Bad Love an Alpha’s Regret by Elise Sinclair

Chapter 281

Chapter 281

Chapter 281

Chapter 281


My breath catches in my chest as Ryker and Aaron rush at each other, clashing in the middle of the room in a flurry of splintering furniture, savage snarls and slashing claws.

I’m terrified for Aaron, but I can’t just stand there and watch him fight Ryker. I need to trust he can take care of himself.

James and I hurry around the perimeter of the room to reach the remaining Councilmembers who are cowering in the corner. These are older wolves, delegates. Not warriors or fighters like my husband or his adversary.

We urge them to run, keeping ourselves between them and Ryker.

He sees what’s happening at one stage, and rushes toward us, but James steps in and shoves Ryker back, while Aaron catches him and flings him into a nearby bookcase.

The whole thing comes crashing down on top of him, and for

a second we all pause, watching as Ryker drags himself from

beneath the pile of books and splintered wood.

Us can react, Ryker fully shifts and goes

streaking out of the room.

Aaron growls and then shifts as well, sprinting off after him.

I want to chase after them as well, if only to keep Aaron in my sight so I know he’s okay.

I’m terrified of losing him yet again, and for some reason my brain thinks as long as I can see him, I can stop that from happening.

But I don’t have the luxury of doing that.

We came here for a reason, and it’s time we took care of that.

I turn to James. “Come on, we need to find the tech.”

James nods and we rush off, deeper into the Council Hall.

We search the ground floor, finding more carnage and dead bodies, but don’t turn up anything else.

It occurs to me that Aaron could’ve done this. He could’ve been a force of death, indiscriminately sweeping through. these hallowed halls and killing everyone in his wake.

He’s far more powerful than Ryker. Far more deadly.

Is pure.

Even though the Council failed him, even though they lied and cheated and did everything to break him, he hadn’t set out to destroy it. When faced with his own death, he still chose pack-all packs-over himself.

I love him a little more for that.

“What about the basement?” James asks, shaking me from my thoughts.

“Let’s look.”

We go down, but when we get there, we find that most of the underground level is set up like a prison.

“Did you know this was down here?” I ask James in confusion, then wonder if this is where they were keeping Aaron, and how bad it must have been for him, down here away from natural light and fresh air.

“Hey!” a voice calls out.

James and I glance at each other and then walk down until we stop outside of a cell where a man is locked behind silver bars.

“What’s going on up there? I can scent blood, a lot of it,” the man says with a southern accent, glancing between us both.

green eyes and a mess of sandy blond hair.

“A rogue wolf slau htered most of the Council,” I reply. “Who are you? Why does the Council have you locked up down here?”

The guy shrugs. “They wanted something from me I wasn’t willing to give. As to who I am, that’s not real important. The question is, who are you? Because I can scent Aaron all over you.”

“You know Aaron?” I ask, worried that this confirms my suspicions about my mate being held down here.

The guy nods. “He had the cell across from me for a bit over a week. Now, your turn.”

“He’s my mate,” I reply, crossing my arms.

“Ah, you must be Leah,” the guy says. “Aaron was real torn up when he thought you were dead. Glad you’re still alive.”

“James,” I say, looking up at the Beta. “We should let him out.

Go see if you can find some keys to the cell.”

James doesn’t look like he thinks this is a good idea but nods anyway and then goes to do as I asked.

“Thanks, sweetheart, you’ve got no idea how much I

appreciate it,” the guy says gratefully.

“I probably owe you for helping Aaron stay sane and not going rogue while he was down here, especially after he thought I died,” I reply with a shrug. “It’s the least I can do.”

James returns then with a set of keys, and I try not to notice how they’re slippery with blood. No doubt James had to take them off one of the bodies of the Enforcers Ryker had slaug tered. Or maybe James had to do some killing to get them himself.

James opens the cell and then turns to me. “We need to get back to searching.”

“What are you looking for?” the guy asks curiously.

“Some Al tech my family’s company built that a faction within the Council stole,” I reply.

The guy nods. “Second floor, restricted access room.”

James and I look at each other in surprised confusion.

“You’re saying that’s where the tech is?” I ask.

“Sure thing,” the guy answers. “Those Enforcers gossip like old women in a church yard. Amazing what you learn when you

shut ya trap and listen once in a while.”

“Okay,” I say, looking at James again. “Looks like we’re heading up.”

I turn to the new wolf I’ve just met. “Aaron went after the rogue wolf-”

“Say no more,” the guy replies, holding up one hand. “I’ll go find him and back him up if he needs it.”

“Thank you,” I reply in relief.

I’m sure Aaron is fine, but it’s been a while since we split up, and I’m worried that he hasn’t come to find us yet, which means Ryker is probably still alive and causing havoc.

We get to the ground floor.

“Wait,” I say as the guy goes to turn away from me. “I don’t even know your name.”

He tips his head to me. “Axel Sawyer, at your service, Luna.”

With that, he shifts and streaks off through the building in blur of golden fur.

“Did we seriously just let Axel Sawyer free?” James says, aghast.

We’d all heard rumors of what the rogue wolf had done

in Texas, but he was supposed to have moved on to North Dakota, last I’d heard anyway.

Weirdly enough, he hadn’t seemed as rogue or deadly as the rumors had made him out to be.

“We can’t do anything about it now,” I reply, wondering if I’ve just added another problem to our already full plate….

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