Battle Harem of the Heavenly Sword

Chapter 303 From The Ashes 5

Chapter 303 From The Ashes 5

Jade could not help but look at her sister with a cold gaze. Vanessa had a troubled expression as she weighed the pros and cons of the transaction. It was only Tsugumi who approached the Princess of Valorious undauntedly.

[Tsugumi]: Raylene-Nee-sama, if this is something you wish for, then I will support you with everything I have. I, who have been ignored by those around me most of my life, found happiness with Nii-sama and you all.

[Raylene]: Tsugumi…

[Tsugumi]: Even as someone unrelated to your husband by blood, you not only protected me, and cherished me but also guided me. Allow me to return a small portion of that.

The two embraced as they shed tears. Emotion sprang forth as the girls relished in their love for each other as family. Vanessa approached and joined their group hug.

[Vanessa]: Lene, I once said you are the best of us and I wish to be more like you. Please allow me to assist. Let us save as many as we can. However, our family will always remain the priority okay?

[Raylene]: Yes, thank you, sister. I will protect the family with my all.

[Vanessa]: Before you get any weird ideas I know Valorians view death in battle as the ultimate honor, but do that shit and I will hunt you in whatever hell or heaven you go to and drag your ass back down here. Capeesh?

The secret of Nessa's twin personalities was already known to everyone. Like two sides of a coin, the personalities differed not only in inclination but temperament.

One was the real Nessa, a kind-hearted sweet optimist. The other is a cynical pessimist with a penchant for murder and sadism. The latter was given the designation bitch Vanessa.

Before being reborn, the Mitsurugi household knew which was "On", depending on what colors the woman's pupils showed. If they were blue like the ocean it was the real Vanessa, if it had the color of blood red, a shade of crimson or pink it would be the bitch Vanessa who was around.

Now, the woman had Heterochromia. Which meant each eyeball had pupils of different colors. One was blood red the other ocean blue. This made determining who was driving a bit harder. However, due to working together the family had enough information to understand who was who.

Already used to the 180-degree mood swings, Lene did not say anything and embraced her sister. In her own way, bitch Vanessa naturally also worried for her sisters. Despite the difference in personality both sides truly loved Raylene as an ally and sister-in-law.

[Raylene]: Thank you, Nessa, I appropriate it. I will return the favor.

[Vanessa]: Don't be like that. Family doesn't keep score.

Extremely touched by her sister's support, Raylene then bashfully tried to gauge if the last person showed any acceptance or lack there off. Like a statue the pink-haired empress, crossed her arms in annoyance. Yet after about two minutes, she made a deep sigh and nodded her head.

[Jade]: It will be difficult, but possible. The question is would husband agree?

[Raylene]: Let me worry about that. I will beg him if need be.

[Tsugumi]: Lene-Nee-sama, why not go for a triple whammy like you girls always do? The last time you three begged him so pitifully, his anger dissipated like smoke. It is so weird to see how malleable Nii-sama is when you three ask him for something together.

[Vanessa]: Well Tsugumi, I don't mean to brag, but of the three of us. Your Nii-sama finds me the most alluring. He just can't keep his hands off my body when I seduce him.

[Raylene]: Shrimp look at the mouth on you. Aren't you the one who begs like a harlot most of the time?

[Jade]: Liar. Indeed, I could fill up a jug with all the fake tears you shed during sex.

[Tsugumi]: Onee-sama's I love you all but please keep that much to yourselves. I have no intention of hearing how Nii-sama is during spicy time. I cringe at the idea.

[Vanessa]: Ara, how adorable! you are his sister after all! Also, don't mind them, a perverted exhibitionist and a degenerate who likes being tied up do not have an opinion. Also! I now have the top spot for the highest cum collected of the three of us.

[Tsugumi]: Vanessa-Nee-sama… Please stop…I feel my ego dying from the cringe.

[Raylene]: Anyhow, Jei, do you have an idea how we could go about protecting the land?

