Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 741

Chapter 741

Before the plane took off, Si Moyan specially talked to Gu qiaoyue on the phone and learned that Gu qiaoyue had nothing to do there and didn't relax.

I just hope I can hurry to her side, as if only in this way can this heart calm down.

Si Moyan asked Bai Li not to leave. If he came right away, Gu qiaoyue's heart sank.

Hung up and began to wonder what the problem was.

At the beginning, I called Si Moyan because of the uneasiness in my heart, but when I noticed Si Moyan's caution, Gu qiaoyue thought that maybe something really happened.

I just hope they think too much and nothing will happen.

But my heart is still flustered for no reason.

The feeling was like giving her an early warning that something was going to happen to her.

Gu qiaoyue rubbed her eyebrows, and her face was frozen.

"Qiao Yue, the compensation scheme for the death researcher has come out. What do you need to add?"

When Jiang Ning appeared in Gu qiaoyue's office with a document, she saw her tired rubbing her eyebrows and asked with worry:

"Any problems?"

Gu qiaoyue looked up at Jiang Ning, shook her head, smiled faintly and said:

"It's all right. The compensation should be paid according to the rules. It's more generous. After all, it's the backbone talent of our company."

These researchers are all important members of the research room. They lose two at once. Gu qiaoyue is also very unhappy, but what is worse than her will only be those people's families.

She can't do anything, and she can only pay a little more in compensation.

Jiang Ning nodded, but did not leave,

Sat down opposite Gu qiaoyue, looked at her tired look and said with concern:

"Why don't you go and have a rest first? I'll watch the things here."

After all, she is still young and calm in other things, but this time she died. I think she must be very uncomfortable.

Gu qiaoyue shook her head again, but didn't say much.

It's just an unexplained suspicion. What does she say to Jiang Ning?

Jiang Ning looked at her frown and said with some guilt, "I'm sorry."

This sorry made Gu qiaoyue frown slightly and looked up at Jiang Ning. "What did brother Jiang say? There's something wrong with the company. I should have come."

Jiang Ning: "your wedding will be in half a month. I really shouldn't disturb you, but... The research room was burned and someone died... This..."

He has to say this, and Gu qiaoyue has to deal with it.

"Brother Jiang, I know and understand all this. It's wrong if you hide it from me. Don't worry, I'll find out."

Gu qiaoyue said, and the cold color in her eyes flashed.

The research room can't catch fire for no reason. She must find out about it.

Jiang Ning looked at Gu qiaoyue and knew that the matter was not simple, but he couldn't help. This feeling made him uncomfortable, and he was more determined to help her keep the company. josei

"Qiao Yue, I'll handle the company's affairs. If you want to be busy, just be busy. Just pay attention to your body and don't let..."

He lost and said, "don't let Si Moyan worry."

For Jiang Ning's concern, Gu qiaoyue just nodded. She had been waiting for the results of the white fox investigation. At the same time, she was also thinking, if something really happened, who was it?

She can't guarantee whether her hunch is correct or not, and she can't be sure who did it?

Song family?

Or the forces behind the Song family?

Or someone she doesn't even know?

After all, she has been in business for so long that she has offended anyone without knowing it.

One day, the white fox hasn't come back.

Jiang Ning also acted quickly, the compensation that should be given was given, the people in the research room quickly moved to the new research room, and the security was more than doubled after the accident.

Gu qiaoyue's heart has never been put down.

In the evening, before Bai Hu came back, Gu qiaoyue couldn't stay in the office all the time, so he took Bai Li back to his residence first.

When she came to Shenzhen, she usually lived in Xiangyue upstairs, and this time is no exception.

However, as soon as she came out of Xiangyue electronics, a black car followed her.

"Boss, back."

The white beaver looked in the rearview mirror, his face sank, and said to Gu qiaoyue.

Gu qiaoyue nodded: "change the way and find a way to dump it."

Gu qiaoyue said, and her eyes sank. It seems that she can't go back to Xiangyue upstairs today. Otherwise, if something really happens, she will have to implicate the employees who stay.

After thinking about it, he asked, "can the white fox come?"

Bai Li immediately contacted Bai Hu, but no one answered.

Needless to say, Gu qiaoyue's face sank.

That's not a good thing.

There was still a car chasing after him. Gu qiaoyue shrank down in case of guns and ammunition that would suddenly shoot. He wanted a Si Moyan to call, but he thought he must still be on the plane at this time.

Gu qiaoyue's face became more ugly.

Bai Li said again, "boss, three more cars." he was worried.

Then he said, "there are both front and rear, boss, we were attacked."

Now this situation

There was a cold light in Gu qiaoyue's eyes and looked around.

So many people, even the white fox, may not be able to escape.

The white beaver's face was also ugly, thinking about the way to escape. The car ran left and right, trying to break through, but there was no way.

"Boss, contact Zhang Hu and Zhang Lingyue."

Both of them are Si Moyan's people. Now Si Moyan can't get in touch, so I'd better leave them a message.

Needless to say, Gu qiaoyue has dialed Zhang Lingyue, but just then, a car suddenly appears next to Gu qiaoyue's car. The rear window opens, revealing song Yizhou's gentle face:

"Miss Gu, why is it really fate? It's such a coincidence that I met you here."

Gu qiaoyue said 10000 words MMP in her heart. Can this be a coincidence?

It was suspected that song was making trouble before. Sure enough.

He burned his company's research room and killed two people. Now so many people have attacked themselves back and forth, and there is no escape.

Now Temo's appearance tells himself that this is a coincidence?

Gu qiaoyue was angry, put the connected phone on the seat, and said with a calm smile on her face:

"It's really a coincidence. I just don't know what Mr. Song wants to do with such a big battle and so many people around us?"

Song Yizhou smiled and said:

"I have a villa by the sea. It has just been renovated. I want to invite Miss Gu to have a look. I wonder if Miss Gu can appreciate it?"

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