy is full of what he thinks.

Seeing that Gu qiaoyue didn't speak, Si Moyan only thought she agreed, smiled, kissed her on her forehead, and went downstairs to be busy.

Gu qiaoyue drank wheat milk essence and lay in bed to rest.

Maybe it was really excessive exercise in the morning. After lying down for a while, I fell asleep.


"Qiao Yue, Qiao Yue, wake up and eat." Si Moyan's voice sounded in his ear.

"Mo Yan, I'm so sleepy and tired. I'll sleep a little longer."

Gu qiaoyue said vaguely. He just felt that he was not strong all over. He seemed to be pressed by something. He was sour and painful. His head was still dizzy. The whole person was uncomfortable. He just wanted to lie in bed and have a good sleep.

Sima Yan looked at Gu qiaoyue, frowned, stretched out his hand and touched her head. His face changed greatly:

"Why is it so hot!"

"What's the matter?" Gu qiaoyue asked vaguely.

Si Moyan looked at her painfully: "it's all right. You have a rest first."

As he spoke, he hurried to make a phone call.

Soon, Zhang Lingyue came with the doctor:

"Brother, how's your sister-in-law?"

Si Moyan had no time to pay attention to him and took the doctor away:

"Come on, show her how she suddenly has a fever."

The doctor hurried to see Qiao Yue, took her temperature and checked her.

Sima Yan watched nervously on the side. His face was tense. The whole person was full of the breath of strangers, which made people feel a palpitation.

Zhang Lingyue is also nervous. She wants to ask Si Moyan what happened and how Gu qiaoyue suddenly fell ill.

But looking at Si Moyan's nervous look, he was silent and didn't ask anything, silently waiting for the doctor's diagnosis.

Sima Yan looked at it and asked nervously:

"How's it going? How's she going?"

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