Battle Harem of the Heavenly Sword

Chapter 246 Summoning The Watchdog Of Overternia 3

Chapter 246 Summoning The Watchdog Of Overternia 3


At the shout of Hiro's women, three gigantic wolf heads made of darkness came out of the array of [Malice]. The three-headed wolf had black fog coming out of its body as it looked at the beings below it. The wolf heads then all started to talk one after another.

- Ho? All three of you survived this time? How amazing… You humans are still trying to call a covenant from so long ago despite never succeeding? I admire your tenacity if nothing else. Fine Show me your determination! Those who wish to follow your ancestors! -


Going back to Hiro's discussion with his wives yesterday. As Lene finished her demonstration of the Bravery combat doctrine. Jei started a telepathic discussion using [Sisters for a lifetime]. This ensured Hiro couldn't eavesdrop on their discussions.

'Lene, Nessa were you Vaginarnis candidates?'

Taken aback, Raylene assumed in earnest. 'How do you know about that? Then you are not just part of the Graceyeanor bloodline but are part of its royalty?!'

Jei made a small nod indicating her affirmation.

Vanessa uncharacteristically asked with a threatening voice. 'Jade, how did you surmise I am part of the Dominii royalty? Vaginarnis candidates are only chosen from sons and daughters of savior bloodlines.'

'Just a hunch, when I saw husband's battle harem name. I figured you would be one.' Answered the Graceyeanor princess.

Nessa sighed in her mind and elaborated. 'Okay, the cat is out of the bag, yes I was a Dominii princess the same as Rhyne, I cannot share beyond that. And yes to answer your question I was a Vaginarnis candidate but I never finished the training.'

Jei then faced Raylene, awaiting the latter's response to the same question. Lene then looked at her and telepathically answered. 'I am the same. I was among the final four candidates but the assessment never completed.'

Nodding the mage then expounded on her explanation. 'Same goes for me. Final three but empire fell before I got chosen. Did you all have the fairy tale of Fenrir?'

Her sisters answered curtly. 'Yes' x2

She then continued 'We cannot let husband know about the Vaginarnis system. I think Heavenly sword is related. If so, we can call upon the watchdog of Overternia.'

Raylene then frowned as she asked in annoyance. 'Jade, I am uncomfortable keeping secrets from darling. Why do you think we should even attempt to call Fenrir? None of us are official Vaginarnis.'

The mage made a crestfallen face as she answered. 'Husband would never allow us to become one if he knew their true purpose. The fairy tale is why I thought about increasing our calibers. But I think the Vaginarnis are needed to fight the heralds.'

Fairy tales were used to share truths and lessons to children, normally these were meant to spread as wide as possible to allow children to learn from their wisdom. Being kind, not going out at night, and listening to elders. Fairy tales were one of the most tried and tested ways to pass lessons from one generation to the next.

In Valorious there were several, but there was one that broke all conventions. It was the fairy tale of Fenrir. This children's story circulated only among the royalty. None but the bloodlines of the saviors were allowed to speak it. The story became something emperors passed to their children and so on.

Only when the children got selected to become Vaginarnis candidates did the fairy tale transform into something else. The story went as follows.

[There once were three children one boy and two girls.]

[Kairos, Antheia, and Shani were their names.]

[They were children who became good friends despite coming from different lands.]

[One day, they all went to the pond to draw water. But on the way home a big bad wolf came for them!]

[Surprised at the large animal, Antheia fell and wounded her knee. Shani hugged her as Kairos faced the wolf.]

[The girls were scared and cried. But Kairos tried to be brave and asked. "Why are you here Mr. Wolf? Have you come to eat us?"]

["Give me the water in your buckets, I am thirsty." said the wolf.]

[The wolf was grumpy because even after he drank the ocean he remained thirsty.]

[Kairos then gave his bucket and said to the wolf. "Here is mine, let my friends go!"]

[The wolf then answered, "I will if my thirst goes away."]

[Kairos then took the other two buckets and gave them to the wolf.]

["Here! Drink these too!" and the wolf drank all the water up.]

[But, even after emptying their buckets, the wolf was not satisfied.]

[The wolf then said. "I still am thirsty! Give me more or I will eat you!"]

[Scared, the children trembled. To save her friends Antheia then said. "Okay, drink my blood instead."]

[Antheia had a gash on her knee due to falling earlier. She then squeezed her blood into her bucket.]

[Her friends who didn't want her to suffer alone took rocks and nicked their knees too.]


[The three children then pooled their blood in the bucket.

[When they had a cup's worth the wolf greedily snatched the bucket.]

[Shani said as she trembled. "Mr. Wolf, after this, you must become our friend."]

[The wolf then made a scary face as he asked. "Are you not scared of me little girl?"]

["I am, but I know you are not bad, your just thirsty. we will give you this blood but you can't eat us and will be our friend from today on."]

[Amused at the child's bravery the wolf then promised. "Okay. Because all of you are good children, I will be your friend."]

[The wolf then drank the cup full of blood and finally was no longer thirsty.]

[In happiness the wolf came back to the village and guarded Shani, Kairos, and Antheia.]

[Because of the wolf, no other monster could harm the village. So the village became happy and strong.]

[The wolf guarded the village till his friends became old and gray. When they returned to the earth, the wolf got sad and became thirsty again.]

[The wolf didn't want to hurt the villages so he left. But before he did, told the children of his friends.]

[If in the future an offering similar to your parents is made, I will come back.]

[But, no matter how hard the people tried, the wolf never came back.]

[Eventually, the village forgot about the wolf. And no one tried to call him anymore.]

[But the wolf loved the village, he wanted to come back so the people would get stronger.]

[Thus since then, the wolf waited. He wished for his friends to call him back but they never did.]

[Until now the wolf waits, in loneliness and in eagerness.]

[This story is about Fenrir. The wolf who waits.]

Vanessa spoke in a defeated tone. 'I'm sorry Jei, I cannot see how Fenrir and increasing our calibers are connected. You are going to have to explain more.'

Jei then explained in a succinct manner. 'Most cannot increase calibers due to the [Forsaken]. Fenrir is the watchdog of Overternia. If we make a pact with him, we can draw power from Overternia with him as a shield.'

'The line from the story went "because of the wolf, no other monster could harm the village. So the village became happy and strong." You think this meant our ancestors encouraged us to make a pact with Fenrir like the children?' Raylene commented.

Nodding the Graceyeanor princess continued. 'The children's names are the same as the Church of Eternity. Husband said each Regalia is tied to a caliber. If he didn't explain I would have never guessed.'

'Hiro-sama would never agree. Just compressing our calibers is already freaking him out. If we told him we would summon a three-headed wolf he would get angry!' asserted Vanessa.

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