Bad Love An Alpha’s Regret

Chapter 135

Chapter 135

Chapter 135

Chapter 135 LEAH My hands shake as I pull the pendant back on. It hangs between my breasts and draws attention to my cleavage, which I suppose is good, although I didn’t expect Aaron to get so annoyed about me forgetting to wear it. This is all new to me. My stomach is a bit knotted and I reach for some bread. It. Is. Delicious. If this is just the carb course, I’m pretty sure the rest of this meal is going to be orgasmic. I blush. Well, no. Nothing is going to compare to that. “What are you thinking about?” Aaron asks. I blush harder. He chuckles. I’m going to miss this. Seeing him laugh-it is so rare. Feeling him stir my body to life. Just being beside him. It’s easy to forget that I’m dying as I focus on the day-to-day dealings of my role as Alpha and working to save Pack Roberts. But when I’m with Aaron… I want to savor. I want every second to extend into infinity. I want these good feelings to last. Knowing they won’t, that’s just another reminder of the ticking clock that has become my life.

“What happened?” he whispers. 3 2

4 + I blink back the tears that are blurring my vision. 2 “I’m just happy,” I tell him. And I am. I’m only sad because I’ll miss him. The first round of food comes and I’m spared from having to say more. C ๆ Time passes slowly. We eat and talk. Aaron shares stories of his own childhood-details I’ve never heard before or even thought to ask. We talk about good times, before the war resurged and ripped our lives apart. Before the main courses, I notice a commotion in the hall outside our room. I can’t say I’m surprised when Liam barrels toward the wolves positioned at the door. James stops him with a hand to Liam’s chest. “Not one step more,” James warns. “Back off, Beta.” “No.” “That’s my sister,” he growls as if daring

Aaron’s men to stop him. “Let him through,” Aaron says. But he’s not alone. Aaron bristles as two other wolves follow behind Liam. The first is a darkly bearded man with eyes that are almost translucent. The stark contrast between his light eyes and dark skin and hair is unnerving. The second man is blond and makes me think of Vikings or warriors from the Steppe. He’s really tall and wide with brown eyes that take in every detail. Both are heavily tattooed and they look, I don’t know, for lack of a better word, dangerous. “Hello Alpha,” the Viking-looking wolf says. “Michail.” Aaron nods. The man scoffs. “I was addressing her.” Aaron bristles. There are undercurrents of tension here and Aaron might outwardly appear calm, but his one hand has curled into a fist and the other lingers close to the steak knife beside his dish. “Leah, this is Michail, and the other Alpha is Ryker.” Liam handles the

introductions. They make my skin crawl so I can’t really say ‘it’s nice to meet you. I settle for a lame, “Hello.” Aaron angles his body to see past them. “I don’t see Dorian. Has he departed already?” The guy with the dark beard smiles a little creepily. “You know Dorian,” he says. “Always up to something.” To the two wolves Liam says, “Alright, you’ve met my sister. Let’s head out.” My brother comes and drops a kiss on my forehead and says to me, “Enjoy your evening, Leah. Save room for dessert. The Zabaglione is delicious.” I watch them leave. The wolf called Michail lingers. His gaze traces over me in a way that has Aaron growling. “See you soon,” he tells Aaron. And that’s not some pleasant farewell, it sounds ominous. When they’re gone, I ask Aaron, “Should we be concerned?” Between Tobin and now seeing my brother with these two wolves I can’t shake the feeling that he is in over his head. “Your brother has shi tty taste in friends,” Aaron tells me. My brother very convincingly let the world think my Pack was mismanaged and a bu nch of reprobates while he and my father launched a secret division of Roberts Corp for multi-billion dollar military contracts.

I won’t make any assumptions. And when I see my brother tonight or tomorrow, I’ll ask him about it. “I’m sure there is a reason for it, Aaron. “Yes. And that’s what concerns me…


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