Battle and Sex Is All A Primordial Fiend Needs

Chapter 346 Kicking Out The Blocker

Chapter 346 Kicking Out The Blocker

Her hair pulled back and folded into a bun, her lips painted red with a bit of powder on her face, the second Seth had seen Flora, his mind had gone into overdrive and quickly began making plans on how to get her.josei

So far, Seth had been all about admiring the mature but a little bit innocent and conserved woman's beauty when Alexia dropped the bomb on him that she was pregnant.

"Woah, I didn't notice that," Seth thought as his eyes finally looked down to Flora's body, noticing the free green gown she wore, one which covered her swollen stomach.

"How could you not have noticed that, you had to have looked at her body to want to fuck her?"

"No, I didn't " 

"If you didn't look at her, then what attracted you to her?"

"Her beauty," Seth replied pondering why he hadn't put much thought into the woman's swollen belly till Alexia pointed it out.

"Not that she isn't beautiful, but without even using me whose beauty surpasses all, Irene is just as if not more beautiful than her, and you've been banging that woman for days, so how can just Flora's beauty get you so thrown off?"

After rebutting Seth's reason, Minuha was expecting a reply, but it never came as Seth's attention had already fully shifted to the woman before him.


  "Come let's sit," Seth said offering Flora a hand, and though the woman didn't understand his words, she took his hand and let him lead her to the bed where they sat down.

Dilise frowned slightly at this interaction and followed them to the bed and then without warning sat between Seth and Flora feeling awkward when she noticed both Seth and Flora staring at each other with bright eyes and not throwing her a glance.

"When did my sister become this sweet and calm, if Edwin saw this he would probably cry."

"Reins zooms flug klug." Seth heard Flora say and then a second later Dilise spoke,

"She says it seems you don't recognize her."

"Well I am sorry but I don't, though her eyes do look familiar," Seth said.

Dilise conversed with her sister a little and then spoke once more.

"She says she's the first woman you saved when you lead the great march."

"Huh, what great march" was where Seth's mind first went before he remembered Dilise's first words and then narrowed his eyes while looking the woman up and down.

As Seth said earlier, Flora's black eyes were indeed familiar and now that remembered the mud and soot-covered woman he had saved, the two women's images overlapped and his eyes widened in realization.

"You were covered in dirt back then so I couldn't recognize you immediately, to think you were such an exquisite beauty." Seth praised, Dilise reluctantly conveying his word to her sister, bringing an embarrassed smile to the woman's face.

"Man this is impossible, with Dilise here and me needing her to translate for me, there is no way she's going to let me get into her sister's pants, she could go on lying and I won't know a thing," Seth inwardly lamented.

Seth remembered how despite him having Irene in his hands, the woman had still been unwilling to let him have Aimy, he knew how much effort he had put into getting both sisters to kneel before his cock and now he was faced with another pair of sisters.I think you should take a look at

ƥ Seth had no doubt that were he to be left alone with Dilise he would have her soft ass bouncing on his cock, but now he was after her sister, and without doubt, Seth knew the woman wouldn't support him.

"Time to get the clock blocker out and bring in a more reliable factor," Seth thought and without delay, had his soulsense calmly spreading out far and searching till it found its target.

After finding his target, Seth continued his chat with Flora, this time not making any advances toward her.

"Dilise told me of what you did for me, I am sincerely grateful to you for standing up for me."

"Oh that, it's nothing much, it's the least we could do for you after you risked your lived for us, people who you don't even know," Flora said her words conveyed by Dilise.

After speaking, Flora stood to her feet and moved in front of Seth, and then without warning she bowed her head and spoke."

"From the bottom of my heart thank you."

"More like from the bottom of your breast" Seth internally snickered, his eyes catching Flora's deep cleavage that showed as she bowed.

After a second, Flora lifted her head and return to the bed, her face rosy and her head bent, it would seem she was a little bit embarrassed by her last action.

Seth was about to speak when there was a knock on the door, the disturbance surprising everyone but Seth who grinned within.

"Excuse me," Dilise said and stood up, heading for the door.

"Lady Minuha," Dilise said shifting out of the way ad letting Minuha walk in.

"Irene and Aimy have begun acting up, as the person most familiar with them, I want you to go and control things," Minuha said.

"But what of them," Dilise said looking at Seth and Flora," I have to translate for them"

"It's alright, I'll handle it," Minuha said with a cold look.

At first, Dilise was taken aback by the sudden assignment, but it was Minuha that was talking to her, and remembering Minuha's very tyrannical other side, the woman could only nod her head.

Dilise turned to Seth and Flora, giving them her greeting before she turned and left the room.

With Dilise gone, Seth turned to Flora, a smile on his face, but then he noticed her having a frown on her face and looking in a particular direction.

Seth followed Flora's line of sight, quickly spotting her very unfriendly gaze directed at Minuha, Minuha not seeming to care as she stood with her hands folded.

"What's the problem, don't you like Minuha," Seth said, not having to add anything else before Minuha translated his words to Flora.

A look of doubt climbed Flora's face after Minuha spoke, looking at the Woman and then Seth.

"Ich nicht dein frau, " Flora said looking at Minuha warily.

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