Battle of Ascension

Chapter 262

Chapter 262: The Day

"Huh!?" Randy stopped his track after hearing they had only over 3000 members who could fight.

"What? Now you regretted it???" Long Xinya sneered at Randy. She accumulated resentment at Randy who acted without planning, this was not her style at all.

"Regret? Why?" Randy turned his head as he had a puzzled look at his face, looking at the Long Xinya who made a long face at him.

"I don't need that 3000 members," Randy answered calmly, "Because of you afraid to fight, you could stay with them, guarding the gate and the city wall, making sure there are no Asura Guild's members wreak havoc in our territory,"

Randy smiled at Long Xinya the smile contained a hint of mockery, "Your job is making sure Evergreen Territory's residents are safe, Vice Leader Long Xinya,"

After saying those words, Randy pulled Zhen Yi's hand and ran away, leaving the stunned Long Xinya.

When Randy and Zhen Yi reached the fourth floor, they heard Long Xinya's yell from the upper floor, "THIS IS INSANE!!! They have 5,000 and you want me to believe…"josei

Rumble after rumble could be heard from the upper floor as the two went down, but the two giggled, not bothering with the rumble.

When they arrived outsider restaurant, Zhen Yi spoke on behalf of her best friend, "You shall treat her better, the current Evergreen City is her work,"

"I know, but it's awkward for me. Before we are on the opposite side and even we have a conflict in East Auction House. But now we are on the same side, but it's just awkward…" Randy didn't finish his words.

Randy also knew Long Xinya's contribution, but he just didn't know how to treat Long Xinya. In the past, she was his enemy, but now suddenly she was in the same guild as him.

"Nah, rather talk about her, what about listen to my story, but before that, we should look for a quiet place," Randy made a vague smile as he continued.

Zhen Yi flushed, but she didn't reject despite the sun just came up, "I have a great place,"

Zhen Yi pulled Randy to the resident's area, the specialty of Evergreen City, The Tree House. She brought Randy to the highest and the biggest tree house.

The normal tree house only had one room, a bedroom while the big tree house had two rooms, the biggest room which located in the highest tree and the only one was not rented out like the others tree house.

In no time, the two arrived at the two, and Randy immediately locked the door before he planted a kiss on Zhen Yi's lip.

Zhen Yi stunned at first, but soon she followed Randy, returning the kiss clumsily. After a few minutes fiery kiss, their breath ragged, and Randy's hand were exploring Zhen Yi's body as her face flushed red.

Just as he wanted to take Zhen Yi's cloth off, she prevented him, and whispered at him with a voice like a mosquito, "Bedroom, not here,"

Hearing this, Randy grinned and carried her into the bedroom which Zhen Yi pointed. Inside the room, there was king-size bed had been prepared.

Randy put her on the bed and continued his kiss. When he wanted to take Zhen Yi's cloth off, he remembered something as he stopped abruptly.

Zhen Yi noticed Randy stopped, she looked up, "What's up?"

Randy stopped and sat at the edge of the bed. He scratched his head, "I was too rushed and forgot my gift for you,"

Hearing word "gift" Zhen Yi's face lit up, she excited, and could not wait to see what Randy's gift was. The desire which she had accumulated just now subsided as she felt excited.

Randy was holding his desire and eventually he managed to hold his desire up as he took out a vial contained blood-red liquid.

"Here you are! The thing you wanted the most," Randy gave Zhen Yi the reward he got from the main mission of the trial. He got two items from the reward of the main mission, one was in Zhen Yi and another one inside his Storage System.

"T-this is the same grade as your bloodline?" Zhen Yi asked excitedly as her eyes sparkle.

Randy nodded his head. This was the reason he stopped in the half-way, he wanted for Zhen Yi integrated with the bloodline with her prime condition. He knew how much pain she would suffer later, so he stopped himself.

Also, Zhen Yi's level was over 100, that meant she would experience the pain two times. The first time when she integrated with the bloodline and the second time was her bloodline awakening.

That was why he forced himself to stop, at least he wanted to Zhen Yi to face the pain in her prime condition. But appeared Zhen Yi didn't have the same thought as him.

She put her arms on Rand's neck and asked coquettishly, "Shall we finish our matter first~"

"Woah, you are becoming bolder, daring to tease me," Randy smiled, but he shook his head despite having a beauty seduced him.

"I have told you how much pain I felt when integrated the bloodline, you should at your best condition…" Randy pecked at her lip, "It's not too late we continue our unfinished business after eradicating Asura Guild,"

"All right, get ready for integrating your bloodline. After integrating your bloodline, then I will give you Elemental Seed. After that, you need to get used with your body after integrating with the bloodline,"

Randy explained the next five days schedule for them. This was the main reason he decided to have a Territory War in five days.

"You have prepared Elemental Power for me?" Zhen Yi eyes were glistening with many stars. She had witnessed Randy's fire which was impressive, but now she would also have Elemental Power.

Randy stroked Zhen Yi's black long hair before planting a kiss on her forehead, "I have prepared, I have prepared all for you,"

"All right," Zhen Yi took a seat in the center of the bed with the blood essence in her hand. Somehow, she felt a bit nervous as she held the vial contained blood essence.

She looked at her husband. Randy gave a smile as he nodded his head at her.

Zhen Yi opened the vial and chugged the blood essence at once. At first, she felt nothing, but soon a pang of pain in her head and spread all over her body as she collapsed on the bed.

It was the same with him when he integrated his bloodline. The different was Zhen Yi fell onto a soft bed while he fell on the hard ground. Zhen Yi had less twitched as he twitched all night, but her body trembled, enduring the pain.

Zhen Yi was awake, but her vision turned black, but she still could feel her surrounding along unbearable pain. After a while, she felt there was someone hugged her from the back, giving her a comfort.

What Zhen Yi felt for 24 hours was pain and the warm feeling as Randy accompanied her all day.

Zhen Yi didn't know how long it was, but as soon as she opened her eyes, food aroma assaulted her nose.

Randy had prepared the food for his wife as he remembered hunger assaulted his stomach after integrating with the bloodline.

After that, Zhen Yi took a rest for a few hours before integrating for Ice Elemental Power which Randy had prepared.

This time cold invaded her body, but not unbearable as when he integrated with a bloodline as Randy used his Fire Elemental Power to keep Zhen Yi's body kept warm.

The third day passed by…

Zhen Yi had allocated all her stat points and skill points, completing her Ice Elemental Power.

The fourth day passed by…

Zhen Yi finally could control her strength well after having her stat increased dramatically.

The fifth day arrived and Evergreen City underwent a lockdown, no one allowed to enter Evergreen Territory and no one allowed to come out from Evergreen Territory.

All people had known today was the Territory War between Asura Guild against Happy Guild in Open War mode.

All people in East City had known about this, they knew today was the first Open War mode.

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