Battle and Sex Is All A Primordial Fiend Needs

Chapter 419 Where Did You Learn This?

Chapter 419 Where Did You Learn This?

The sudden turn of events had everyone surprised, and they couldn't help but remember Seth's words about the woman being crazy and ponder if it might be true.

Though Gudzil and Jane weren't sure exactly what had happened, from the woman's condition and the makeover Seth had given to the surroundings, they could tell that he had most likely helped her in some way.

With her life saved, although a bit of caution from her against them wouldn't be unexpected, the fact that she pitifully tripped on herself was a surprise to everyone.


Having already checked on the woman from afar and then moved to use his darkness to turn all the people attacking her to dust, Seth knew exactly what had been happening here.

Seth knew about the barrier which had been put up, and though it was impressive that she was able to create a working seal with the rough stone formation she had, what really interested Seth in Mira's work was her overlapping of seals.

Rather than just cancelling out a seal and putting up a new one, the woman had instead worked on strengthening an existing seal, doing it so well that there was no fluctuation in the barrier as it was being upgraded.

With his eyes narrowed, after landing, Seth had gone to inspect the eye-opening work that had been layered on the crappy huge rocks.

As Seth studied the work, he sensed Mira turn to run away, but before he could do anything, she tripped and then, seconds later, began crying.

"Women," Seth thought within but made no move toward the woman, thankful that no stupid feelings were beginning to crop up in him. 

Seth conveniently went looking at the rocks, and then minutes later, with a grimace, he realized that he had to activate his enlightenment sphere.

After his journey to Egaroth, a sense of superiority toward the people of Earth inevitably emerged in him. 

While the presence of guardians and overseers was able to keep him grounded and curious to some extent, when it came to the knowledge of seals and one's affinity towards them, Seth's feeling of superiority was taken to a whole other level.

Though Mira's ability to overlay seals and upgrade an active one was awfully impressive, Seth still considered it nothing more than the result of some one-time incredible enlightenment.

Seth believed that in no less than 5 minutes, he would understand the secret behind her technique, but after immersing himself in figuring it out, 20 minutes later, his face turned grim.

Twenty minutes later, Seth was still at the doorstep of understanding. 

This situation was a hit to Seth's pride, and he had to close his eyes and take a deep breath.

"What a troublesome world," Seth bitterly thought, having to take in several deep breaths and seconds later, when he felt calm enough, he opened his eyes and was just about to switch on his enlightenment sphere when a voice that should have been crying or lamenting it's life sounded.

"You can't figure out a single thing, right?"

Tilting his head to the side a little, Seth's eyes picked up the image of Mira.  josei

The man silently stared at her form, which was no longer pitifully sitting on the ground but had now moved a few steps toward him.I think you should take a look at

Watching as she ignored the pain and fatigue in her body, straightened her posture, puffed out her chest, and wore a cocky smile, Seth sighed within himself and ignored her.

Though he accepted a loss, with his enlightenment sphere at his back, no matter the kind of enlightenment that Mira had received, Seth was still going to figure it out.

With the now white, large sphere active, Seth peered at the rock once more, expecting to have achieved his goal in 3 minutes max.

"Go on, ignore me, in the end, you'll still come crawling back to me for answers," Mira sneered, folded her arms, and then stared at Seth.

Though the pride and smugness Mira felt at the moment were all real, the strength she stood with was fake.

After breaking down for a few minutes, watching Seth stare at the seal she had created reminded her of what she had accomplished some minutes ago, and with this, the fiery desire to push herself once more and fight for survival was reignited.

"I've already fought for the whole night. Though I'm tired, what does it cost me to fight a little longer?"

With this thought, Mira had put her plan in place, the mocking of Seth being the first of it's steps. 

When Seth ignored her, she bit her lips tight and hard as she pushed through the pain in her body and stood still, looking at him.

Mira had feared she would have to stand for too long, but 6 minutes later, Seth's eyes looked away from the rock, and then the next instant, it disappeared, and he turned to her.

"Where did you learn to do this?"

"Don't be foolish. Look at that work of art, does it look like something you can just find anywhere?

What you see right there is a masterpiece, a work of brilliance, my brilliance, something born of my comprehensive abilities," Mira said with a snort.

"Repairing and upgrading an active seal is something never before seen, imagine how beneficial this kind of skill would be to someone or any organization."

With these words, though there was slight tension within her, a sense of victory bubbled within her as she had now played her major card and confidently awaited the result.

Though Mira truthfully didn't want to betray the rebels, genuinely wanting to stick by their side, her life came first and now she was working to save it.

Perhaps if she was just a really good random seal master, Mira would have feared that her skill would be ignored, and she would be killed, but looking at the way Seth had studied her work, though she had been surprised to know that a brute pervert like him could understand sealing, it at least opened up a chance of survival for her.

"No, that knowledge isn't born from you, and neither is it born from this world," Seth said, calmly watching Mira, whose expression went pale after he spoke.

"Follow me," Seth said, turned and began moving toward Blue.

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