Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets For The HOT CEO

Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot CEO Chapter 23

Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot CEO Chapter 23

Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot CEO Chapter 23

Broderick carried her from the bathtub and went ahead to place her on the bed, he placed his palm on her head to examined her temperature and then covered he naked body with the duvet. He watched her face for a while before walking out of the room. When he got to his room, he sat and was bordered about the chil dren. Why would that woman claim that the children were hers? He tried to lay on the bed to get some sleep but he couldn‘t. He then stood from the bed and went to pick an album that contained the pictures of his late wife, he began to flip through the pages of the album.

‘You!‘‘ he mumbled with a broken heart as he kept looking his late wife‘s picture, “You should have bee n alive when the secrete about you get exposed.” He eventually closed the album and dropped it. All thr ough the entire night, he couldn‘t sleep. As soon as it was early the following morning, he dressed and went straight to Nell‘s room. He greeted and requested that he wants to have some time with the childr en to which Nell agreed. He welcomed the six children to his room, he could feel a sense of comfort with the children around him. “Big uncle, y ou did not bully Amy yesterday, right?” Elijah asked. They were all worried about Amy, they didn‘t get to see her after leaving the train to the mansion up until now. “I… well, you don‘t have to worry,” he didn‘t want to lie so he was trying to cut corners with his words. He bullied her, that was the truth and almost killed her. He likes to give her a ‘near death‘ experience. Tears rushe d down from Debby‘s face, with Broderick‘s response, she could tell that Amy was bullied. She wasn‘t making any noise as she cried, she was just sobbing quietly like an adult. “Debby,” Broderick called, se eing her cry made him hurt and he can‘t really say why precisely. He held her small hand and carried her then placed her in his arms,” Debby, why are you crying?” When th e remaining five kids saw their sister crying, they all began to cry. Broderick felt like he had hurt these lit tle ones. “I‘m so sorry, please stop crying,” Broderick said but the children never stopped crying. “Can s omeone tell me who hurts you? I promose to deal with the person,” Broderick said. “You are the one wh o is hurting us for hurting Amy,” Angel said. Why are these kids more concerned about Amy? “But can I ask why yo

u are more concerned about Amy? She‘s not even your mother,” Broderick said. Amy and Nell had warned the kids to agree to anyone who asked them about who their mother is to always say that it was Nell that was their motherand that they can only refer to Amy as aunt. The c hildren looked at eachother, tempted to tell the truth but they were all scared of the outcome. “She‘s our aunt and we love her, we don‘t want her to be bullied,” Queen said, still having a pitiful face. Broderick became suspicious immediately that something was off somewhere, why were they ref erring to Amy as their aunt? She wasn‘t even related to the Brodrick‘s family in anyway yet now, they w ere referring to her as aunt.

“You bullied her right, don‘t lie?” Elijah asked.

Broderick sighed and answered, ” I did but I didn‘t know she meant so much to you.” The children felt s o bad after hearing Broderick say that, their heart sunk into sadness, and the sad

He Won‘t Beleive You – expression on their face was so glaring. “I‘m sorry,” Broderick apologized to the six little ones eventhough but they still had a sad expression

He thought of what he could do to make the little ones happy again and then said,” I will make it up to h er.” “How?” Debby asked immediately he finished speaking. The remaining five kids set their gaze on Broderick and were curiously waiting for his response. “Your aunt can ask for whatever she wants and I‘ll grant her request,” Broderic k said. “Then bring her here and tell her that,” Elisha said. Broderick gestured for the little ones to feel c omfortable and then said to them, “I‘ll be back, okay?” Seeing that they all nodded in response, he walk ed away majestically. He walked over to Amy‘s room and on getting there, he planted a knock on the door, the knob of the door twisted in no time and the door gave way. Amy stood before him, dressed in a green short gown. “Follow me,” he said simply and turned, Amy followed him. Disobe ying him will only let him give her another near death experience and she was not willing to experience that. When t

hey got inside his room, Celine felt so much happiness to see her six kids all seated. The six children c ouldn‘t contain their joy and so ran towards her. She hugged them with tears almost falling off her face, it was as though she was seeing her lost kids. She didn‘t know that coming to the Northhl and meeting with Br oderick will make her life so complicated. If she had known, she would have stayed back in Southhill. C eline began to examine her children‘s face one after the other to be sure they were fine, Debby rubbed her cheek with a beaming look and said, “we miss you, Amy.” It had only been few hours that they departed yet her children already missed her this much. She missed them greatly too. She was just about to sne ak in to Nell‘s room when Broderick appeared. “Big uncle confessed to us that he bullied you yesterday, ” Moses said and Amy looked at him and sighed. Moses continued,” he said he will make up for it so he said you can ask for whatever you want.” Queen immediately whispered to Amy‘s ear,” why don‘t you ask of us t o leave this place?” The children didn‘t like the place too as they don‘t get to see Amy often unlike whe n they were in Southhill Amy who was arching her back just to level up with the height of the kids straig htened up and said to Broderick,” I can ask for Whatever I want, right?” “Yes,” Broderick responded wit h a straight face, he was even glaring at her. He was only doing this for the kids. The woman before hi m disgust him, but he didn‘t know why he has a special attraction towards the kids. Before she could sp eak, Broderick guessed what she may want to ask and then said, “I can‘t let you leave this mansion with the kids since they are not your children.” “Let me be their nanny, give me the opportunity to be taking care of them, “since she can not leave this place, then she should at the very least be able to spend time with t he kids.”

Broderick thought about why she would ask such but granted her requested anyways,” fine.”

“Thank you,” Amy said.

He Won‘t Beleive You “Are you happy now?” Broderick asked the kids, looking particularly at Debby but herself,” Broderick said. He didn‘t even like the fact that Amy was staying in his room. He just had to tolerate her because of the kids. “You have to buy som and then said to the kids,” fine, I‘ll buy for her too.” He then said to Amy,” since you are their nanny now, Amy answered. Once they all appeared at Nell‘s room, Amy frowned at Nell at the thought of what she did yesterday. “You all can go to the bathroom, I‘ll join you soon,” she said and watched the six kids walked over to the bathroom. She then faced Nell, “ho claim to be the mother of my children? You even lied on me. I never knew you are someone like this.” Nell smirked, “Broderick beleives every single word that comes of my mouth, this now she looked like someone keeping grudges against her. Nell sat on the bed slowly and said sternly,” are his, I am not happy with the both of you together. I know you wanted to leave badly and escape but twin sister had died, you can leave with the kids, Amy smirked,” It‘s not easy to endure pain with him and I don‘t want you to act as the mother of my children anymore. I‘m their mother and infact, I need you anymore. I‘m trying not to be rude here but you are pushing me. I only did what I did cause I wanted Broderick‘s mother to be happy. I guess I should have put my happiness first.” women in the room turned and see Broderick,


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