Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 748

Chapter 748

Si Moyan dared to say more, so he quickly said with a smile:

"Yes, very much. I want to plant it on you not only in this life, next life and next life."

"That's about the same. What are you going to eat?"

"You say."

So they didn't go anywhere. They ate a bowl of ramen at the roadside stall.

Ramen master is a young man with great spirit. He wears a white hat similar to that worn by people in Xinjiang. The action of ramen is very dazzling, which makes many people stop and smell the strong smell. Many people sit down and ask for a bowl of noodles.

There are several little girls staring at the Ramen boy.

The young man was not shy either. Bowl after bowl of noodles went down into the pot.

At the end of the booth was a middle-aged couple who laughed at everyone. Business was very good. There were more than a dozen tables in front of the booth, but they were full.

Gu qiaoyue and Si Moyan got off the bus and couldn't find a place for a while. josei

Sima Yan frowned and said, "why don't you go."

Gu qiaoyue nodded and planned to leave. The middle-aged woman said:

"Little girl, there's still room over there."

Gu qiaoyue looked up and walked over with Si Moyan.

At this time, there are so many noodles and enough materials.

Gu qiaoyue bit a small bowl and didn't finish it.

Si Moyan took a look, directly took Gu qiaoyue's bowl and pulled the remaining noodles into his bowl.

"Now this man is really hypocritical. He can't eat a bowl of noodles. What can he pack?"

This obviously said himself. Gu qiaoyue frowned and looked at it.

But at this glance, the girl was even more angry than her and said, "look, it's you. It's hypocritical. It's like you have a boyfriend."

The girl said, glancing away at Si Mo Yan, and a flash of anger flashed in her eyes.

Look at the man sitting opposite her. The girl snorted coldly and said:

"You're handsome and amazing. You can't come to the roadside stall."

Gu Qiao, who was lying innocent, frowned.

Sima Yan also stopped eating, frowned and looked at him. He was about to speak, but Gu qiaoyue stepped ahead of her and said:

"Forget it, don't worry about children."

Si Moyan raised his eyebrows and looked at Qiao Yue. Seeing that she really didn't look angry, he didn't say anything more. He continued to bow his head and eat noodles.

The girl on the side who Gu qiaoyue said was a child quit. As soon as she patted the table, she stood up, pointed to Gu qiaoyue and said:

"Who's a child? Who do you say is a child?"


Gu qiaoyue frowned. She just didn't want to see her.

Although she doesn't look big now, her psychological age is dozens of years old. Generally, she doesn't touch her interests. She really doesn't bother to care.

But she didn't care, but the other party quit.

Gu qiaoyue frowned and said, "girl, it's your fault to take the initiative to pick things. Others are not made of mud. Pay attention to it at that time."

As she spoke, she looked at the boy who stood up with the girl and smiled awkwardly

"She's your girlfriend. She's in a bad mood. Let's make a good noise."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, she's angry with me at the moment. It's all my fault. Well, you're mine. I'm really sorry." the boy apologized again and again.

The girl was even more angry and kicked away the stool on the side and said:

"Why? He Chen, you can't even buy a necklace for me. You're a big spender here? You really want money. Do you want to eat a roadside stall here?"

The boy smiled awkwardly at Gu qiaoyue and Si Moyan, and hurriedly went to play the female voice:

"Sweet, this noodle tastes good. How good the business is..."

"No matter how good the taste is, it's also a roadside stall. It's really disgusting. You eat it, I won't eat it!"

The girl said, glared at Gu qiaoyue, raised her feet and left.

The boy smiled awkwardly at Gu qiaoyue and Si Moyan, and quickly took out five yuan and put it on the table:

"Sorry, this is the meal money. I have to go after her."

With that, Gu qiaoyue hurried to catch up without waiting for Gu qiaoyue to talk to Si Moyan.



Gu qiaoyue and Si Moyan looked at each other speechless and looked at the five yuan on the table.

"This is the compensation for the innocent lying gun?" Gu qiaoyue said depressed.

Si Moyan finished his last mouthful of noodles and looked at Gu qiaoyue and said, "fortunately, you are going to marry."

Well, what's the feeling?

After the two had dinner, the boy didn't use up the five yuan for the meal. In summer, when it was hot, there was someone selling ice cream popsicles. Gu qiaoyue went to buy two ice cream and handed one to Si Moyan.

The two men walked to the car while eating.

When I got to the car, I stood by the roadside eating before I finished eating.

At this time, the female voice suddenly appeared in front of them, looked at them standing on the roadside eating ice cream, frowned and said:

"The poor deserve to eat this by the side of the road."

Gu qiaoyue's action of eating ice cream is stiff. Who did she provoke today?

Why bother her.

Just about to speak, the girl stretched out her hand to Gu qiaoyue: "bring it."

Gu qiaoyue was stunned: "what?"

"Money, you eat noodles by yourself. Why should we pay for it and give it back to me?" the female physiology should say.

Gu qiaoyue has black lines all over her head. It's really MMP.

Too lazy to argue with her, he took out the money and handed it to her. Just as the ice cream was finished, he took Si Moyan and left.

She didn't read the Yellow calendar when she went out today. She must be a villain and shouldn't go out today.

The girl got the money and looked at Gu qiaoyue's direction and said coldly, "poor man, you know!"

But as soon as her voice fell, she suddenly saw the two men walking towards the only car parked on the roadside.

The man first opened the door for the woman, let the woman sit on it, and fastened his seat belt. Then he went to the driver's seat.

The girl was stunned to see the car go away.

When she saw such a car on the roadside just now, she didn't intend to leave. She wanted to see the owner and find a way to see if she could catch up.

She lost her temper with her boyfriend and left. It was just a fake move. She didn't leave at all. She came out and waited here after her boyfriend left.

As a result, I saw the two people standing on the roadside eating ice cream, thinking that their boyfriend gave them five yuan just now. No, I came directly to ask for it. Where did I think

The girl looked at the five yuan in her hand and the car that was going away. She was so angry that she was about to cry.

Gu qiaoyue sat in the car with a depressed face.

What's all this called? She seems to lack the five yuan.

"If you're really angry, let's go back and vent?"

Si Moyan looked at her angry appearance and said with a smile.

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