Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 96

Chapter 96

Gu qiaoyue fiercely widened her eyes and lowered her head to see Si Moyan rubbing his legs with an obsessed face. Her expression was focused and her ears were red.

Gu qiaoyue suddenly stood up and said with a red face.

"Well, I won't apply the medicine."

Si Moyan suddenly regained his mind, and a trace of annoyance crossed his eyes. He secretly hated that he was absent-minded at this time, which frightened people.

"This medicine should be well massaged, or you will be lame if one leg hurts and the other doesn't."

Although Si Moyan was annoyed, he couldn't see anything on his face. He said seriously.

Gu qiaoyue was in a trance. Did he really want to fork over?

He's really just drugging himself. No other ideas?

Touching the thigh is also for the convenience of medicine?

Gu qiaoyue sat down on the stool again.

Si Moyan gently helped Gu qiaoyue put down her trouser legs that had been smeared with medicine, rolled another trouser leg, poured the medicine into her hand, and carefully massaged her lower legs.

Gu qiaoyue looked down at Si Moyan's every move. This time, she didn't dare to close her eyes as comfortably as before.

The legs are warm and soft under the cover of big hands. I just feel that the heart tips are trembling.

About ten minutes later, Gu qiaoyue almost closed her eyes comfortably again.

She gently bit her lower lip and asked, "are you ready?"

Si Moyan solemnly helped her put her trouser legs, stood up and said, "OK."

"Try to move and see if it still hurts?"

Gu qiaoyue stood up and moved her legs. Before, the feeling of pain was much better. Her legs were not so soft and could not lift her strength.

"This medicine is really good. Can you give it to me these two days?"

Gu qiaoyue thought of Xiang Yu's softness, and Zhang Xiaohe and Zhang Xiaohe were punished to stand with themselves. Their legs were estimated to be very painful, so she wanted to take them and use some for them.

Sima Yan looked at Gu qiaoyue, shook his head and said, "they can't use this medicine. It would be better for them to soak in hot water at night."

Gu qiaoyue skimmed her mouth and said in her heart: stingy.

Sima Yan looked at Gu qiaoyue, who despised her stinginess. He smiled and shook his head. He reached out and rubbed her head.

Gu qiaoyue dodged and stared at him: "don't touch my hair."

Si Moyan smiled and said, "I say they can't use this medicine because they must massage it carefully for at least ten minutes after it is applied, and the strength should be moderate. You can't light it or heavy it. If you don't handle it well, the strength won't work."


And this medicine?

Gu qiaoyue's mouth was curled. She came back from the 21st century. I really thought she would believe such a clumsy lie.

Sima Yan looked at Gu qiaoyue with a look of disbelief. He shook his head helplessly and said:

"What I said is true. This is the medicine used in the military headquarters. You know, most of the army are old men with great strength, and they have practiced. They can achieve moderate strength. Will your little girls wipe it more and more painful?"

Gu qiaoyue thought that the medicine didn't hurt when it was really massaged. She didn't say anything more. Suddenly she thought of something and asked, "why did you suddenly become an instructor?"

"Part time." Si Moyan said with a smile.

Gu qiaoyue took a smoke at the corner of her mouth. Can she take a part-time job?

"I used to stay in the army for a long time," Si Moyan said

So that's his reason?

Gu qiaoyue didn't believe it, but he didn't ask any more. Instead, he said:

"Well, I'll line up first?"

Sima Yan nodded.

When Gu qiaoyue was about to go out, Si Moyan grabbed her and said, "come here at dinner. I'll give you medicine."

Feeling Si Moyan's hot eyes when he looked at himself, Gu qiaoyue's face was hot, silently nodded, and then rushed out of the door.

Outside, the officers and teachers who had dinner were almost gone. Gu qiaoyue came out and didn't meet anyone.

His cheeks were red all the way to the playground. He stood on the edge of the playground for a while and patted his cheeks to make himself look as normal as possible. Then he went to his class.

At this moment, the students have just finished their meal and are sitting in the shade of the tree to rest.

Xiang Yu is gentle, Zhang Xiaohe sits together, and Zhang Cuicui is with the other students in the class.

Seeing Gu qiaoyue back, Zhang Xiaohe waved to her happily: "Qiao Yue, come here and tell you a good news."

Gu qiaoyue came over, sat down on the ground opposite them, raised her eyebrows and asked, "what's the good news?"

"Our instructor changed with the instructor of class 2." Zhang Xiaohe said excitedly.

She was fined to stand in the morning. She was worried that she would be watched by the instructor in the next few days. Unexpectedly, she was changed. Now, the new instructor doesn't know what happened in the morning. As long as they perform well, they won't be watched again.

Gu qiaoyue was stunned.

I just stood in the morning and changed the instructor in the afternoon?

Gu qiaoyue is not narcissistic, but he always feels that this matter seems to have something to do with Si Moyan. Isn't he not only a part-time instructor, but also a more powerful instructor?

Xiang Yu is different from Zhang Xiaohe. She has long seen that Si Moyan's identity is unusual. Now she appears in the school again. After hearing the students discuss changing instructors, she suspects that this matter has something to do with Si Moyan.

At this moment, seeing Gu qiaoyue's appearance, I was even more suspicious. josei

Poked Gu qiaoyue's arm at Yurou, smiled and said vaguely:

"Tell me, did your family avenge you for public and private affairs and change the instructor for you?"

Gu qiaoyue looked back, glanced at her and said faintly, "how can it be?"

"What's impossible?"

He glanced at Yurou and obviously didn't believe it. He said, "by the way, tell me where you've been just now. Have you met me..."

Talking to Yurou, he suddenly sniffed Gu qiaoyue and said vaguely, "a smell of medicine. Did your family drugged you just now?"

"Be quick, be lenient when you confess, be strict when you resist, and quickly recruit them truthfully, otherwise you will be served by a big punishment."

He said to Yurou that he was going to scratch Gu qiaoyue's itch.

Gu qiaoyue hurriedly avoided, grabbed her hands, turned her eyes silently, and said with an angry smile, "what are you talking about? You're not tired in the morning. Don't hurry to have a good rest."

To Yurou's boring mouth:

"Cut, be stingy, don't say it if you don't say it. Anyway, I'll know sooner or later. I guess that person in your family may be the chief instructor this time. Otherwise, who else can let us change the instructor?"

During military training in the afternoon, the instructor was really changed.

The instructors of class 11 and class 12 of senior high school lost one.

Standing in front of the team of class 11 of senior high school is an instructor with a flat head, about 175, who always smiles and looks good at talking.

In fact, he is really good at talking. If he is wrong, he teaches it patiently and starts over again. He won't punish standing in the military posture or standing on one foot.

However, class two of senior two is hard.

The two classes are close to each other. You can clearly see class two from class one.

From time to time, we can see that some of them are led out to train alone, which makes the students of class 2 miserable, especially miss their first instructor.

However, these things are not up to them.

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