Battle of Ascension

Chapter 259

Chapter 259: Back to Evergreen City

"What are you doing here? What the noise just now?" The man on the right asked Randy as he approached. From the way the man spoke, the two seemed not friendly at him.

"I don't know, I also came here to check the noise, but there's nothing here," Randy also shook his head as he responded to the two men before him.

"It's weird, the sound is very big. It's like there's something big hit the wall..." The other man muttered in a low voice as he scanned the surrounding. They had not realized the noise was coming from the man before them.

Meanwhile, the man who questioned Randy earlier, he was currently scanning Randy, from the head to the toe before nodding his head. If Randy didn't notice the greed on the man's eyes over him, Randy would believe the man nodded his head because of his words earlier.

It seemed the two was a guard or something, but Randy stayed indifferent at the two. If he was not mistaken, he was in the Asura Territory. Most likely this Asura Territory was the Asura Guild who challenged his guild.

But Randy would not kill these two just because they were from Asura Guild. Also, He just came back, and he wanted to get a reunion with his family in a low key manner. At least, he didn't want to create an unwanted uproar with his return.

He just wanted to relax for awhile before executing his plan on his head, he wanted to take a rest for a while after battling non-stop in Ascension World. Even though the skeleton army had arrived at Surabaya Territory, he was not in a hurry to wipe them out.

Actually, it was not a problem for him to wipe the skeleton army alone.

When he was still in level over 70, he could smash their camp, let alone now, the current him was stronger than him back then.

With his Elemental Power which had undergone two times evolution and with his many new skills, it was easy for him to wipe the skeleton army.

But he didn't want to wipe the skeleton army now. The skeleton army was not for him, but a resource for his guild, for his guild member to level up.

After scanning the surrounding, the two guards walked back, ignoring Randy. Randy didn't care, but followed the two men, if there was a wall, then there was a gate.

The two guards noticed Randy followed them but didn't make any remark him. Instead, they had an evil smile on their face.

Sure enough, less than 10 minutes walk Randy could see the gate ahead of him. He hastened his pace, he could not wait anymore to meet his family.

Randy passed the two guards, but just as he arrived before the gate, the two guards on his back stopped him.

"Hey, hey stop! Where are you going? Don't you know the rules?" One guard stopped Randy to enter as the two guards caught up.

The distances between him and the gate were about 5 meters. The two guards stopped him there as they help Randy's shoulders.

Randy stopped as he looked at the two guards, wondering what they meant by the rules. Also, he felt a little annoyed at these two delayed him.

He could not wait to surprise his wife, he could not wait to meet his parents, he wanted to surprise them, but these two delayed him. Somehow, he had a violent urge, it was to kill the two guards before him.

But he suppressed his desire to kill them, it was eye-catching as he was just wanting to get back unnoticed, he wanted to get relax a bit.

The two guards were grinning at him and their gaze contained greed.

"What is it?" Randy said in an indifferent tone.

"Heheh," The guard on the left let out a chuckle, "You don't know the rules?"

Without waiting for Randy to response, the guard on the right shook his head, and said with a sigh, "If you want to pass through Asura Territory, you have to pay the tax,"

Hearing this, Randy realized these two guards wanted money from him. Just as he wanted to take out a silver coin, the guard on the left spoke again, "Because you are new, you have to pay 100 gold coin to get this card,"

Finishing his words, the guard on the left took out a black card, the card was pitch black, and there was a picture on the card, it was the same picture as the picture on their chest, the devil mask with two short horns.

"After you get this card, you only need to pay 10 gold each time you pass Asura Territory," The guard on the left smiled, greedy smile.

Hearing this, Randy stunned before shaking his head.

"What!? You don't have the money? Scram if you don't have the money!" The guard on the right yelled at Randy. After that, the two guards turned their back at Randy and headed to the gate.

Randy shook his head was because of the outrageous "Tax", not because he didn't have the gold coin of course. 100 gold only to get the card and 10 gold each time he passed Asura Territory.

