Back To Qiqi Farming To Raise Children

Chapter 281

Chapter 281: soy beans

Chapter 281 Sauce beans

While Gastrodia elata is collected, Asarum seedlings are also collected.

Now this asarum is not expensive, it depends on the harvest.

Asarum with more than two leaves and complete roots and leaves, two cents a penny.

Big seedlings are not needed, as the roots are too long and it is not easy to live. Small seedlings are the best, cheap and easy to live.

Plant it on the side of the pond and grow slowly, and it will grow into a mound in three years.

Asarum can be dug all year round. In spring, the grass in the ground does not grow up, so it is easier to see.

Most of the time, they go up the mountain to pick up the big leaf celery, and when they meet Asarum, they dig it out.

Just in time for the May Day holiday, many students followed their parents to work in the mountains, and dug some in the woods along the way.

It’s good to buy popsicles for a few cents when you come back.

Asarum blooms and seeds, and can be propagated by seeds or cut roots.

Get a Asarum nursery, and when there are more and more seedlings in the future, there is no need to buy small seedlings.

Anyway, no matter what industry it is, it must be difficult and costly to develop initially.

Once the scale is formed, it can circulate by itself and make money.

One participant has a big business, so he doesn’t care about this little investment and develops slowly. This is not a matter of rush.

Xu Shiyan is mainly responsible for the comprehensive utilization of ginseng land. In the rest of the time, he also leads the technical team to prepare fertilizers for ginseng land and distribute ginseng seeds.

Anyway, he is always busy, so he is always busy.

At the other end of the farm, the flower shed was quickly covered with a large frame, and the next step was to install glass windows to keep the flower shed warm and insulated.

Su Anying specially learned to ride a bicycle in order to take care of the farm. Xu Shiyan bought a bicycle ticket and bought one for his wife.

Su Anying rides a bicycle to the farm every morning, watching the work there, and if there is anything missing, she quickly arranges people to buy it.

Not to mention, Su Anying's ability is really nothing to say.

Took over the farm, and learned how to manage and take care of those animals every day. It didn't take long, and the learning was almost the same.

Not only Su Anying is busy in the farm, but most of the wives of Huang Shengli, Feng Chao, Zhao Jianshe and others are also cultivating flower seedlings and raising animals in the farm.

The weather is getting warmer, and the Clivia seedlings raised by Huang Shengli and others have moved to the farm.

The flower shed was temporarily unavailable, so a wooden shed was built to keep out the wind and rain. Centralized management is easier than separate care for each household.

Women, most of them like flowers and plants. The green Clivia flower seedlings are rare, and they can make money. Who doesn't care about them?

Not to mention those furry and cute animals, they are all money, and for the sake of money, they have to be taken care of.

In order to run back and forth to the farm, most of the women have learned to ride a bicycle.

Now the conditions of all the companies are okay, and it is not difficult to buy a bicycle.

So the women cooked meals in the morning, and after the children went to school, they rode bicycles to work on the farm.

At eleven o'clock at noon, I will ride home for dinner.

Su Anying fed the two children in the morning and went out, and went home at noon to feed them twice, and returned in the evening, and the children were under her care.

It may be because of the large number of people in the family, Xu Jinhui and Xu Haiqing are not very in love with their mother.

Play with two aunts and grandma during the day, eat something when hungry, or drink some goat milk or something.

Mom came back, she just took a sip of milk, and she didn't feel greedy if she didn't give it, but she couldn't do without her at night, she had to coax her to sleep.

Su Anying was discussing with her mother-in-law. Judging from this situation, weaning at the age of one year is fine. Anyway, breast milk is optional, so hurry up and stop worrying.

Zhou Guilan originally disapproved of weaning too early, but seeing the attitude of the two babies, she had no choice but to nod in agreement.

It's the end of May.

"Yingzi, don't go to the farm tomorrow, we will fry the soy beans in a while.

It is cooked in the pot tonight, and it will be sent to the mill to be rolled out tomorrow morning. We will make the sauce tomorrow. "

On the night of May 29th, Zhou Guilan came to Su Anying and told her about making sauce.

Doubanjiang doesn't matter, as long as the weather is warm and sunny, you can make it anytime.

When the Xu family makes sauce, they will choose the eighth day, the eighteenth day, and the twenty-eighth day of the fourth month of the lunar calendar. During these days, they go to the mill to push the soy beans and the sauce into a paste.

The sauce primer placed in the bean straw first evaporates and becomes lighter, and then slowly ferments.

After two months of fermentation, the surface has been covered with turquoise hairs, and some are slightly cracked.

Break apart the sauce primer. If the fermentation is successful, you will see not only green hairs, but also red mycelia inside, with a slightly sour aroma.

The sauce made by such a sauce primer will not be bad in taste.

If the fermentation is not good, there are only green hairs and a strong musty smell, then it will not work.

The sauce made is not tasty, with a musty smell.

Zhou Guilan is very good at making sauce primers. A few days ago, she broke apart the sauce primers, cleaned them, and piled them up again to ferment again.

The sauce made from the second-fermented sauce primer has a stronger fragrance.

The two families eat soy sauce, so they must not make too little, so Su Anying and Zhou Guilan fried 40 catties of soybeans together in the evening.

Soybeans are screened with a curtain in advance to pick out broken watercress, stones, grass stalks, etc., and then rinsed with water to dry, very clean.

Slowly stir-fry over low heat until the beans are slightly burnt and red, giving off a special aroma, but they cannot be fried, then put them in a pot and put them aside.

The fried beans have to be cooked, and they must be fully cooked.

Zhou Guilan has her own secret recipe for making sauce. Soybeans are mixed with some peas to make the sauce more sweet.

When cooking beans, put a piece of schisandra vine and a bundle of catwort wormwood inside.

Beans in sauce will have a natural aroma, and the sauce made is very delicious without other seasonings.

"No wonder when I eat the sauce made by my aunt, I feel that it is different from my mother's. So there are still these sayings."

Sister Su Anfang also helped stir-fry beans and soy sauce beans. After seeing what Zhou Guilan put into the sauce bean pot, the two suddenly realized.

It's no wonder Xu's sauce tastes extraordinarily delicious, and the co-authors have secret recipes.

"This is the method passed down from my mother-in-law.

In the past, the place where my family lived was very crappy, and there were stone cannons everywhere when I went out, so it was difficult to get out.

To buy something, I have to go to Niu Mao Wu, which is quite far and inconvenient.

At that time, our family had a piece of hill, and there were Schisandra chinensis on the hill, and Artemisia argyi was more common, and they were all around the garden.

So use these two when cooking beans, and the beans in sauce are very fragrant.

In fact, schisandra vine has many uses, and it can also be used for stew.

Cat put Artemisia, not to mention, stewed fish into it, it can remove the fishy smell, and the taste is still fresh. "

Seeing that Su Anfang and the others were curious, Zhou Guilan had to talk about it.

“When we lived in Daying and the big house, when it was time to eat, someone would come to the house and ask for miso.

Some people borrowed the bowl from home without taking the bowl, and forgot to return it.josei

Throughout the year, I don’t know how many bowls I throw away. "

Northeast people are like this, every meal is inseparable from miso, whoever has a good miso, others will ask for it.

(end of this chapter)

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