Battle of Ascension

Chapter 248

Chapter 248: Battle Partner

The more he looked at the orange egg, the more nervous he became.

"Shana, how long will it take until the egg hatch?" Randy asked Shana as he looked at the egg nervously. No, more precisely he was excited because soon he would get a pet like Crimson Princess and Limera.

"Three to six hours maybe, I don't know the exact time," Shana shook her head. She didn't expect what they thought was a stone turned out an egg.

She looked at the shaking stone with an odd look. It was unexpected that she could not detect the stone was an egg.

Randy nodded his head. Afterward, he made a hole in the trunk with his sword, a meter deep with over one meter tall before putting the shaking egg in the hole.

After making sure the egg was safe, Randy guarded the hole with an eager look. He could not wait for the egg to hatch.

'I found the egg at the dragon's nest, then this egg is a dragon's egg?' Thinking here, Randy looked even more excited. It was a dragon, he imagined himself was riding a dragon in the sky.

But no matter how excited he was; he could not keep his eyes open.

Less than 10 minutes, Randy closed his eyelids as he fell asleep. He had asked Shana to wake him up if there was a sign to hatch on the egg. He used Shana as an alarm.


"Uncle! Uncle! Uncle! Wake Up!" Shana yelled right at Randy's right ear after noticing there was a crack on the egg. But no matter how loud her voice was; she could not wake Randy up.

"Uncle! Wake up, the egg is hatching!!! the egg is hatching!!!" Shana excited voice entered Randy's ears.

At first Randy felt annoyed, but soon his eyes jolted awake when he heard "the egg is hatching". He opened his eyes looked at the hole he created.

The one-meter orange egg had stopped shaking and there was a crack from the top of the egg to the middle of the egg.

Randy nervously looked at the crack. People said when an animal came out from the egg, for the first one they saw was their parents, but Randy was not sure about this.

Soon, the crack was getting bigger and bigger before finally a tiny blue paw broke out from the egg. At the ankle, there was a spark of blue flame.

Randy was a little disappointed after looking at the paw, it was not like a dragon's claw, but a paw like a cat. But it didn't make him discourage, an egg inside the dragon nest.

Even though it was not a dragon, but its parents dared to enter the dragon's nest, proving the beast not that scared of dragon's residual aura. That meant, it was a high-grade beast, so there was still anticipation in Randy's eyes.

The crack was getting bigger and another paw which covered with blue fur broke out again from inside the egg. Apparently, the tiny thing inside the egg was exhausted after breaking out the eggshell, so it didn't move further which made Randy anxious.

Randy wanted to help the thing inside, but Shana stopped him for an unknown reason.

After sometimes, the paw moved again, breaking another eggshell and eggshell. Finally, the crack became a hole and showed the thing inside the egg; it was a blue cat.

The cat had blue fur, in its four ankles there was a spark blue fire, and there was a thick woolly mane on the neck and shoulders. Rather than a cat, it was like a lion in cat size.

Randy looked the little cat with excited and curious look while the blue cat also looked at Randy with its clear and shiny red eyes.

After a few seconds stared each other, the blue walked out from the one-meter eggshell, walking closer to Randy. But soon he found another problem, the newborn blue needed a milk, right?

Soon he found another problem. A cat was a mammal, but why this blue cat was coming from an egg??

Just as he thought was in a mess, the blue cat reached his hand, and licked his land with its small tongue.

Randy picked up the blue cat to his chest, but he didn't know what to do about the blue cat. Giving a milk? He didn't have a milk as for why the cat born of an egg? Randy didn't care about it anymore.

After the Battle of Ascension started what was impossible? So Randy just felt odd and unusual when the blue cat born of an egg.

But what made him a headache was what he should do about the cat? feeding it milk was impossible as he didn't have the milk. Looking for a beast who just gave birth to feed the cat with milk?

First, it was hard to find the beast who just gave birth. Second, this was the beast kingdom's territory, there were many beasts roamed around. If the beast found him out, he would be in danger, knowing there was a beast horde around here.

"Take it easy, Uncle," Shana comforted him with a smile, but then she looked back at the blue cat. It seemed she fond to the blue cat.

"This is not a newborn baby, so you don't need to worry about the milk thing, even you have the milk it won't want to drink it. You only need take out one King Grade Beast's carcass and feed it with that carcass,"

Randy surprised after hearing the blue cat was not a newborn baby. The blue cat just came out from the egg, how could the blue cat was not a newborn baby? It didn't make sense to him at all, it was more confusing than the blue cat which born from the egg.

"All right, just feed it first. I will tell you about it later," Despite having a talk with Randy, Shana didn't look at him, she focused the blue cat in his embrace.

