Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 911

Chapter 911

"Don't talk. Please stop talking. Go to the hospital right away. Soon... You hold on... Why are you so stupid... You hold on..."

Si Mo Yan said again and again. His tears could no longer be controlled, and his eyes were blocked by water mist.

He quickly closed his eyes, tried to control himself not to be flustered, took her in his arms and ran fast.

The white beaver was running in front of him while calling to arrange.

When Si Moyan came out of the railway station with Gu qiaoyue in his arms, the car was waiting outside. In the car was a professional medical rescue team.

As soon as Gu qiaoyue got on the bus, he carried out emergency rescue.

Si Moyan was beside her all the time, his eyes were red and he held his hand tightly.

Gu qiaoyue tried her best not to faint. Looking at Si Moyan's red eyes, she wanted to try to smile at him and tell him that she would be fine.

In fact, at that moment, she didn't even think about it, so she pulled him up.

All along, she felt that she was rational in this relationship, but lying here at this moment, she knew that she had lost her reason in front of him.


In the hallway of the hospital.

Gu qiaoyue finally fainted when she was pushed into the operating room.

Si Moyan's eyes were red and stuck to Gu qiaoyue's body. He just wanted her to stop him. He was lying in the operating room.

At this moment, he hated himself very much. Why didn't he find out in advance and why did he let her block him for him.

At this moment, he just felt extremely incompetent and couldn't do anything

His painful fist hit the wall of the hospital one after another. His mind was in a mess. He couldn't think of anything. In his mind, only her vanity fainted.

He wants to calm down.

He knew that only when he calmed down can he deal with these things and make the people who hurt her pay the price.

However, he couldn't calm down when he watched her faint and pushed her into the operating room.

"Boss, how's your sister-in-law?"

Zhang Hu hurried to see Si Moyan who couldn't stop hitting the wall. His surprised chin almost fell to the ground.

"Boss, don't do this. My sister-in-law will be fine."

Zhang Hu hurriedly stopped Si Moyan and said anxiously.

Si Moyan was stopped and sat down on the ground in pain, covering his head and said painfully:

"She's blocking the knife for me, she's for me... I'm so useless..."

He suddenly slapped himself heavily in the face and said angrily, "why am I so useless... I know that song's people are ready to move in the dark, why can't I be more careful..."


When did Zhang Hu see such Si Moyan? The whole person was scared silly. He just stood beside him and didn't know how to comfort him for a moment.

"Boss, sister-in-law will be fine. If sister-in-law wakes up and sees you like this, she will be sad. Boss, those who hurt sister-in-law have all been caught. Do you want to go back for trial?"

Sima Yan's face flashed cold. He squatted on the ground, looked up at the light still on in the operating room, and nodded sharply:

"Damn them!"

He suddenly stood up, clenched his fists together, and gave cold orders in his eyes.

"White beaver, watch her here!"

After that, Si Moyan raised his feet and left.

His eyes were red and cold.

Whether it's the Song family in Europe or the Song family in Beijing, as long as it has something to do with this, none of them can escape.

Zhang Hu quickly caught up.

Just a few steps away, he ran into Si Weiguo, he ronghua and others who came to hear the news.

As soon as he ronghua saw Si Moyan coming, he quickly came up and asked:

"Where's Qiao Yue? How's Qiao Yue? What's going on?"

"Mo Yan, what happened?"

Sima Yan didn't even look at them. He looked gloomy and went out without saying a word, as if he didn't see them.

He ronghua wanted to ask again, but Si Moyan had gone far and whispered anxiously, "what's the matter with this child? I don't know what's the matter with Qiao Yue."

As soon as he said that, he had to ask someone. Gu qiaoyue was in that ward. As soon as he turned around, he saw Zhang Hu again and hurriedly pulled him and asked:

"Tiger son, what's the matter with Mo Yan? What about Qiao Yue? How's she? Is there anything wrong“

"Still in the operating room." Zhang Hulian said hurriedly.

He didn't have time to say more, so he hurried after Si Moyan. josei

Now the boss's mood is obviously wrong. He must follow.


The Song family in the capital, song Langshan, for more than half a month, seems to be suddenly ten years old. His hair, which was not very white, is completely white this time.

The Song family started in business. With their huge financial resources, they also did a lot of great things in the era of war, so they can be ranked among the three families.

Even in those ten years, the Song family was not affected much.

As soon as they recovered, they quickly resumed their industry, which has developed rapidly in recent years.

It never occurred to me that just because of one song Zhe, the whole song family lost more than half of their industry.

Song's industries have been taken by competitors one by one and have shrunk rapidly. Although it is hard to control the situation now, it is impossible to return to the previous scenery.

Song Langshan sat in his study. After working all day, he rubbed his temples wearily.

Just then, the telephone in the study rang:

"Brother, it's not good. Our firm partners suddenly said they wanted to stop cooperation with us. Just now, in a short period of more than ten minutes, I've received five calls... Brother, what's going on in our family? Brother, think of a way."

Song Langshan was dizzy and almost fainted directly.

He grabbed the table hard to keep himself from falling down, and asked in a trembling voice:

"Castle Peak, what are you talking about? What's going on?"

Song Qingshan was also worried: "no, there are six, and a phone call came in to terminate the cooperation. Brother, what happened? Why did it happen suddenly..."

The phone "bang!" fell on the table. Song Qingshan shouted anxiously over the phone:

"Brother, brother... Are you listening?"

Song Langshan, on the other side of the phone, fainted.

The Song family, half a month ago, Song Zhe's affairs fell behind the curtain and ushered in a crisis again.

Song Qingshan never heard song Langshan's voice. He was worried. He quickly called the rest of the family to see how song Langshan was.

At the same time, a group of people also set out directly from Kyoto airport and headed for Europe.

After dealing with this, Si Moyan stood at the window, his eyes scarlet, looked out of the window and called Bai Li. He wanted to know Gu qiaoyue's situation. The message he could get was that "he has been transferred to the intensive care unit and hasn't woken up yet. “

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