Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 685

Chapter 685

Gu owes him?

Gu qiaoyue picked her eyebrows and looked at Gu Pengfei. It was really Mrs. Gu who taught him bandit thought. Unexpectedly, he hasn't changed for so long.

As soon as Li Lingling heard Gu Pengfei's words, she was worried immediately:

"Qiao Yue, don't listen to the child. He, he's still young and doesn't understand anything. Don't blame him. I'll teach him well in the future."

Gu qiaoyue ignored Li Lingling, smiled faintly, approached, looked at Gu Pengfei and sneered:

"I owe you?"

Gu Pengfei watched as Gu qiaoyue suddenly approached. In his mind, he couldn't help remembering the way she beat people with her head on her shoulders. He subconsciously stepped back two steps, but he still stuck his neck and said:

"You owe me. Grandma said that girls are money losing goods. You are the girl who takes care of the family. You are money losing goods. All the money you earn should be the money of the family."


Gu qiaoyueshi couldn't help laughing. Pointing to Li Lingling and Gu Wenni, she asked:

"What about them?"

"They make money for me and take it for granted!" Gu Pengfei blurted out.

Gu qiaoyue's expression gradually became indifferent. Instead of looking at him again, she looked at Li Lingling, who bowed her head with guilt because of Gu Pengfei's words, and said faintly:

"Are you sure you want to keep such a man?"

Li Lingling looked up at Gu qiaoyue and smiled bitterly: "he is my son."

Gu qiaoyue shook her head and didn't speak again.

Gu Pengfei excitedly pointed to Gu qiaoyue and said:

"What do you mean?!"

Gu qiaoyue didn't bother to pay attention to him. The child was obviously crooked. He was selfish enough to think that everyone should turn around him. Even such a miserable environment didn't correct him. It's still two to say whether the power can correct him.

Afraid that Gu qiaoyue would ignore them because of Gu Pengfei's words, Li Lingling smiled bitterly and hurriedly said:

"I'll take good care of him! I promise he won't give you any trouble."

Gu qiaoyue sneered and didn't speak.

If Li Lingling doesn't pay enough attention, even when she grows up, the child will become a social cancer, harm others, eat their labor success, and naturally enjoy everything about them.

But she didn't bother.

Gu qiaoyue waved her hand and said to Miao Xiaoyu:

"Take them. In the same sentence, I don't raise idle people, and dormitories and meals are only provided to working people. If Gu Pengfei wants to eat and live, he can either work or pay for diplomatic accommodation and meals, which can be deducted from their wages."

Gu qiaoyue said, pointing to Li Lingling and Gu Wenni.

Neither of them had a problem.

"I see, boss."

Miao Xiaoyu nodded and was ready to take people away.

Li Lingling repeatedly bowed her thanks.

As for Gu Pengfei's accommodation and board expenses, she didn't care much. josei

Just give them a place to live so that they can earn their wages. It's no problem for Gu Pengfei to pay for their accommodation at that time. Moreover, if she stabilizes, she should teach her son well.

Miao Xiaoyu left with Li Lingling and others.

When leaving, Gu Wenni took a look at Gu qiaoyue's direction, opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but finally left without saying anything.

Neither Gu qiaoyue nor Si Moyan took Li Lingling's family seriously.

Instead, Li Lingling sat in the car to the farm and kept thinking about Gu qiaoyue's words.

"Are you sure you want to keep such a man?"

In fact, she knew in her heart that Gu Pengfei had been cultivated by Mrs. Gu as selfish and greedy as early as when he was old.

Originally, I wanted to leave Lao Gu's family with my son and raise myself well. I thought I could break it back one day.

But as soon as I came over, there were all kinds of things. First, my daughter almost died and finally settled down, but she walked into another abyss.

For such a long time, their survival has become a problem. Where can they manage their son's affairs.

Moreover, since such a thing happened, she always felt that she was sorry for her children and was particularly lenient to them. She also thought that she was not qualified to discipline them. Even Gu Pengfei scolded her, and she endured it silently.

But now it seems that if it goes on like this, the son will be abandoned sooner or later.

Being lenient with him is what hurts him.

Li Lingling sat in the car and looked at the scene flying by outside the window. She sighed deeply and secretly decided that when it stabilized, she must break her son well and can't let him go on like this.

Miao Xiaoyu came back in the afternoon, because Gu qiaoyue spoke with sun Dadong's husband and wife in advance. Miao Xiaoyu only needs to send people there, and the rest of sun Dadong and Zhang Zhenzhen will be arranged.

On the 14th, Zhang peipeipei and others who went out to play also came back one after another.

On the 16th of the first month, Xiangyue snacks will open, and Gu qiaoyue and others will also start school. On the 14th, they will come back and have a rest day. On the 15th, they will all go back by plane.

This time, Si Moyan returned to Daqing with Gu qiaoyue and others.

Si Moyan came on the fifth day of the lunar new year. During this time, things here have been handled. He is waiting to go to Daqing with Gu qiaoyue on the 15th.

It was the afternoon of the 15th when they arrived in Daqing city. They went straight back to Ningwu street.

The next day was the opening day of school. Gu Qiaowan and others went to bed early and prepared to go to school early tomorrow morning.

When Gu qiaoyue was about to sleep, the door was knocked, and Zhang Peipei's voice sounded at the door:

"Qiao Yue, did you sleep?"

At this time, Zhang Peipei must have something to do with her. Gu qiaoyue got up and opened the door:

"Mom, what's up?"

Zhang Peipei came in, sat down on the sofa and asked, "school will begin tomorrow. Are you ready?"

Gu qiaoyue nodded and looked at Zhang Peipei strangely:

"Mom, are you doing something?"

Gu qiaoyue is relatively independent. Especially after her rebirth, all kinds of things are arranged in order. She also helped her family make a lot of money and set up her own company. Zhang peipeipei knows that her daughter has a bright future. In order not to affect her, she rarely asks about her private affairs.

It's so late today. She will never come here to ask her if she's packed up.

Zhang Peipei looked at Gu qiaoyue and smiled. Knowing that she couldn't hide it from her daughter, she sighed and said:

"Yes, what do you think of me and your uncle Fang?"

Gu qiaoyue raised her eyebrows. Unexpectedly, Zhang Peipei would ask about it. She smiled and said directly:

"Uncle Fang is very nice."

Zhang Peipei looked at Gu qiaoyue and nodded. He didn't say what he wanted to say for a long time. He hesitated for a long time and finally said:

"Your wife and your grandmother mean that let's get things done before you and Moyan get married. Mom is like asking your opinion. What do you think?"

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