Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 955

Chapter 955

Gu Dayong stayed here all day and was interrogated by all kinds of people. He was really afraid.

And he himself knows that the things he does may be light to stay here for more than ten years in the future.

Theft, robbery, fighting, and now kidnapping. These things are counted one by one, but they are enough for him to eat a pot.

When Gu Dayong was mentioned to the interrogation room alone, his legs were shaking with fear. He wondered whether it was possible for Gu qiaoyue or Zhang Peipei to save himself. He even thought about it. When he saw the police, he asked to see Zhang peipeipei or Gu qiaoyue and Gu Qiaowan.

But what he didn't expect was that the person he wanted to see saw it as soon as he opened the door of the interrogation room.

The two young women standing there are not his two daughters.

Just for a moment, Gu Dayong's heart raised countless hopes.

He came forward excitedly: "girl, you're here to save dad. You're really my good girl. Woo woo... I Gu Dayong didn't give birth to you in vain."

If he hadn't been handcuffed, he would have been excited to go up and hold his two daughters.

Sure enough, Adversity shows true love. Kiss is kiss. At this time, they can come to save him.

"Girl, help me out, Qiao Yue. I heard you're the boss of Xiangyue. Your words will work. Tell them to untie my handcuffs first. It's really hard to wear this thing on their hands."

He put his hand forward and motioned to Gu qiaoyue and Gu Qiaowan to see him in handcuffs.

Gu qiaoyue looked at the man coldly and smiled coldly in her heart.

At this time, he has done such things, and now he still thinks they are here to save him?

Where did he get his confidence.

Gu qiaoyue sneered. She didn't want to say a word to him and handed over today's home to Gu Qiaowan.

Gu Qiaowan stepped forward, looked at Gu Dayong's eyes and pointed to the opposite stool: "sit down first."

The policeman who escorted Gu Dayong behind him immediately placed Gu Dayong on the stool for interrogating the prisoner.

Gu Qiaowan nodded to the policeman again and said with a smile:

"Please, can you avoid it first?"

The two police officers hesitated. After all, Gu Dayong is a suspect. Although he has not been convicted, his crime must be a small one, and these are still two pretty girls. What if Gu Dayong wants to do something.

Gu Qiaowan also saw their hesitation and said:

"Don't worry, we won't help him escape."

The two police officers felt a little funny. They were worried that they would help Gu Dayong escape. Not to mention that one of them was still a victim, the two girls could not help Gu Dayong escape from the police station.

They laughed and said, "Miss Gu, you misunderstood. We were afraid he would hurt you."

"Then why don't you just stay at the door? If there's something really wrong, I'll call you right away?" Gu Qiaowan thought and said.

It's a pretty girl in the end, and they can't ask too much. They must have no problem staying at the door.

And the two girls were specially ordered by the director to take good care of.

Thinking so, they told them to be careful. Once the suspect has extreme behavior, they must ring the bell on the table immediately, and they will come in immediately. josei

Gu Qiaowan and Gu qiaoyue thanked and watched the door of the interrogation room close.

Gu Qiaowan looked at Gu Dayong with a deep hatred in her complicated eyes. She pursed her lips but didn't speak for a long time.

When he came, he wanted to ask him why he did this to himself. He was clearly his own daughter. Why did she kidnap herself? He wanted to ask him if he had any heart.

However, at this moment, watching him sitting opposite, handcuffed, he couldn't say a word.

Ask what?

What's there to ask?

He's already done it. The answer is too obvious, isn't it?

Gu Dayong had already reacted and knew that they didn't come to save him. His face immediately became ugly. As soon as the police went out, they shouted at them:

"Didn't you come to save me? I'm your father, you two unfilial daughters!"

Gu Qiaowan, who had not thought about what to say, was completely angry at the moment: "unfilial daughter?"

"Hahaha, how can you say these three words?"

Gu Qiaowan glared at Gu Dayong and said word by word:

"I don't have dad!"

"You have no right to say we are unfilial!"

"You... You... Ha ha... OK, good... Are you not afraid to go to hell after death?" Gu Dayong glared at them.

The last hope in my heart was completely crushed by them, and I rushed up to teach these two unfilial girls a lesson as before.

"Unfilial girl! Unfilial girl who watched her father go to jail! You still go to school like this. You go to the belly of the dog! Don't move, I'll kill you!"

Gu Dayong said, and the whole man rushed up crazy.

But before she got close, Gu qiaoyue kicked her out mercilessly.

"You, you beat me. I'm your father. You're breaking the law, breaking the law..."

Gu Dayong sat on the ground, looked at them fiercely and shouted loudly.

Gu qiaoyue always just looked at Gu Dayong coldly and turned a deaf ear to his words.

She took back her eyes indifferently, looked at Gu Qiaowan and sighed, "what else do you want to ask?"

Gu Qiaowan looked at Gu qiaoyue, and her eyes suddenly got hot.

But in front of Gu Dayong, she doesn't seem to show that she doesn't want the man who is no longer their father to see her weakness.

She took a deep breath and nodded.

Turned to Gu Dayong: "I just want to ask you a question. Do you have such a moment of hesitation at the moment of kidnapping me?"

Hearing Gu Qiaowan's question, Gu qiaoyue didn't turn her head and sighed helplessly in her heart.

Or... What's the point of asking?

Or, what did she expect him to say?

Do people like him have a truth in their mouth at this time?

Sure enough, Gu Dayong looked at Gu Qiaowan suspiciously, and just saw her painfully close her eyes. Her mind immediately became active and quickly said:

"Qiao Wan, you have to trust your father. My father was too short of money at that time. He went the wrong way for a while. My father was also very sad at that time, and my father regretted it. Qiao Wan, help me, help me."

Gu Dayong said, stood up, surprised and walked towards Gu Qiaowan, trying to hold her hand and express his regret.

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