Battle Harem of the Heavenly Sword

Chapter 16 The Will To Remain Unbroken

Chapter 16 The Will To Remain Unbroken

It has been officially two days since Hiro arrived, He got summoned, beaten up, and slept through most of the first day. On the second, he woke up at noon and participated in the binding ceremony only for it to go to shit. When Hiro awoke once more, the morning of the third day already arrived.

"Waking up after an ass whooping is becoming the norm for me. What happened again?"

Rubbing his head Hiro, sat up and then tried to recount the events that he remembered.

"Let's see, I arrived at the chapel, introduced myself to the husbands of Starfall, participated in the binding ceremony, and….."

The transmigrator then remembered what happened afterward, the formation of the domination link and its eventual collapse. What followed was the rage and hysteria of Rhyne, followed by the assault he received from her.

Remembering her words ripped Hiro's heart in two. As a virgin, it was beyond cruel to intentionally dupe him to fall in love and then be told he misunderstood.

Tears started falling from his eyes, it would have been better if he didn't decide to trust her. Having opened his heart only for it to be trampled on hurt far deeper than wounds gained from blades.

This pain forced many to forever conceal their feelings in cowardice. Love itself represented both a gamble and a war, in order to have a chance at winning one must also be prepared to lose.


Hiro knew, deep down he knew, there was literally no reason for someone as amazing as Rhyne to like someone as pitiful as him. But the man felt lonely and wanted to experience the romance he could only read about in manga.

The middle-aged man willingly devoted everything to the princess in the brief moments he loved her. But reality came crashing down and she seemed only to need him for a domination link.

When the need to keep up appearances disappeared, Rhyne proceeded to humiliate and abuse Hiro while spewing vitriol and disgust. The man did not stop his tears, this event, like the ass-whooping from Artorius, was a lesson.

It's okay to feel sad, it's okay to want to cry. Men are often told to remain strong. But the truth was most men needed a shoulder to cry on too. Hiro, having been exposed to numerous people who were in their highs and lows knew this.

Even still he learned one extremely useful lesson from his father figure. This lesson kept him sane and allowed him to run forward no matter the hardship.

(It's okay to cry and feel like shit, It's not a weakness nor is it wrong to shed tears. I will give you 3 hours or 3 days take your pick. In that period cry as much as you want. Blame the person, blame the world, blame yourself, I will not judge you.

But after the time is done, we move forward. If your heart is broken then throw yourself into something and rise with a fucking vengeance. What defines the strong is not that they never fall, but that they are the ones to rise again despite falling.)

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU RHYNE!!!!! FUCK YOU ARTORIUS!!!! FUCK YOU ALLL!!!!!!!!! YOU BROUGHT ME HERE JUST TO SUFFER!!! I DON'T DESERVE THIS!!! You should have guys killed me. Not like this. I loved you… I trusted you… WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! DAMMM IT ALLL!!!!!!! WHYYYY!!!!!!!!"

Following the lesson, Hiro then roared to unload the feelings in his heart. These two days gave him a roller coaster of emotions greater than his entire life on Earth.

Hiro screamed like a madman then cried like a child, alternating between shouting and laughing pitifully till his tears dried up. After 30 minutes, only murmurs could be heard from the transmigrator.

"This won't beat me. I refuse to lie down and die. I will get stronger, strong enough that you will beg me to take you back.

"You made a mistake today Rhyne Fair Dominii. I will create the greatest battle harem this empire has ever seen. I will succeed and soar so high you will have to chase after me."

While going through the worse heartache he ever experienced, Hiro felt his insides blaze in anger. The regret, pain, and humiliation prevented him from breathing. The vengeful desire, frustration, and unbridled fury made his chest ache like beasts were ripping him to shreds.josei

However, he didn't deny anything. Denying it was the same as denying his tears. One needed to accept things in order to move on. He accepted the pain, he accepted the regret, and forged the anger into a blade. One he will defeat his enemies with.

"I will never get swayed by a pretty face ever again. Until I get strong enough I will focus on nothing else."

Sudden beeps resounded in his mind.

- Alert: Resilience through Rage [D] mutated into new skill Strength Derived from Pride [C]! -

- Alert: Vision Beyond Sight [D] mutated into new skill Sight Beyond Vision [C]! -

- Alert: Forged through Vengeance [C] mutated into new skill Wrath of the Vengeful [B]!-

- Alert: New Secondary skill learned: Beauty's Bane [D]! -

"Haha, it seems only the system is on my side. Thank you. It feels good to have someone in my corner. Let's check them out."

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