Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 850

Chapter 850

Now, as long as these people know their relationship, but it's impossible to hide it when they go back. The whole family must know. josei

This is a good thing, but it is inevitable to be nervous before the unknown.

Moreover, both of them are old. Suddenly, there is a son in his seventies (a father in his nineties). Even if the family can accept it, they will be surprised.

They have to deal with this surprise.

The two old men have been silent since they got on the plane.

When they were almost over Daqing City, Zhang Tianhe suddenly said:

"Or, or not first?"

Zhang Jingqi shook his head fiercely:


These days, Zhang Jingqi can understand Zhang Tianhe's heart more and more, and he loves him more and more.

Moreover, in this world, he has no other elders except this one, so he cherishes him more and more.

I don't want him to be wronged.

He knew his longing for family affection, so he wouldn't say it.

"Dad, don't worry. Honglian is a good girl. The children at home are also good. They can understand you."

But he said in his heart, even if he didn't understand, he had to hold it. His own father, what kind of them, whether they understand or not.

With such overbearing thinking, those nervous feelings seem to be much better.

Zhang Tianhe's heart calmed down because of Zhang Jingqi's comfort.

Zhang Tianhe is a generation of great masters with high moral integrity. He won't be nervous even in the face of those high-ranking leaders, but now, when facing his relatives, he is rarely nervous.

He was able to calculate, but what happened to him could not be calculated at all, and he did not dare to calculate.

Gu qiaoyue looked back at the two old people, said nothing, and smiled at Si Moyan.

The plane landed at Daqing airport.

Zhang housheng and others have been waiting at the airport for a long time.

Seeing Gu qiaoyue and others coming out, he quickly welcomed them.

Seeing Zhang Tianhe and Zhang Jingqi, before they could speak, they said:

"Grandpa, Dad, it's been hard all the way."


Except Gu qiaoyue and Si Moyan, the two old people were stunned.

What's going on?

They haven't said anything yet. Why are they grandpa?

Then he looked at Gu qiaoyue and Si Moyan, who were not surprised at all.

Gu qiaoyue said with a smile, "don't look at me. Grandma is too worried about you, forcing me to say."

What Gu qiaoyue said is really true.

Zhang Jingqi called Wu Honglian at almost 10 o'clock that day and kept on recalling the past, but Wu Honglian was very frightened.

I hung up that night and called Gu qiaoyue the next day to ask what was going on.

Gu qiaoyue simply said everything.

After all, Wu Honglian is not her biological father. Naturally, Wu Honglian can't feel like Zhang Jingqi, and she won't have too many complaints in her heart. When she knew that Zhang Jingqi had accepted it, she accepted it.

Moreover, this father-in-law is no one else, just Zhang Tianhe, who has a good relationship with their family, so there is no reason not to accept it.

So Zhang Tianhe and Zhang Jingqi, who were still nervous and didn't know how to tell their family the news, didn't have to tell them at all.

Zhang Tianhe, in particular, was so unprepared to recognize his grandson.

Zhang housheng also quickly smiled and said, "Grandpa, Dad, don't blame Qiao Yue. We really forced him to say it, but you are also true. It's a great good thing. You've been hiding it all the time."

Zhang housheng was happy from the bottom of his heart, and then said, "elder sister was going back to Shenzhen. When she heard the news, she pushed the ticket again and waited at home."

"If it weren't for thinking about Qiao Yue's business in Sichuan Province, I would have called to urge you to come back."

"Now that we all know each other, we must have a reunion dinner together. Today's 14th and tomorrow's 15th are just the time for reunion."

"Let's go. Go back quickly. We're in a hurry."

Zhang housheng, a big man who didn't talk much, now holds Zhang Tianhe and Zhang Jingqi from left to right, talking happily incoherently.

Then he said, "I used to think that our family was destined to Grandpa. I also thought that grandpa and my father were somewhat similar, but I didn't think much. If I knew this was the case, I would have said it early and asked Mo Yan to find someone to test the DNA, so that we would have been reunited long ago."

"But it's not too late. It's a reunion."

Zhang Tianhe and Zhang Jingqi are not nervous at the moment. They are all smiling and nodding.

Zhang Jingqi also laughed and scolded him:

"I say you're not as good as Qiao Yue. You see, Qiao Yue won't hide and tuck in. People think it's like saying. They don't say it if they feel like you. It's a waste of time for me and your grandfather."

Most importantly, it's shameless to call your father old boy.

If I had known, these things would not have happened.

So, it's the boy's fault!

On this thought, Zhang Jingqi gave him a hard stare. It was not enough. He raised his foot and kicked him.

Zhang housheng never thought that when he walked well, his father not only scolded him, but also kicked him in front of his nephew and son-in-law.

This is not a solid hit.

The old man loves his grandson. It may really be engraved in his bones.

Even if this is not a little grandson, but a big grandson with sons, it really hurts.

Seeing Zhang Jingqi's strong kick, Zhang Tianhe hurriedly said:

"Well, well, where will it be wasted? Besides, there are many people who look like in the world. Where can we think of supporting life?"

Zhang housheng immediately agreed:

"Yes, yes, that's such a reason. Besides, grandpa is a big man, a master of metaphysics, but he is regarded as a guest of honor by those dignitaries in Kyoto. Even if he looks like him, I don't dare to think about that."

Zhang housheng is really telling the truth.

But the truth hurts.

No, Zhang Jingqi's face turned black when he heard this, and he raised his foot and kicked it again:

"What are you talking about? Do you think your father has no ability to climb such a father?!"

This is a great injustice. Zhang housheng, with a bitter face, said repeatedly, "no, what's wrong?"

He hurried to make Gu qiaoyue and Si Moyan look pale, hoping that they could speak for themselves.

He didn't know what was going on today. He said everything was wrong.

Gu qiaoyue and Si Moyan followed him without talking. Looking at Zhang housheng's pathetic appearance, they hurried up and said:

"Grandpa, so many people are watching. My uncle is a celebrity now. If you kick it like this, it may be in the newspaper tomorrow."

"Hum, he's still a celebrity?"

That's what I said, but I didn't kick it again.

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