Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 922

Chapter 922

Wang Feng is actually a member of the Mohist family, but no one outside knows. Even no one knows except Si Moyan, Zhang Lingyue and Zhang Hu.

Wang Feng is a person in society.

At this time, it is the most correct decision for him to contact organization X.

Si Moyan didn't meet Wang Feng.

He just took Zhang Lingyue around as master mo of the Chinese Mohist family, attended a banquet prepared by several foreigners, and talked about several investments on the way.

After Si Moyan took Zhang Lingyue outside for a turn, Wang Feng also successfully contacted organization X.

European Song family, in Europe, is called song.

Their residence is different from the local buildings in Europe. It is an authentic Fahrenheit building.

Red walls, golden tiles and flying dragon columns are tall and gorgeous. The yard is also rockery, flowing water and pavilions.

It's like being in a Chinese palace.

Si Moyan and Zhang Lingyue were invited by their European friend Clifford to attend song's banquet.

When I came here, no matter Si Moyan or Zhang Lingyue, I couldn't tell what it was like.

The buildings here are familiar to them. The buildings here are almost the same as those in Kyoto where several generations of emperors lived.

All the way, it is extremely luxurious. It is a reduced version of the imperial palace. josei

The servants who passed by from time to time were wearing dresses and carrying trays, which made them feel confused.

"Boss, this song... Awesome..."

Zhang Lingyue looked at the surrounding buildings and was shocked frequently.

"I can't be an emperor in China. I'm here to be an indigenous emperor."

It is said that before the founding of the people's Republic of China, the Song family was a merchant who traveled across the ocean. However, he did not expect to build a small palace here and live a more luxurious and comfortable life than when he was in China.

Si Mo Yan snorted coldly.

His eyes fell on a blue and white porcelain vase in the palace.

No, there are many blue and white porcelain vases in the palace.

He is not blind and knows a lot about the country's antiques. These blue and white porcelain vases are genuine and look like products from the reign of Qianlong.

He went over and looked at one of the porcelain bottles carefully. The more he looked, the more sad he felt.

Because of the war in those years and things in previous years, there are not many such bottles in China, but they are everywhere.

"Boss, what's the matter?"

Seeing that Si Moyan had been silent, Zhang Lingyue stared at a porcelain vase coldly, and some didn't understand him.

Wang Feng has revealed the news of their coming here to organization X. if you guessed right, their organization will appear this time.

He has been vigilant around, but Si Moyan stares at these porcelain bottles.

Si Moyan didn't speak, put down the porcelain vase and didn't take another look.

He was afraid that if he looked at it again, he would really be tempted to take all these bottles back to his country.

However, it should be ready soon.

"Boss, what's the matter with you? How do I think you've been strange since you came here." Zhang Lingyue whispered in front of Si Moyan.

Si Moyan looked at him, didn't speak, but took the red wine to talk to others.

Zhang Lingyue rubbed her head and looked at those porcelain bottles. Looking at the magnificent palace, she seemed to understand something.

They are jealous.

Song Shi is so rich that he has to find a way to get Mo Shi. He can't make his sister-in-law's enemies so comfortable.

Zhang Lingyue thought silently and talked with others.

At this time, I suddenly saw a woman walking towards Si Moyan with enchanting steps.

Zhang Lingyue's eyes narrowed and she was about to go forward. There were more women around her.

"Does this gentleman look strange? Is he Chinese or R?"

The lady smiled and raised her glass to him, but she spoke fluent Chinese.

Zhang Lingyue had to take her eyes back and put her eyes on the same enchanting woman in front of her, with a soft smile on her face:

"What do you think?"

The woman shrugged and said with a smile, "that's a coincidence. I'm also Chinese, but I grew up in country M. my mother is Chinese. Her Chinese is very good, as good as you."

"That's really fate. It's rare to find someone who speaks the same language as me in this palace."

Zhang Lingyue smiled and talked to the woman. They both used Chinese. Soon they both had a feeling of having a good conversation. They went to the corner to find a sofa and sat down to continue talking.

On the other side, Si Moyan always looked light. The woman beside him said something to him several times. He dealt with it lightly, not far or near, which frustrated the woman.

Especially when I see that my companions on the other side are almost successful, I feel even more frustrated.

At the right moment, a waiter walked by with a wine tray. The woman smiled and talked with the waiter in English. She took two glasses of red wine, one of which was handed to Si Moyan and said with a smile:

"Si, meeting is fate. I'm glad to meet you here. This glass of wine is for you."

Then, regardless of whether Sima Yan took it or not, he handed over the wine cup directly.

However, as soon as the glass was handed over, the woman stood to the side, but because she didn't see anyone on the side, she tilted and poured a whole glass of red wine on Si Moyan.


The woman covered her mouth in surprise and apologized anxiously:

"Sorry, sorry, I was too careless."

Si Moyan frowned, gave her a cold look, turned and walked away directly.

The woman looked sorry as he left, nodded and apologized with the people nearby, and hurriedly ran after him with her skirt.

As soon as she left the hall, the woman put away her sorry smile and walked towards the place where Si Moyan left.

In the bathroom on the second floor, Si Moyan was frowning, listening to the approaching footsteps outside, wondering how to get the woman caught without getting close to herself.

He regretted his idea, but the perfume of the woman was so smelly that she did not want to approach it at all.

Seeing the men and women in the bathroom leaning against the door, smiling faintly and playing with their dyed red nails, they said in a amorous way:

"Hehe, Mr. Si, I'm really sorry. Someone wants you at a high price."

At the same time, she had a pistol in her hand and leaned against the back of Si Moyan: "I advise Mr. si not to act rashly, so that your companions can be safe."

When Sima Yan heard this, the action he was supposed to resist stopped: "what did you do to him?"

"Will you know if Mr. Si goes with us?"

The woman pointed a pistol at Si Moyan's back and exerted some force, saying:

"Go, leave the banquet hall, you can naturally meet your friends."

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