Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 896

Chapter 896

This is the first time Zhang housheng has done such a thing, and it is still a behemoth like the Song family.

Although the behemoth had a tendency to fall, he was still nervous.

"Qiao Yue, is something really wrong with the Song family? Will the news be wrong?" Zhang housheng said nervously.

Gu qiaoyue knew that he had done it for the first time. Although his wrist had been exercised for so long, it was still worse.

She said with a smile: "uncle, it's true. I've said hello to Mo Yan. If you have any problems, please find him. He will help you finish it together."

After a pause, he said: "uncle, you should know the gratitude and resentment between song and me. Song Yu is still in prison because I went abroad. The Song family's hatred for me can't be put down so easily. Song Yizhou is song Langshan's son. Originally, song will not be a family..."

Zhang housheng knows all this, but has the Song family really fallen down?

Why does he still feel a little unbelievable.

Gu qiaoyue paused and said again:

"When the enemy is strong and I am weak, if we want not to be eaten, we have no other way but to make ourselves strong, uncle. This is an opportunity for us and we must seize it."

Zhang housheng on the phone nodded heavily:

"Qiao Yue, don't worry. If I don't understand, I'll ask Mo Yan. I'll assign all song's shares in the electrical industry to our name."

"Well, I believe you, uncle." Gu qiaoyue nodded with a smile.

In fact, there was Si Moyan staring behind. Gu qiaoyue was not worried that this thing would not succeed.

In other words, I want to stimulate Zhang housheng, let him know how important this thing is, cheer up to do it, and work harder to strengthen himself.

"By the way, Qiao Yue, you should have a summer vacation soon. When is the exam? Review well. I will deal with the company's affairs. If my uncle doesn't do well this time, my uncle will resign and go back home to see his children."

"Poof ~"

Gu qiaoyue burst into laughter and said with a smile, "isn't that uncle going to eat the soft rice of the box? Now the box's career is no worse than your uncle."

Zhang housheng's face on the other end of the phone suddenly turned red and said angrily:

"I know I'm kidding your uncle. Don't worry, I won't resign and go back." josei

Think about my wife's career now

Zhang housheng is full of energy.

There's no way. His wife is too excellent. If he doesn't do well, he can be easily compared.

Now he cunfang has nothing to do, so he goes out to investigate and open new snack bars. One branch after another.

When she called last time, she said proudly that the number of branches of Xiangyue snack will soon exceed 80. We should strive to open 100 branches by the end of next year and the year 1990.

Think about his wife's heroic words, and look at the electrical appliance company that Joe invested a lot of money to open this month

His pressure is not great.

After hanging up the phone, Gu qiaoyue thought about it. She thought there was nothing missing, so she went back to the dormitory and was ready to continue reading.

The wind and clouds are surging outside. Gu qiaoyue is motionless on the campus of the University. She is only studying silently to meet the next exam.

She asked for leave for too long. Although many of them have studied by themselves, there are still many omissions that need to take time to learn.

It was more than ten days of review, and finally ushered in the examination in the last semester of freshman year.

During this time, she still talked on the phone with Si Moyan every night, but she never went back to live, even if she was not far away.

First, Si Moyan is really busy with song's affairs during this period.

Second, the two of them together will inevitably affect Gu qiaoyue's study, which they both know.

For example, at school, Gu qiaoyue can learn at 11 p.m., then turn off the lights and rest, and get up at 6 o'clock the next morning to continue his study.

But if you are at home, you can rest at ten at most. When you wake up the next day, it's almost three poles a day.

Moreover, if she goes back, they really want to stay at home every day and delay work and study. It's better to separate temporarily.

It's almost a week after the holiday after all the subjects have been tested.

Gu qiaoyue was away from school almost half the time, so that teachers and students paid close attention to her grades and wanted to see how well she could be tested as a recognized learning God.

Some people even vaguely expect her to fail the exam.

Everyone is a student. Why can she ask for leave when she asks for leave? It's such a long time to ask for leave. She won't fail if her major doesn't come?

I didn't accept it. I hope she failed the exam and fell from the altar.

I hope to see her suffer from failing the exam and even cry.

This is almost a dark place in people's hearts, which belongs to the root of evil.

But to their disappointment, every time Gu qiaoyue finished the exam, they saw her indifferent and cold appearance.

Her face is always with a gentle smile, but from the state, she doesn't seem to have failed the exam.

So, some people thought she was pretending.

Anyway, if you don't do well in the exam and feel uncomfortable, someone will see a joke; You did well in the exam and showed indifference. Some people said you were pretending. In fact, you were worried for a long time.

Gu qiaoyue has seen through these for a long time.

It's all good. In the workplace of later generations, it's called a strange wave.

Si Liu, Cai Mengyao, Wu Xue and others were also very concerned about Gu qiaoyue's achievements, but they didn't ask her.

After all, she asked for leave for so long. Although she has been reviewing carefully, no one can guarantee that she will get a good score in the exam.

And for Gu qiaoyue, she has long been a myth in the hearts of students.

Others don't fail in the exam, but she is expected to be gossip if she doesn't come first.

So everyone is particularly worried about her.

Finally, after the last course in the Department of economics and management was completed, Si Liu, Cai Mengyao, Wu Xue and others packed up their things and went to Gu qiaoyue's dormitory to ask her to go back together. Cai Mengyao finally couldn't help asking:

"Qiao Yue, how are you playing?"

Si Liu and others looked at Gu qiaoyue worried.

Gu qiaoyue was sorting out her books at the moment. She smiled at the speech:


Hearing that Gu qiaoyue said it was ok, the three were relieved.

They know Gu qiaoyue. She says it's OK. That's sure. She's sure. It must still maintain the previous level.

None of the three were asking, but Yu Wenwen, who lived in the same dormitory, couldn't help asking:

"It's OK. How about it? Can you get the first place this time?"

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