Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 799

Chapter 799

Along the way, Yu Wenwen told her about teachers in various disciplines and what kind of person counselors are. They look very enthusiastic.

There are a lot of people in the professional class. Gu qiaoyue came over at the beginning of the class. Many people have sat in the classroom and are talking in twos and threes.

Gu qiaoyue didn't arouse too many ideas when they came in.

Zhu Lanlan, who came earlier, saw the three people and snorted coldly at them. She didn't know what she said to the girl sitting with her. The girl looked up at Gu qiaoyue fiercely, and her eyes were full of surprise and anger.

Their eyes were too obvious. Gu qiaoyue couldn't pay attention.

Looking along the line of sight, I saw Zhu Lanlan and Tong Xinyu looking at her with hate.

Gu qiaoyue was stunned. Zhu Lanlan had just met her. Naturally, she knew, but who was the girl? Why do you look at her like you're going to eat her?

It looks familiar, but I can't remember where I met.

Gu qiaoyue also paid lazy attention to it and sat down with Yu Wenwen in an empty seat on one side.

Zhu Lanlan and Tong Xinyu watched Gu qiaoyue sit down. They took back their eyes and whispered.

"Why did she come? Didn't she drop out?" Tong Xinyu asked with an ugly face.

Gu qiaoyue hasn't been to school before. Tong Xinyu and Zhu Lanlan didn't tell people that Gu qiaoyue was dropped out of school. Many people who have forgotten Gu qiaoyue still remember her with all kinds of sarcastic words.

However, no one paid attention to them.

They don't know whether Gu qiaoyue and Bai Li have been dropped out of school, but most of them still remember the wonderful performance of Gu qiaoyue and Bai Li in military training.

Many boys and girls worship them.

No, I didn't look at the door. I didn't know that Gu qiaoyue and Bai Li came. Because Tong Xinyu and Zhu Lanlan were looking straight at each other, they also noticed them. For a moment, the classroom talked about them.

"She's here, and Gu qiaoyue is here?"

"She didn't drop out?"

"I know her. She's great. She's shot ten rings in military training. Our whole big ten rings are the two of them."


Some people are talking, and others are going to come to talk to Gu qiaoyue and Bai Li.

But before they move, the professional teacher has come to the classroom. It's time for class.

The teachers of professional courses are very strict. They call the roll in class. When they see someone deserting, they will call the roll and criticize. The degree of strictness is not much different from that in high school.

So in his class, few people will be absent from work, and few people will wander around. They all behave well.

The professional teacher's surname is Ouyang, and the students call her teacher Ouyang.

When Mr. Ouyang arrived at the classroom, he looked around for a week. Seeing that the seats were basically full, he nodded with satisfaction, took the roster and began to roll call.

Her class roll call is different from other teachers. Other teachers read their names once, and someone should come.

But she has to ask the students to stand up and answer. It's basically impossible to answer for others in her class.

Before, there were students who didn't want to come to class because they were uncomfortable during their holidays. They asked their roommates to help answer. As a result, they were caught on the spot and both were warned.

After that, as long as it was her class, such a thing never happened again.

Roll call one by one, and then look at it one by one.

After the roll call, Mr. Ouyang closed the roster and said:

"Well, start the class."

However, her voice fell. Before opening the book, there was an untimely voice below:

"Teacher, did you miss the roll call? There are still two people who didn't call the roll."

This is Tong Xinyu's voice.

She said, glancing at Gu qiaoyue and Bai Li, her eyes full of pride.

Then, listening to Zhu Lanlan beside her, she said, "how could the teacher forget to call the roll? The roster in the teacher's hand may not have them at all. I'm afraid they came to rub the class."

"Oh, isn't it from our class?"

As soon as they sing and make peace, it is clear that they are confirming what they said before. Gu qiaoyue has been dropped out of school.

Otherwise, if they were really their students, how could they not have their names on the roster?

This class is a small class. Only their classmates and teachers will never get the wrong roster.

Think again, it seems that when all teachers call the roll, they never call the names of Gu qiaoyue and Bai Li.

What does that mean?

It means that they are not students in their class for a long time.

It means that the two of them may have dropped out of school long ago, and now they have the cheek to come to class.

Many people looked at Tong Xinyu and Zhu Lanlan with anger.

Someone immediately said:

"People can't come to class yet? The university is not a high school. There are people who listen in. People can't listen in? It's really wide."

"We didn't say we wouldn't let others come to class. Isn't this just for fear that the teacher would forget their names?" Tong Xinyu said with a smile, but his heart was full of anger.

Why, these two people don't come to class for most of the semester, and there are people talking for them in the class.

Just shooting, okay?

What's the big deal.

Zhu Lanlan also said, "teacher, we don't mean anything else. We're afraid that we'll really forget the names of the two students. After all, the two students haven't come to school for most of the semester. It's also possible for the teacher to forget the roll call."

"By the way, the teacher seems to criticize those who don't come to school here. They haven't come for such a long time. How should they deal with it? They should fail."

This is to take care of Qiao Yue and Bai Li. They are too calm. They are afraid that they are really asking for leave. Remind the teacher and the students in the class in advance. If teacher Ouyang doesn't come to the professional class, he will be suspended if the class hours are not enough.

At that time, even if they both ask for leave, their majors can be suspended, and they will have to learn again, or even can't graduate.

On this thought, Zhu Lanlan was even more proud. josei

But her words reminded teacher Ouyang. She looked at Gu qiaoyue and Bai Li, and looked at the name crossed out by her on the roster.

Isn't this the special student the headmaster said?

What did the headmaster say at that time? He said that the two students could not come to class. Not only could they not come to class, but the teacher also cooperated with them to make up classes if they needed.

As for hanging up, it's even worse.

She looked at Zhu Lanlan and Tong Xinyu. She didn't know their thoughts. It was clear that she wanted to use her hand to trip the two students.

At this thought, she looked a little bad.

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