Battle Harem of the Heavenly Sword

Chapter 44 A Savior Only To Three Lives

Chapter 44 A Savior Only To Three Lives

After getting grilled for a good amount of time, Jade happily shared the details of their kiss with the curious members of Hiro's harem. The transmigrator who had nothing better to do busied himself by doing practice swings with his sword.

Having tried Kendo, fencing, and medieval sword fighting on earth, he had a good idea of what to do as basics. Due to his main skill [Sword Expert] [B] and passive skill [Sword Mastery] [C] he learned instinctively what moves worked and what didn't.

Due to being self-taught he learned a style that combined the fighting styles he tried back on Earth. Luckily some basic blocks and slashes were enough to get him this far, the secondary active skills like [Six gales] actually behaved like a program.

Once triggered, his body would move on its own and follow the skill's course without any active participation from him. This allowed transmigrators to fight on par with actual warriors just through skills. The residents of Valorious considered such cheats an insult to those who trained but the battle harem system and its influence were too powerful.

Technique and moves were what people created to maximize combat potential, in the face of overwhelming power, technique didn't matter. No matter how well a boxer moved, no amount of technique can save him if he ate a punch with over ten times the strength of a man that moved at ten times the speed.

Training and effort became useless due to such things, fighting got trivialized into a battle of stats. And most wars ended before they even began. However, Hiro knew from his time with anime and manga that there were things not in the system that still contributed to the battle. Thus he never allowed himself to grow complacent just because of having better stats.

As Hiro did combat drills inspired by the various fighting styles, a voice then interrupted him.

"Hiro-sama, dinner is ready. Is your training finished?"

A blonde woman who had metallic arms then came out as her dress fluttered in the wind. Hiro who saw her thought how lucky he was that he had three wonderful women by his side. When prompted to enter Starfall he hated the idea of having to fight for Rhyne's affection.

Suddenly thinking he made his women raise blades at each other's throats, Hiro asked in a fluster.

"Nessa, do you regret devoting yourself to me? If you chose a better man he could give you all of his heart. I am greedy. I demand your heart but can only give you a third in comparison. I start to wonder why you guys even wanted to suffer such hardship with me."

The transmigrator who started to wallow in self-pity looked to the floor in shame. What right does anyone have to demand something one cannot give? Harem's only sounded good on paper, but in actuality, they were selfish, and unfair and trivialized the feelings of those involved.

Vanessa who stared at Hiro in wonder approached with light steps, she then stared towards the sky as the moon shone in full view. Despite having prosthetics for limbs the transmigrator felt spellbound at her beauty and grace.

"Hiro-sama did you know? Jade having rose-colored hair was burned alive at eight years old in the lands of the Gracyeanor.

"Raylene on the other hand contracted a debilitating curse for some reason that changed her appearance, even worse her caretakers sold her as a slave.

"I had both of my arms removed due to being caught stealing food. It happened when I was twelve in a small town in the Valorious empire."

Hiro who heard the hardship his girls faced, grew angry at the injustice. But Vanessa continued her story.josei

"Each of us led abject and pitiful childhoods, yet we all strived to continue living. When we arrived in this city we wanted a fresh start but our appearances made it difficult. You know the rest, but all of us wished for one thing. Even if they don't tell me, I am sure of it. would you know what that is?"

The transmigrator mused yet couldn't think of an answer, originally he thought he lived a sad life but the lives of his women made his look like a cakewalk. Despite suffering with money, Hiro had friends who helped him at various points in his life. His girls didn't.

"I'm sorry Nessa, I am lacking in so much, I don't even know how to console you."

Vanessa then made a mischievous smile as she rebuked him. "Hmm, I agree you are lacking as a partner. But if you kiss me I will forgive you." The maid then darted towards Hiro like wind and pressed her lips against his.

The warmth of her lips still lingered even after she moved away. He could still taste what seemed like lipstick on his mouth. Vanessa then took his hand and placed it affectionately on her cheek.

"We wished for a savior, Hiro-sama."

Raylene let the weight of her words sink in. "Hiro-sama do you know what it feels like to live in a city where no one knows your name? Despite our attempts at gaining friends or helping people out we were ostracized and discriminated against solely because of how we looked."

The woman closed her eyes and enjoyed the warmth of her lover's hand on her face. She then continued.

"Every day, I wished for someone to call out my name. To tell me it's okay to look this way and treat me like a person. I wanted an ally who would get angry for my sake, to tell me I am not alone, and shield me when I feel scared."

She then opened her eyes and made a dazzling smile like she ruled on top of the world. "You are my savior, Hiro-sama. Like the shining white knight in fairy tales, you gave me salvation."

Vanessa then threw herself into Hiro's embrace, her arms tightly wrapped around him like a life vest at sea, her tears started to fall while her voice sobbed.

"You called my name the first time we met, said it's not my fault I lacked arms, and apologized to me. Like the sun you drove away my darkness, your simple words made me so happy. You got angry when the crowd called me names, said I belonged to you as your woman, and stood in front of me intent on protecting me from Gilthunder.

"Two days, my love, it took only two days for you to grant me everything I ever wished for in the span of six years. Now tell me Hiroyuki Mitsurugi-sama how could I not fall in love with you? I knew there and then that I was born to love you and only you. My sun, my hero, my beloved transmigrator."

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