Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 760

Chapter 760

Hearing the cry from behind, Gu qiaoyue stared at Si Moyan and lowered her voice: "it's all you. Make you cry."

Si Moyan: "I cooperate with you."

Obviously, I don't want to admit it.

Gu qiaoyue stuck out her tongue, looked back and said, "if you don't go and have a look, people are waiting to throw themselves into their arms."

If she hadn't carried two luggage bags in her hand, Si Moyan would have knocked on the wall. It's really that she looks so cute on vinegar.

However, his desire for survival was still strong. Knowing that she was jealous, it was impossible to die at this time. He smiled gently and said:

"You are naughty. I'll clean you up when I go back."

Gu qiaoyue stared at him and stopped joking.

Those two women, who dare to covet her man and make her cry, are cheap. How can they care if they make people cry.

She's just joking with Si Moyan.

At present, many boys help girls with their luggage and shuttle between the corridors.

Although Si Moyan's arrival is not abrupt, it is definitely the one that attracts people's attention. However, all the people living in this building are freshmen, and their faces are still very thin. That is, they look at it from a distance and leave with a red face.

All the way, Si Moyan's face was black and couldn't be any darker.

"I'd better leave it to Bai Li to send you to school in the future."

Gu qiaoyue rolled her eyes: "I didn't let you come."

Obviously, he came to swear sovereignty and had to send himself to school.

The two talked and went all the way to the dormitory.

Gu qiaoyue opened the door and saw that there were already three girls in the dormitory. When they heard the sound of pushing the door, they all looked at Gu qiaoyue standing at the door.

Gu qiaoyue smiled at them, took the salute from Si Moyan, turned back and said to him:

"Go back first. Don't worry about me."

"OK, call back later."

Si Moyan didn't mean to go in either. He nodded, made a phone gesture and left.

As soon as Si Moyan left, the eyes of the people in the dormitory came back and looked at Gu qiaoyue with some hospitality.

One of them came up, received Gu qiaoyue's salute and said enthusiastically:

"Are you Gu qiaoyue? I'm Tong Xinyu. Was that your brother just now? He's so handsome."

Gu qiaoyue took a smoke from the corner of her mouth. She didn't catch a cold for such self familiar behavior, but said faintly: "no, that's my husband."

Her husband stunned all three people in the dormitory, but no one believed her.

Gu qiaoyue looked around 20 years old. She was about their age. How could she have a husband? josei

Although you can get a certificate at the age of 20, who college students will get married so early? Which one didn't wait until graduation, or was found in school.

Someone smiled and said, "you are really kidding. I'm Zhu Lanlan, right under you."

Gu qiaoyue looked at the name pasted on her bed, smiled shyly and said, "she is really my husband."

No one in the dormitory believed her. She just thought she thought her brother was too good-looking, so she deliberately said so to stop them from thinking too much.

Seeing that no one believed in the dormitory, Gu qiaoyue didn't say much. He threw the salute up and took out the quilt to make the bed.

The Tong Xinyu and Zhu Lanlan were quick eyed and came to help.

While helping, he smiled and talked to Gu qiaoyue.

Gu qiaoyue didn't do much here. Her bed was made up by the two people.

Looking at their courteous appearance, Gu qiaoyue took a smoke from the corners of her mouth, feeling a little inexplicable in her heart.

But they were warm, and she was not so cold. With a cold face, she took out the dried meat from her bag and gave it to them: "I brought it from home. Try it."

Dried meat is made by Wu Honglian.

I heard that the school must live on campus, and the food is not good. It doesn't mean that you can eat well if you have money. I'm afraid she can't eat well, so I prepared a lot of dried meat and chili sauce for her.

Bring her dried meat as a snack. Eat with chili sauce. Even if the food in the canteen is bad, you are not afraid of eating with chili sauce.

Gu qiaoyue didn't plan to live in the school, and it was military training at the beginning of school. He wanted to go to the military camp. He couldn't bring these things in, so he put them in his villa and brought these dried meat when he came to school.

Gu qiaoyue divided the dried meat. They were not polite. They both caught one.

Gu qiaoyue moved the dried meat bag to the only girl who hadn't spoken to her since she came in and didn't come forward to help: "try it, too."

The girl looked at Gu qiaoyue in surprise, as if she didn't expect Gu qiaoyue to talk to her, but she was still a little shy, pinched two jerkies and smiled at Gu qiaoyue:

"My name is Yu Wenwen."

"Gu qiaoyue." Gu qiaoyue introduced herself with a smile.

"I know." Yu Wenwen whispered. He looked at Tong Xinyu and Zhu Lanlan and wanted to say something. He looked like he wanted to stop talking.

Gu qiaoyue just didn't see it.

But unexpectedly, Yu Wenwen wrote a note and handed it to her while no one paid attention.

Gu qiaoyue looked at her in surprise. Seeing her red face and looking at her quietly, she lowered her head to read, put the note away, looked at it quietly, but the corners of her mouth smoked.

I know that's your boyfriend.

These words confused Gu qiaoyue. What does that mean?

Is this telling herself she believes what she says?

But it's nothing. There's no need to pass a note.

Just thinking, she handed herself another note, which read:

They have a crush on your boyfriend. Be careful.

Gu qiaoyue took another puff at the corner of her mouth. This girl, should she be shy, delicate or two.


As if afraid Gu qiaoyue didn't believe it, she bowed her head and began to write a note:

I saw them staring at your boyfriend.

Gu qiaoyue looked at Yu Wenwen for a while, then nodded and said she knew.

Over there, Tong Xinyu and Zhu Lanlan ate the dried meat brought by Gu qiaoyue, and then turned the topic to Si Moyan.

While eating dried meat, Tong Xinyu leaned over and said:

"Qiao Yue, where are you from? Is your brother here to see you off?"

Gu qiaoyue was speechless. She said it was her husband. Why didn't anyone believe it?

"Yes, your brother is really handsome. Is he from our school?" Zhu Lanlan also said.


Gu qiaoyue looked at them and said seriously:

"That's really my husband."

The two of them "cut" and said, "you know, that's your husband. Aren't you afraid that others will rob your brother? What are you doing in such a hurry?"

"Yes, we'll be a dormitory in the future. It's better to be cheaper for outsiders than for us."

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