[Jade]: I do, only one and it would be extremely punishing to husband.


[Jade]: It would only be possible because of one of Hiro's Skill [Heart's Dogma]'s realities, [By your side will I fall].

[Tsugumi]: Ah! The magic door! But I don't understand, how? josei

[Jade]: We have to do this to make it work…

After a few minutes of discussion, the three empresses left to share the details of their plan with Hiro. Tsugumi who felt relieved knowing of what is to come smiled with battle lust.

"Nii-sama, you wives are just as crazy as you are… they truly are worthy of being your empresses. I can't wait."

Back to Hiro and Dylan, the former made a crisp salute towards the crown prince and was about to leave. While Dylan wanted to ask the butcher to defend the cities, he knew that now was not the time. The biggest issue with this continental monster invasion is the sheer number of defense targets.

Each kingdom has about 100,000 - 250,000 people. Of that number only about 10,000-50,000 would be system users. Of that group, the ones with combat occupations such as mercenaries, soldiers, or bounty hunters would be around 3,000 to 16,050.

Despite being soldiers, the ones that are part of battle harems would be only around 300 to 1,500. This is because even though one can be a system user, one needed to be desired by a dominant to be able to join as a submissive. With such pathetic statistics, one would be able to understand why most battle harems were weak.

Because of such considerations, Dylan, one originally from the continent understood the futility of playing savior in these kinds of situations. Instead of wasting time on those that would die soon, it became much more efficient to annihilate the source to calm the invasions down.

Before the two men could separate Hiro's three wives approached, greeted Dylan then kneeled in front of Hiro. Having a basic idea of what they would ask, Hiro didn't give his women a hard time and sat on the barrel.

The butcher knew how much of a pushover he was when it came to Raylene and her sisters. Whenever they made mistakes, the three would seduce or act cute in front of him.

Love and lust together with the warmth that came from them as he unloaded his seed into their bodies during makeup sex also turned his logic to mush.

Thus, seeing the alluring smiles of his women Hiro already knew they were going to once again make a deal. Despite knowing of such he remained partial to them.

"Darling, I will get straight to the point. Please help me to save the entire continent front the monster invasions."

Her cool demeanor and battle-hungry expression told Hiro how much thought the woman already gave to her suggestions. Seeing both Vanessa and Jade on her flanks meant both of them acquiesced to the Idea.

Or rather, Jade already refined the plan to the point of perfection. Such would be much more likely. On the other hand, Nessa cared not about the manner so long as the reward would be good for Heavenly Sword.

Inwardly Hiro could only sign and think in defeat. 'Hai, these girls are again going to make me do something in exchange for my sexy time. Well, not that I would decline though. I am too easy.'

"Why should I Lene?"

Dylan, who picked up on the conversation started to eavesdrop on the discussions in hopes that he may catch a glimpse of the Heavenly Sword's plans.

"Darling, there is little I can offer you as everything I already belong to you."

The words sounded cheap and hammy, but Hiro felt his chest warm up. Hiro cleared his thoughts as he continued.

"While that may be true, please explain why should I go through the hassle of this?"

"Noblesse Oblige… It is something I am obligated to follow due to being part of the bloodline of the sword savior."

"Lene, I am a commoner though? I am no knight nor did I ever pretend to be."

"Save them for me, darling. I make this formal request as your submissive and your woman. It may be impossible for everyone else. But that is not the case for my darling. Now I answered as truthfully as I could Hiro, only you could beside what I wish for in such a dangerous situation.

"Let me rephrase it. As a gift to me, I want you to protect the entire continent my darling."

Before Hiro answered the two other women by Raylene's sides similarly announced.

"Hiro-sama, doing this would significantly raise our ledger ratings."

"Husband, we made a plan. We can do it, 70% probability of success."

After a minute of all three of his wives making sad pitiful faces towards Hiro. Eventually, he answered for everyone to hear. "Fine, let's do this. "

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