Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 92

Chapter 92

The next morning, under the scorching sun in the morning, the military training for freshmen in senior high school opened on the playground.

All the students gathered on the playground in class. After the headmaster and the teaching director made speeches respectively, the chief instructor in charge of military training made a speech this time.

"Now let's invite the chief instructor to speak on the stage."

After warm applause, a man with a flat head and a military uniform stepped onto the stage.

"I'm the deputy chief instructor of your military training college. In the next seven days of military training, I will assist our chief instructor to train everyone..."

As the man who claimed to be the deputy chief instructor came up, everyone under the stage looked at each other.

Even the headmaster, the instructor and others don't know why.

What about the agreed chief instructor?

Why is the deputy chief instructor here?

However, the thought of the cold looking deputy chief instructor, the principal and all the school leaders sighed. I really don't understand why the Education Bureau sent such a chief instructor.

I stopped talking when I was young. I didn't even attend such an important occasion. I got myself an assistant

If I remember correctly, the origin of this assistant is not small.

However, they can only think about this in their hearts. The people of the Education Bureau have already said hello. The chief instructor has a great background and his own strength is extraordinary.

After an impassioned speech, the deputy chief instructor assigned instructors of each class.

The instructor assigned to Gu qiaoyue's class is a cold faced and stereotyped young instructor.

The same small flat head, meticulous military uniform, narrow hips, thin waist, wide shoulders, standard inverted triangular figure, face is also a kind of handsome face that is very popular with little girls, with clear edges and corners, which can be described as a knife.

After the leaders have finished their speeches, each class will take them back for separate training.

As soon as the instructor of class 11 of senior high school appeared in front of them, the girls in the class all looked excited.

It's really exciting for such a handsome young man to train them.

However, they will not think so soon. The handsome of the instructor is directly proportional to the severity of training.

Gu qiaoyue took a look and silently compared with Si Moyan.

The face doesn't say. It's certainly not as good-looking as Si Moyan's face. It's not as high as Si Moyan's waist, and it's not as thin as Si Moyan's waist

After such a comparison, Gu qiaoyue suddenly felt that Si Moyan's appearance in her heart was so clear that she could appear in her mind as long as she thought of him.

And compared with the instructor, Si Moyan was handsome and angry.

If Si Moyan came to train them, these girls would be crazy.

Gu qiaoyue thought and suddenly saw a figure in front of him flash away.

That figure is... Si Moyan?

Gu qiaoyue subconsciously rubbed her eyes. She was wrong. How could she see Si Moyan in school?


A loud cry sounded ahead.

"The girls in the second row and the third row, stand out!"

Just when Gu qiaoyue was distracted and rubbed her eyes, the voice of the handsome instructor like thunder exploded in class 11 of senior high school. The voice was so loud that even the students of other classes looked here.

Hearing this sound, Gu qiaoyue quickly stood at attention and thought about who was the girl in the second row and the third row. She was so unlucky that she was caught at the beginning of military training.

Yu Guang glanced around. Gu qiaoyue suddenly found that she was standing in the third column of the second row.

What did the instructor call himself just now?

Gu qiaoyue fiercely looked up at the black faced instructor in front of him.

At this time, the instructor was obviously impatient and shouted, "are you deaf, girl in the third row of the second row? Get out of the line!"

Gu qiaoyue quickly stood up.

"What were you doing just now?" the instructor looked at Gu qiaoyue coldly and asked fiercely.

"Rub your eyes!" Gu qiaoyue answered truthfully.

"Don't you know you can't move when standing in the military posture? If you put it in the war, you'll be dead! Do you know?"

Gu qiaoyue said, if it were a war, you wouldn't train them in school so safely. josei

However, he didn't say anything on his face. He looked at his nose and heart, said nothing, and looked like a good baby who didn't dare to speak.

What's the way? Is it yourself who is wrong first, or is it true to accept punishment and calm people down.

However, after looking at Gu qiaoyue coldly, the instructor shouted, "all, stand in the military posture for an hour!"



There was a howl of ghosts and wolves in class 11 of senior high school. They couldn't stand it for only half an hour. Another hour would kill people.

"Stand at attention, tuck in your stomach, raise your head, make a little more sound, and all of you will spend another hour!" the instructor's voice was like a rainbow.

Gu qiaoyue stood upright, turned her head and looked at the instructor. She knew that he was serious. I'm afraid they really had to stand for another hour.

Not only that, Gu qiaoyue knew better that he was the one who would hurt the whole class for another hour.


Gu qiaoyue shouted.

The instructor turned to look at her.


Gu qiaoyue said loudly, "I'm the one who made the mistake. I'm willing to accept the punishment. Please stand for an hour. Please don't implicate the students in our class because of my own fault!"

His physical quality has been paying more attention to exercise since his rebirth. The military posture for an hour and 40 minutes is nothing to him.

But all the students in the class are on the first day of military training. For those who have never stood in the military posture, it's very difficult for them to spend an hour and 40 minutes. Moreover, the sun is in the sky. Don't faint for one or two.

A classmate in the class immediately said, "yes, that's right. She made a mistake alone. Why should we be punished together? Instructor, you're unfair."

"Just, it's not fair."

"It's tiring to stand in the army for an hour. The sun is so big that I'm tanned."


In the team, someone whispered.

The instructor shouted, "fairness? You talk about fairness for me, add one..."

Before he finished, the class suddenly stood up and said loudly, "report, I'm willing to stand with her!"

The instructor's words were interrupted. He looked coldly at Xiang Yurou who stood out of the team and said, "OK, get out of the line!"

Gu qiaoyue turned to look at Yurou. Unexpectedly, she would suddenly stand up at this time.

Hook lip smiled and whispered, "there's no place to use if you're in good health? Run around and make a fool of yourself. Be careful. Wait for the instructor for another hour. We'll be in the sun all morning."

He glanced at Qiao Yue and said faintly, "you're not suddenly distracted. Otherwise, how can you be punished to bask in the sun."

Gu qiaoyue said, "how do you know I'm suddenly distracted."

He turned his eyes to Yurou. Yu Guang glanced at her and said, "obviously, he rubbed his eyes. Who doesn't know? Tell me, who do you see? That's incredible."

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