Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 671

Chapter 671

Gu qiaoyue's topic aroused everyone's interest in the house. Even if you think the house is enough to live, the house and car can always arouse people's longing.

Even little Zhang Shuo came up and asked:

"Sister Qiao Yue, is it a house like your new house?"

Gu qiaoyue took a smoke from the corner of her mouth and knew that he was talking about the villa of Si Moyan in Kyoto. When Si Moyan introduced it, he said it was their new house in the future. It is estimated that little Zhang Shuo will remember it.

However, she also said, "it's much bigger than that."

"Ah, can you live there?"

Little Zhang Shuo said suspiciously and muttered, "your new house is so big that so many people haven't finished living. For example, if it's still big, it must be endless. Isn't it a waste." josei


Gu qiaoyue's eyebrows jumped. As expected, Wu Honglian's next sentence was: "qiaoyue, it's good to have enough room. You'd better keep your money to expand your career."

Zhang Peipei also said, "yes, Qiao Yue, I see that there is still a lot of land in your plant that hasn't been built. Get busy first and don't worry about building a house."


Gu qiaoyue knew they would say so, but she was not in a hurry. She was happy to say it today. She had been planning to build a house, but she didn't plan to build it now.

"Grandma, mom, don't worry. I'm sure I won't build a house without money, but I've sold all the land. When I build it depends on when Uncle Fang is free." Gu qiaoyue smiled.

Wu Honglian: "the land has been rolled down. Where is it?"

Gu qiaoyue said with a smile, "grandma, this is the secret of our company. Are you sure you want to know?"

"Puff ~"

Wu Honglian and others looked at Gu qiaoyue. They couldn't help laughing.

Wu Honglian sat on the mahjong table, falsely lit her and said, "you little girl, you still brush with your grandmother. Don't think I don't understand your grandmother. Did you just say you were building a house for our family? How has it become a company secret again."

Gu qiaoyue said with a smile: "I set up several sites in Daqing city at one time. I also set up several sites in Kyoto last time. There are also some in Shenzhen. They all plan to build houses in the future. Do you think this is a company secret?"

"It's a company secret. You told me."

Wu Honglian said angrily, but her face was dignified. She knew that Gu qiaoyue said it was indeed a secret, but she still couldn't help asking:

"What are you doing with so much land?"

Gu qiaoyue said with a smile, "of course it's building a house."

"Why are you building so many houses?"


Listening to Gu qiaoyue's faint tone, Wu Honglian took a smoke from the corners of her mouth and asked again, "can you finish living with so many land covered with houses?"

Gu qiaoyue said with a smile, "I can sell it if I can't finish living."



Everyone listened to Gu qiaoyue's indifferent tone, like selling cabbage, and was speechless for a while.

He cunfang shook his head and said, "Qiao Yue, who doesn't have a house now? Every family in the countryside builds their own houses. Even if they set up their own houses to work, the company also has a house distribution, that is, 10000 steps back. Those lazy bastards don't want to work and don't have a house to live in. They just want to sell and can't afford to sell. Who do you say you build so many houses for?"

He cunfang's words can be said to have asked everyone's doubts.

Even Fang Jianbo, who specializes in building a house, has always had such doubts.

When Gu qiaoyue said she wanted to set up a construction team, he thought Gu qiaoyue was building factories and office buildings for herself and taking over other projects in the future, but he didn't think she wanted to build a house by herself.

She mentioned it before, but Fang Jianbo didn't care.

Like he cunfang, everyone has a place to live. Who is willing to buy a house?

Even if someone buys it, it's rich, but how many are there now.

Gu qiaoyue said with a smile, "if you don't look at other places, let's look at Shenzhen. Are there more and more factories in the past two years?"

Zhang housheng nodded: "that's right. Many factories have only opened in the last year or two."

Gu qiaoyue nodded with a smile and asked, "are there many people who come here to work?"

Zhang housheng nodded.

"Do these workers earn more here than at home?"

Gu qiaoyue asked. Zhang housheng was silent for a while, but he didn't answer at the first time.

He hasn't worked here in Shenzhen and can't give a specific answer, but according to his idea and according to the wages and prices here, he does earn more here than at home.

Before he answered, Du Juan's mother said, "this is for sure. Take our store for example, the salary is much more than that of the garment factory where I used to work."

Du Juan also said, "yes, there are people who used to work in their hometown in our store. They have worked here for several years. They have also worked in the factory before. They all say that the money here is easy to earn, mainly because it is easy to find a job."

Zhang housheng nodded and said, "it's true. As far as I know, many factories are hiring."

Gu qiaoyue nodded with a smile and said, "that's right. Think about it, there are more and more factories here, which is bound to need more and more workers. These workers find that they earn more than their families. Do they have to work here for a long time? Do they have to buy a house for a long time?"

"That's right, but where can the workers afford a house?" Zhang housheng shook his head and said.

The house that Gu qiaoyue bought in Daqing city is also 20000.

Which ordinary worker can take out so much at once.

Gu qiaoyue shook her head with a smile. This idea is indeed the idea of many people. Therefore, even in this golden age, not everyone can seize the opportunity.

Had it not been for her memory of rebirth, she must have the same idea as them.

But now, everything is different.

With these memories, she is destined to seize opportunities that others can't grasp and walk at the forefront of the times.

Gu qiaoyue said with a smile: "uncle, we don't have to buy it for the workers, as well as the middle and senior leaders of the company. Anyway, according to my estimation, more and more people will need to buy a house in the future."

"You see, more and more factories and more workers need more and more managers. Managers must earn different money from ordinary workers. Ordinary workers can't afford it for a while. Even if they want to buy it, they have to work hard for a few years and save money for a few years, but these managers are different

They have high wages. At the beginning, they lived in the dormitories provided by the company, but over time, they certainly hope to have their own small home here. Our house can be sold to these people in the early stage... "

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