Basically, the two guards were like bandits. Randy remembered that his Evergreen City also had the same procedure. But it applied only for the visitor Evergreen Territory as for the permanent resident of Evergreen City was free.

Also, the visitor only needed to pay one silver to enter Evergreen Territory, it was still in the acceptable range.

Even though he had the money, but he won't give his money for this kind of thing. The amount 100 gold coin was nothing even before he cleaned the Evil Dragon's treasure, let alone after he cleaned the Evil Dragon's treasure, but for…

Randy shook his head before activating his Shadow Drive, leaving behind the two guards who tried extort him.

When the two guards reached the gate, they turned their bodies back, but they didn't see Randy's figure anymore. The two scanned the surrounding, but they could not find Randy.

The two looked each other and the guard on the left spoke as he stammered, "This… This…"

Meanwhile, Randy was moving in the shadow. He met many people in Asura Territory, but most of them were the people who wore a black armor with devil mask in the chest.

Randy guessed these people was the Asura Guild's member. Less than five minutes he found a city, the city had the same steel wall, 10 meters higher compared the steel wall earlier.

On top of the gate, there was an emblem with devil mask picture. Randy didn't come out from the shadow or check what was inside the city, but he just rushed back with his full speed.

5 minutes passed, and he entered another territory, one of his territory Bekasi Territory. There was not much change, except there were many people hunting in Bekasi Territory.

Randy rushed back, passing through Jakarta Territory before finally, he was back at his Evergreen Territory. There was a wall in the border of Evergreen Territory.

Different from the wall at Asura Territory, the wall before was a white stone wall with 30 meters high. The wall was like the wall from the medieval age.

Randy walked to the gate. Different from the steel wall gate earlier, the gate here was more noticeable than the gate in Asura Territory. It was much bigger, 10 meters wide and 10 meters tall.

There were four people guarded the gate, different from Asura Territory which looked desolate, the gate before him was crowded with many people went in and went out.josei

The guard was wearing red armor and black cape. On the cape, there was an image of Golden Garuda, Randy recognized them as the Garuda's member, but he didn't know the guard.

"It seems they are the new members of Garuda," Randy muttered as he approached the gate.

Before he went on his journey to get the Ascension Chest, Garuda had 400 members. But if he was in his territory, there was no need afraid as his they would recognize him with his conspicuous cape.

Sure enough, when he showed his conspicuous cape, the guards let him pass. Despite having the tip of his cape tattered, the four guards let him pass. On the gate, there was a door, so they didn't need to open the huge gate when there were people to enter to Evergreen Territory.

Randy passed the door and stunned with the sight greeted him. Before him, it was a road made by a paving stone with 10 meters wide while on the two sides, there were streetlights lined up every 5 meters, and the streetlight itself was lantern-shaped

Randy walked as he looked at the surrounding, there was not much in the wilderness, but the paving road along with the streetlight surprised him a little.

After a few hundred meters wall, he found the road, and there were three road signs. The road sign on the right was Evergreen Ruin, in the middle was Evergreen Pier, and on the left was Evergreen City.

After that, he checked his map. Indeed, to his left was to the city, the right was the ruin where he hunted Kolor Ijo, and if he went straight, he would reach the sea.

Randy ran straight to the left with a bright smile, he could not wait to see the city he had built, what would it be like now?

On the way, he also found many people which were not his guild member, there were also Garuda's members in red armor were patrolling. Less than five minutes, he saw there was the same stone wall with the beforehand wall.

The guard on the city gate was stricter than the border wall. But this time he recognized the guard on the city and the guard on the city also recognized him as there were surprise and joy on their face.

Randy made a silent gesture at the guards, indicating them to not tell the people inside the city he was back, he wanted to surprise them. The city had become larger, but also more crowded, and more building had been built.

But with road signs, It was easy for Randy to find the Happy Restaurant. Less than five minutes, Randy stood before the five floors building of the Happy Restaurant.

'Home sweet ho--,'

Just as he wanted to enter the Happy Restaurant, there was a person with red armor blocked him. He frowned at the man blocked him, but soon his face brightened up, and a shadow dashed to his arm.

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