Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 959

Chapter 959

Huang Bashan looked at Gu qiaoyue carefully. Where was the previous half arrogance? The toad mirror on his face was also taken down by him and held in his hand, revealing his small but obviously dodgy eyes.

He smiled pleasantly, as if Gu qiaoyue was a high queen, and he was just a small servant in the Queen's palace.

Gu qiaoyue only glanced at him coldly and didn't speak. Instead, she looked at Gu Qiaowan behind her and told him: josei

"I'm fine at school. Call me if you have anything to do. Come home when you have a holiday."

"Uh huh."

Gu Qiaowan nodded quickly.

She is also a little confused at the moment. She knows that her sister has great ability and industry, but she never thought that she casually met a person who was so arrogant just now. When she heard her sister's name, she immediately became this attitude.

Look at the arrogant girl standing behind her father, surprised, incredible and resentful. Let alone, this feeling is quite cool.

"Sister, go back quickly. You don't have to worry about me in school. I'm here to study, not to make trouble. If others don't annoy me, I won't go back to annoy others."


Gu qiaoyue nodded, looked at her again, patted her on the shoulder and left the dormitory.

Huang Bashan immediately followed and dragged his daughter away when he left.

It's not easy. I offended president Gu's sister on the first day of school. Does he still want to do business.

After following Gu qiaoyue down the dormitory building, Huang Bashan dared to say carefully:

"Please give Mr. Gu a thin face and ask the little girl to accompany Mr. Gu."

Gu qiaoyue stopped, turned his head and looked at the father and daughter, and said faintly, "no, it's not a big deal."

With that, she was leaving.

Seeing that Huang Bashan had to keep up, she stopped and frowned: "even this time, don't follow me anymore. In the future, as long as you don't annoy me or my family, I don't have that spare time to live with you."

She knew what the man was afraid of. She simply made it clear that she would not target him. He should not follow.

Gu qiaoyue said and left, leaving Huang Bashan with lingering fear wiping the fine sweat on his forehead.

Huang Xiaorong, who had been too frightened to speak, finally spoke:

"Dad, who is she? Are you so afraid of her?"

Her heart is unwilling. Her father has made a lot of money in business in the past two years, and her life is much better.

In high school, because of her superior living conditions and beautiful face, she became the school flower of high school, which made her very confident in the conditions of her home.

In addition, the people around her are still living the same life as before. She thinks she is very powerful and has been squeezed into the ranks of the rich.

But it never occurred to me that on her first day at school, she was beaten in the face and still in front of her new roommate, which made her how to stay in the dormitory in the future.

Even some psychological resentment, dad is really, in front of the dormitory people, she threw her face into Gu Qiaowan's sister like that.

"What do you know? That's Gu Zong, Xiangyue's boss."

Huang Bashan turned his head and stared at his daughter. His eyes turned and thought about something.

Huang Xiaorong disdained not to turn his head. He vaguely felt that the words "Xiangyue" were familiar, but he was still depressed:

"What boss Xiangyue? Even if she is the daughter of boss Xiangyue, what's the matter? Dad, you sell cell phones, open several stores, do the business of rich people, and are afraid of her little boss Xiangyue's daughter."

"You know shit!"

Huang Bashan, who is looking for things, immediately burst into foul language when he heard the speech. You know, he has rarely exposed his previous bad habits since he became famous, and he is really angry now.

He glared at his daughter and said, "go back to my dormitory and remember to have a good relationship with Gu Qiaowan."

"Dad!" Huang Xiaorong shouted discontentedly.

When something like that just happened, she was asked to go to the dormitory and have a good relationship with Gu Qiaowan. She would be shameless.

Facing the way her father stared at her, she was also afraid, but she still stuck her neck and said angrily:

"I don't want to go back. I just quarreled with Gu Qiaowan. Now those who go back to the dormitory can't laugh at me. I want to change the dormitory. I don't have a dormitory with her."

"You must go back."

Huang Bashan was so angry that he wanted to beat the daughter, but he said in a good voice:

"Gu Qiaowan in your dormitory is Gu Zong's sister. It's good for you to get along well with her. Otherwise, you've offended her now. If she's unhappy, give her Gu Zong something to say, our family will continue to go back to farming."

"Dad, how can..."

Huang Xiaorong still hasn't clarified these relationships. What's president Gu? Isn't Mr. Gu the daughter of Xiangyue just now?

What can a company boss's daughter do? My father is also capable and is the boss's daughter like her. Why is she better than herself?

In her opinion, her family is really strong, and she is very rich among her high school classmates.

Moreover, since she got rich at home, the days have improved. She has been flattered by others since she went to high school. Originally, she thought she would have a college life that was held by others like in high school, but now it was the first day of college, her father told her to please another person.

Such a change made it difficult for her to accept for a moment. Even after watching her father's respect and care for Gu Qiaowan's sister, she vaguely understood that Gu Qiaowan's family might be better than herself, but it was still difficult to accept in her heart.

She is Huang Xiaorong. Why should she flatter others.

Knowing that his daughter couldn't accept it for a while, Huang Bashan looked around and frowned:

"Come on, Dad, take you to dinner first."

This matter is very important. President Gu's sister is in the same bedroom as his daughter. He can't miss such a good opportunity. He must also give his daughter a good talk about President Gu Xiangyue, so that she can understand who can offend and who can only flatter.

Huang Xiaorong vaguely followed her father to the hotel. Seeing that the table was full of her favorite food and the food was still very rich, her heart was a little relieved. She felt that her family was still rich and there was no problem maintaining her rich life. Maybe it was a little worse than Gu Qiaowan's family.

Just listen to Huang Bashan: "you've been in school these years and don't know much about your family's business. Now dad tells you, listen."

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