Battle of Ascension

Chapter 270

Chapter 270: The Winner Takes Everything

'Oh, I have become so much arrogant,'

Randy realized that he had become much arrogant when he looked down on Erwin.

When he arrived right before Erwin, everyone behind Erwin had their eyes set on him. Randy had not felt intimidated or awkward like a normal meeting, he had his easy-going smile plastered on his face as he scanned the people behind Erwin.

Randy recognized no one, indicating there was no old members took in Erwin side.

He was satisfied with this. At least, the old members were still loyal to him, they never forgot his kindness.

"So… You wanted to take Garuda with you?" Randy asked in a flat tone, not overbearing or arrogant.

"Yes, I wanted Garuda to get separated from Happy Guild, we have done become your labors!!!" Erwin answered in a defiant tone, he didn't back down in front of Randy who in the past to be rumored the strongest in East City.

"I see," Randy nodded his head before asking in an apathetic tone, "Why?"

This was what made Randy curious why did he want to take Garuda with him? From what he had known, Garuda's member had a good living condition in here, in Evergreen City, except Erwin wanted to take Evergreen City? Or maybe other guilds enticed him to make a crack in his guild? Or maybe this Erwin was a spy?

Randy found ridiculous if Erwin wanted to take Evergreen City from him, and most likely other guilds enticed him to disrupt his guild because Garuda was indeed the main force of Happy Guild.

"First, you are too weak to be our leader. Second, you work nothing in this city, all over work is on Garuda from the guard, patrol, blacksmith, alchemist, and others work on our family member,"

"Then what about you? You are done nothing, you are missing for an unknown reason, not protecting us, three of us died while protecting the city, you unbefitting to be our leader. Third, this land is ours, this Garuda's not yours, so not only Garuda, we will take everything here, and you can get out of here!"

The more Erwin spoke, the more excited he became, but his expression showed how disappointed he was, showing his anger at him.

Randy surprised after hearing Erwin declaration and he found it was ridiculous when Erwin said that this land was Garuda's while he was the one defeating the Territory King, he was the one providing their family member work, the guard along with patrol were paid by him as they were not working for free, and it was him who make this came true with the help of Happy Guild.

But now, an unknown guy who joined Garuda Guild later claimed all of this was Garudas. Randy didn't get angry for this, but he found this was hilarious.

Erwin noticed Randy was surprised after hearing his words, he made a sneer on his face. Actually, this was not only his idea, on the contrary, but it was also the people behind him who supported him to take this path.

Randy's absence and with his level which didn't increase for over three months led the Garuda's member had this idea, taking everything from Happy Guild, and declared to be independent.

Moreover, they were in Indonesia and they felt Indonesia was their land in the first place, so they could not accept if Garuda, the main guild and force of Indonesia led by non-Indonesian, and today they wanted to take over which should belong to them, at least it was in Erwin and the people who supported him.

Udin wanted to say something at Erwin, but Randy stopped him. He set his eyes on Erwin who showed quite high confident look on his face before releasing a sigh.

If this was the time before he knew about the Battle of Ascension, maybe he would kick them out directly, but he would not do that now.

He needed a large and strong force to face the last battle, he would never kick them out. Instead, he needed to convince them to stay and teach these pretentious people lessons.

"Garuda own this land? Did Garuda kill the Territory King and claimed this territory?" Randy asked with an apathetic tone.

Erwin stumped at Randy's queries. He had nothing to say as it was Randy who killed the Territory King. He heard that too from the Battle System notification, Zhen Yi killed the Territory King with the help of Randy, Udin, and Gusti.

"Also, labor??? Did we force you to do patrol and guard, it was volunteer right?" Randy asked again.

Based on what he knew, Happy Guild provided this job and only the people who volunteered themselves would get the work, so it was on each individual's willingness.

"Also, we are never forcing on those works and you even get paid for those works. Have you heard the other guilds pay their own member for patrolling and guarding the guild's territory? Other guilds even have regulation to share the hunting result to the guild while you share nothing to us who provide the armor and weapon for you,"

"Also, how ridiculous you are by saying by all over work is on Garuda. Can you even work without Happy Guild, all works are provided by our guild, and we pay you for that. Happy Guild brings prosperity for your family so they need not risk their life outside there,"

"But what are you doing? You are not even grateful at all instead, you want to take all of this from the guild?"

"Oh, you are a new guy, right? Do you even know Garuda itself is not yours, but mine? I provided the millions gold coin to establish Garuda, do you know this?"

"Also, protecting the city mean protecting your family too and you are burdened by this?"

"And now you said I'm unbefitting to be your leader? Then what kind of people deserves to be a guild leader? A pretentious dude like you who did nothing but want to take everything? You even not happy protecting your city,"

At the end of his sentence, Randy sneered at Erwin who stumped. Erwin wanted to say something, but no words came out from his mouth, but soon his eyes lit up as he found the last straw of hope.

"You are weak, weaker than all of us here, so you don't deserve to be our leader,"

Currently, he didn't care what he did was right or wrong, he felt humiliated and wanted to retaliate.

But soon, a melodious laughter responded at Erwin's remarks, it was not Randy's but Long Xinya's.

The intense atmosphere broke down because of the laughter. Randy shot a glare at Long Xinya and she immediately shut her mouth. After that, he set his eyes back at Erwin, but Erwin had his eyes set on Long Xinya, and his gaze contained loving and passionate.

'Eh, this dude has a crush to that chili female,'

Randy exclaimed secretly as he looked back and forth between the two, but Long Xinya had not noticed as she had not stopped her laughter. She was whispering each other with Zhen Yi.

"So… based on your words, the strong shall become the leader? And now you want to challenge me in a fight?" Randy revealed an amused look as he spoke this.

Hearing Randy's words, Erwin turned his head at him, revealing a spirit and fierce look, indicating he wanted to fight against him.

"Yes, the winner takes everything," Erwin brimmed with confidence as he confirmed.

Erwin confirmation left Randy speechless, 'The winner takes everything your foot!' Basically, Erwin had nothing, but he still had the nerve to say that.

Randy made no comment on that or giving an immediate answer, but he scanned the people behind Erwin. The people behind Erwin showed the same expression, the winner took everything.

'All right then, I will crush them first and remold them later,'

"Good, I will accept your challenge, the winner takes everything," Randy accepted the challenge with an indifferent smile.

Less than five minutes, the arena's seat filled with over three thousand Garuda's members, leaving Randy and Erwin in the middle of the stage.

Randy had an understanding of Insight hidden stat from Shana. Basically, Erwin could read his move between 1 to 10 seconds with Insight, but that thing was a torture if Erwin used Insight against him.

Randy stood with 10 meters distance from Erwin with Darkness in his right hand while Erwin had a silver sword in his right hand.

The spectators were waiting for one to make a move, but soon they noticed something amiss.

10 seconds…. No one made their move.

30 seconds passed, still the same.

1 minute passed…josei

2 minutes passed and Randy made his move. No, rather a move, Randy was walking leisurely, approaching Erwin who frozen on the stoop, not moving despite having Randy got closer.

Soon, the spectators noticed sweat poured from Erwin's forehead and his face paled as terror swirled in his eyes.

"Jeez, your husband sure has many secrets," Long Xinya exclaimed. She thought it was one Randy's skill which made Erwin paralyzed.

Randy stored his Darkness back to Storage System, and he grabbed Erwin's neck, lifting him up as Erwin made a futile struggle against his hand.

"STOP!!!" Garuda's members who supported Erwin yelled. They thought Randy wanted to kill Erwin. But their yell had no use as Randy slammed Erwin on the ground


It was chokeslam.

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