She wanted to tease, but because she was only a hologram which could only be seen by Randy, the blue could not see Shana.josei

The blue cat was obediently resting in his embrace, sometimes it would to the left and right with its big round eyes, curious with its surrounding.

Meanwhile, Randy scanned his Storage System, looking for the King Grade Beast carcass. He found a deer with a bullhorn. He took it out as the deer size was not that big, but also not small.

When the blue cat saw a deer appeared in his hands, its eyes glued at the deer. Randy also noticed the blue was excited as it cast its eyes on the deer, but it didn't jump out from his embrace, but it turned its head at Randy.

Randy smiled at this. He put the blue cat and skinned the deer, cutting the horn, and the deer's head before giving it to the blue cat. If this was not in beast kingdom's territory, he would cook the meat, but Shana said it was okay for the blue cat to eat the meat raw.

Finishing skinned the deer, Randy stored the skin and the two bullhorns. The horn was for the blacksmithing and the skin was for his mama-in-law.

Afterward, he passed the deer meat to the blue cat. Because his Storage System's special trait, the deer meat was not bloody as the blood had been sucked dry.

But to his surprise, the blue didn't eat the meat directly, but looking at him, it was like asking his consent. Randy only surprised a little before nodding his head.

After gaining Randy's confirmation, the blue cat started devouring the deer meat.

After that, he approached the hole he made for the egg and cleaned the eggshell inside the hole. Afterward, he made the hole bigger, 2 meters high and wide, and about 3 meters deep.

He planned to sleep inside the hole tonight. As for the beast horde, it seemed they had not made their move yet. After finishing created his nest for tonight, the turned back and saw the blue cat had finished the deer meat.

The blue cat gave him another surprise. He only spent 3 minutes for his nest, but the blue cat had finished the deer which five times bigger than its size.

The blue cat licked its lip as it satisfied with the meal after that it licked the deer bones. Signifying the deer meat was not enough.

Randy took another deer meat, the same as before. He skinned the meat first before passing it to the blue cat who was licking the bone.

Noticing there was another deer meat, the blue cat's eyes lit up. But the same as before, the blue cat didn't eat the meat directly but looking at Randy first.

Randy nodded his head with a smile and the blue cat ate the meat happily. After having its fill, the blue cat lick paw, walking to Randy before leaping to his embrace.

The blue cat was stroking its head to Randy's chest for a while before it fell asleep. Randy only shook his head at his and brought the blue cat to the hole he created.

Afterward, both human and cat were sleeping inside the hole. As Randy fell asleep, he didn't aware that he had not checked the blue cat's information yet.

Randy didn't know how long he had been sleeping, but suddenly there was a slight pain on his finger which woke him up.

He opened his eyes and looked at his right hand. The blue cat was in his embrace last night was currently biting his finger and beside the blue cat was Shana.

After that, he felt the blue was sucking the blood which flowed from his finger. Randy thought the blue cat was hungry that was why it woke him up by biting his finger.

"All right, soon I will give…" Before even he finished his words, there was a notification from the Ascension System.

Ascension System: Congratulation! You have made a Battle Partner Contract with Inflame Griffin.

Ascension System: Battle Partner Option had been added in window stat. You can check more detail about your Battle Partner in Battle Partner Option.

Randy stunned after hearing he made a Battle Partner Contract with Inflame Griffin. Soon he aware Inflame Griffin was the blue cat… a blue cat? griffin?

"Wait a minute..."

Randy pick the blue cat and checked its body, but he didn't find the hawk wing. After that, he checked its head, but it was indeed a cat.

Even though he had not seen the real Griffin, but in the movie said a griffin was a mythical creature with a lion's body, but having a hawk's head and wings.

Meanwhile, Ascension System identified the blue cat in his hand was a griffin, but the blue cat didn't have the hawk's wing and its head also like a normal cat.

It was impossible for the Ascension System wrong, but there was no griffin trait in the blue cat, it was just like a normal cat if he cut the mane on its neck and shoulders.

The blue cat was blinking its clear and round eyes as it looked at Randy with a curious look, wondering why Randy had a dumbfounded and confused look after making the contract.

'Nah, there's nothing impossible…' Randy shook his head and checked the new option, Battle Partner.

Afterward, The blue cat 3D picture showed up and he chose the picture. Then the blue cat 3D picture disappeared and showed its stat.


[(Name) - Inflame Griffin] [Blue Flame]

Grade: Saint Beast

Level: 1

Skill: [Locked]

Stats: [Strength]: 200, [Vitality]: 100, [Stamina]: 130, [Agility]: 150, [Spirit]: 150


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