Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 957

Chapter 957

Kyoto film and Television Academy is currently the best film academy in the country. Gu Qiaowan reported that he majored in performance and was admitted with absolute high scores.

The scenery of the school is very good. As soon as we enter the campus, there are almost all handsome men and beautiful women, all dressed in fashion, laughing and vibrant.

Entering here, Gu qiaoyue has the illusion of coming to the millennium.

The same dormitory conditions are also very good. They are all standard four person rooms, with a desk below and a bed above. In addition to these, each person has a small wardrobe, and the hardware facilities are absolutely not bad.

Such conditions are excellent even in the 21st century, especially in this era.

Gu qiaoyue, as a "parent" who came to send students, naturally wanted to send people to school to settle down.

Gu Qiaowan came early. When she arrived at the dormitory, there was no one in the dormitory.

Gu qiaoyue helped Gu Qiaowan clean the dormitory together, spread the cotton bedding prepared by Wu Honglian on the bed by the window, and simply cleaned it up. The two sisters left school temporarily to buy some necessary daily necessities.

Now the conditions at home are good and there is no shortage of money. They went directly to the mall nearest to the school, bought all the things they need at one time, and ate outside before they returned to the campus together.

Originally, Gu qiaoyue didn't come with Gu Qiaowan again. There were a lot of things. Gu Qiaowan couldn't finish it alone. Gu qiaoyue went to the dormitory with her again.

When I came back, the other three people in the dormitory had come and were sorting out their things.

Gu Qiaowan was about to say hello to the three people in the same dormitory when she suddenly found that there was another person's bedding on her originally paved bed, and her original things were thrown onto another bed.

Gu Qiaowan, who was still happy, changed his face and his tone was full of anger:

"Who did it!"

Gu Qiaowan opened his mouth coldly and looked at the girl who was making the bed.

Gu qiaoyue also looked at the girl.

The girl looked up arrogantly, pointed to the bed with Gu Qiaowan's bedding and said, "you sleep in that bed. I like the position by the window."

Then he took care of his own things.

The other two people in the dormitory also stared at the girl. They came a little later. When they came, the girl was already cleaning the bed by the window.

They were surprised to see that the bed by the door was littered with bedding. They thought that the girl who left things so disorderly must be a sloppy woman who didn't like cleaning. They were also dissatisfied that they had to live with such a sloppy girl in four years of college.

But now it's obviously not the case.

Both girls looked at the girl who had sorted out her things and took out a pile of cosmetics. There were some different emotions in her eyes.

It's really disgusting to move other people's things without telling others.

Gu Qiaowan is also very angry. She is outgoing. She has always had good staff in the school and has never been bullied. However, she didn't expect to face bullying on her first day on the university campus?

Does she look so bullying?

Gu Qiaowan has never been a bully. If she was angry with her, she wouldn't care where to sleep anyway. Let her let her.

But now

"Ha ha..."

Gu Qiaowan sneered: "sorry, I like that position, too."

Then he went over, lifted the girl's bed and put his bedding on it.

The girl was startled by Gu Qiaowan's action: "what are you doing? What are you doing? My quilt is a duck down quilt. It's very expensive, you hick..."

However, Gu Qiaowan ignored her, made her own bed, then jumped down from the bed, picked up all the things on the table where she had her things under the bed and put them on another bed.

The girl was even more frightened and hurried to grab the cosmetics that Gu Qiaowan casually held in her arms and looked at the cosmetics that would fall to the ground at any time:

"Put it down. Do you know how much I paid for my cosmetics? I can't afford to sell you. You... You're too much..."

The woman's angry eyes are red.

Her cosmetics were specially brought back from Xianggang. Everything was very expensive. The hillbilly even hugged them. If she dropped a bottle or two, she would be distressed to death.

The girl wanted to grab it, but she was afraid that the other party would really fall her sweethearts. She could only look at it anxiously. When she saw that the other two people in the same dormitory were standing by and looking at it, she was angry.

"Are you all dead? I can't see her bullying."

Two girls, look at me and I look at you. They didn't move.

Who can come to Kyoto film and Television Academy to study? Which one is not from a good family? People from poor families generally don't come here to school, and TV is not so popular now. Most people can't afford a TV, let alone want to learn this major.

But no one showed off like her.

Maybe she bullies her classmates and they won't return it?


They disdained each other and said nothing.

The girl looked at them like this and threw down a sentence angrily: "OK, you hate!"

She said that she looked at Qiao Wan fiercely and angrily stepped on her high heels out of the dormitory.

Gu qiaoyue has been standing on the side, holding her chest and watching.

Gu Qiaowan went to school in Daqing city before. Even when she went to high school, she didn't leave home for too long. To be honest, Gu Qiaowan was really worried, especially that she had experienced the chaos in the entertainment industry. Sometimes she said she didn't worry about it. She was afraid that she would be bullied in school.

But now, seeing her like this, Gu qiaoyue smiled.

Sure enough, it's her sister. It's strange that she can be bullied. josei

Gu qiaoyue looked at the girl who left angrily, looked back at her sister who was cleaning her desk, and smiled.

Gu Qiaowan just looked back at Qiao Yue and smiled at her. She was nervous all of a sudden.

"Well, sister... I just..."

Gu qiaoyue gave her a thumbs up: "I know. I'm relieved to see you. When I go to college, I should know to protect myself. If people don't commit me, I don't commit it. If people commit it, I naturally want to return it. My sister has done a great job."

Gu Qiaowan smiled and nodded heavily, "uh huh."

I was worried that my sister would make trouble when she first came to school.

"Who bullied my daughter!"

She was about to speak when a rough and crazy voice came out of the door.

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