Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 703

Chapter 703

The car stopped, and the four cars all braked hard.

No more, no less. I just came down for sixteen and surrounded Gu qiaoyue's car.

White fox stood in front of the car, looked at these people with a sneer, touched a dagger and said directly:

"Let's go together!"

There was no superfluous nonsense. The voice fell. Before those people could speak, a flying knife flew towards one of them.

First call for recognition!

The throwing knife cut the man's neck accurately and sprayed blood.

The man was rushing this way and fell to the ground.

At the same time, the flying knife flew back into the hands of the white fox.

On the bus, the white beaver sitting on the edge of Gu Qiao's moon clapped excitedly and said:


"Sister Yue, did you see it just now? It's sister Bai Hu's throwing knife. Sister Bai Hu is very powerful. Her throwing knife will kill one person when she goes out."

Gu qiaoyue nodded calmly: "it's really good."

Of course she saw it. As soon as the white fox flew out, the man in black who rushed in front fell down.

At this moment, the white fox kept moving and had rushed to those people.

Although there are more than a dozen people on the other side, there is no way to take the white fox.

As the white fox said, the white fox deals with these people, little case!

The white fox was so skillful that it flashed quickly among those people. After a while, more than half of the other party fell to the ground.

The remaining people did not dare to rush forward. They all looked at the white fox with some fear and retreated again and again.

The white fox's lips were filled with a bloodthirsty smile. The dagger in his hand clearly killed several people, but there was no blood at all. It was still shining with silver light.

The white fox approached step by step, and the people retreated step by step until the car behind them blocked their way back.

At that moment, everyone looked at each other, turned around at the same time, got on the bus in a neat and uniform manner, and drove away without any stop.

In situ, there were only white fox and several people lying on the ground who didn't know their life and death.

After solving the problem, the white fox put the dagger away.

Without looking at the people on the ground, he came to Gu qiaoyue and said:

"It's all settled. Where are you going now?"

Gu qiaoyue looked bland and nodded:

"Xiangyue electronics."

As for the people on the ground, none of the three women mentioned it.

And Gu qiaoyue always looked indifferent. She sat in the back seat with her hands folded, and her eyes were full of condensed color.

Who sent the other party? Although she hasn't determined yet, she already knows it in her heart. josei

She now knows the means of white fox.

It seems that as long as the white fox is loyal enough, it is indeed for rare talents.

As for the life and death of those people on the earth?

Gu qiaoyue sneered in her heart. The other party obviously came to kill her. Does she have to show mercy?


The moment they find her, they should be ready.

When Gu qiaoyue is considering the white fox and the white beaver, they are also observing Gu qiaoyue.

Women who know this is the boss's woman, it's their responsibility to protect her safety.

But they were also curious about what kind of woman could enter their boss's heart and let the boss send them to protect her.

And the reason why white fox just went directly to the killer is also a big part of the reason for Gu qiaoyue to see.

She wants to see how this woman is!

Most women are frightened, scream and even faint when they see the murder.

It was the white fox himself. When he saw others kill for the first time, he was scared to turn white and didn't slow down all day.

The reason why we can be so calm as now is that we have experienced it many times.

But Gu qiaoyue looked indifferent from beginning to end, and his face never changed.

At that moment, Bai Hu suddenly felt whether she had seen such a scene long ago, or in her heart

Killing is the most normal thing.

It reminded her of the scene when the white beaver saw the murder for the first time.

At that time, Bai Li made others worry about her with her unique harmless image of people and animals, but she smiled as if nothing had happened, as if it was not a person but a pig

After that, she had never seen anyone who could keep calm when killing for the first time. Even those tough steel men would not be too indifferent but accept it.

Until this time, she saw Gu qiaoyue.

Gu qiaoyue's information was memorized by them from the moment they received the task to protect her.

She never killed anyone, even if it was a fight, it was just a little tough.

But she

At that moment, Bai Hu was not calm and looked up at Gu qiaoyue.

This is a two-way test.

Bai Hu and Bai Li are sent by Si Moyan to protect Gu qiaoyue. Naturally, they will obey orders to protect Gu qiaoyue.

However, there are many kinds of protection.

If Gu qiaoyue is just a little white flower, they will still protect her, but they will not respect her from the heart and regard her as someone to be loyal.

She will only be the person they want to protect and the task they must perform.

But if Gu qiaoyue really has the ability to subdue these two people with her personal charm and courage, these two people are definitely a great help to her.

At least, she doesn't have to worry about kidnapping in the future.

Moreover, their abilities are not only in force, but also absolutely strong in other aspects.

Otherwise, he will not be sent by Si Moyan to Gu qiaoyue.

"Sister Yue, was it exciting just now?"

The white beaver asked excitedly.

Gu qiaoyue turned her head and gave her a faint look, saying:

"Has the disposal of the body been arranged?"

Bai Li wanted to test Gu qiaoyue to see if she was really calm or pretended to be so calm.

But hearing her gentle words, Bai Li knew that she was really so calm and didn't take the matter that they had just killed people to heart.

Bai Li quickly said with a smile:

"Don't worry, sister Yue. Someone will deal with it right away."

Gu qiaoyue nodded and left this paragraph behind. He began to think about the company in his mind.

White fox looked back through the rearview mirror. He couldn't help feeling that he was the boss's woman.

All the way to Xiangyue electronics, Bai Li and Bai Hu followed Gu qiaoyue left and right, firmly protecting her in the middle.

Gu qiaoyue didn't say anything until he saw Jiang Ning.

"Just received the news of your coming and was about to pick you up. You came by yourself. Are they?"

Jiang Ning said, and his eyes fell on the two people behind Gu qiaoyue.

The following conversation involved company secrets. He was considering whether to say it or not.

Gu qiaoyue nodded with a faint smile and said:

"It doesn't matter, my own people, what's the problem with the development of your mobile phone?"

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