Battle of Ascension

Chapter 83

Chapter 83: Joyful, Fun, and Satisfied

Looking at Randy's action the spectators were speechless.

Meanwhile, the Dragon Dynasty's member finally knew why he didn't use his weapon. Even without a weapon he accidentally killed a participant. What happened if he used a weapon?

The members of the Dragon Dynasty who bad-mouthing Randy fell silent, they even didn't dare breathe loudly.

The next scene they saw was Randy harvesting the badges. Randy's second victim almost died by his kick, but in the end, the victim was saved because Randy gave the victim Healing Potion.

The spectators saw he kept harvesting the badges. At first, Randy's attack was deadly, but then he kept reducing the strength of his attack until finally, he only hit the other participant in the neck to make them unconscious.

In an hour, Randy managed to get 29 badges. Basically, it was like Randy's stage to show off his prowess. The 29 nine holograms, now became his image. Each time he defeated one of the participants, the defeated participant's hologram would be changed to display his image on it. Total 29 badges also total 29 holograms showed his image, with his black cloak and a smiling emoji on it, became Randy's trademark.

After 3 minutes, Randy met another participant. He easily knocked down the man, now his total badges were 30.

Just as he wanted to continue his hunting for more badges, there was a man wore a golden armor teleported in the front of him.

"You don't need to continue anymore. You have passed for the next phase tournament,"

"Eh!?" Randy looked at the clock on the Battle System. It was 10 am, 2 more hours before the time limit up.

"But there is still 2 hours before the time limit up!?" Randy exclaimed in confusion.

"If you keep continuing the battle, then 2 hours later you would be the only one left, it will disrupting the arrangement that has been set up by the organizers," The man wore a golden armor explained with a flat tone.

"Then you can determine the winner till the last two men standing, why would you ask me to stop? It's unfair for me," Randy proposed a good idea for the man wore a golden armor while complaining.

"But if you are continuing the battle, it would be unfair for the other participants. Moreover, you are strong, strongest in this group, why would you want to continue the battle? It is a pointless battle for you, the strong bullying the weak," The man wore a golden armor was puzzled.

Usually, when the participant could pass to the next phase of the tournament without continuing or took part in the battle, they would be accepted it happily but… The man in the front of him was insisting to continue the battle than accepted the offer he proposed.

As Randy and the man wore a golden armor talking, the spectators inside the Colosseum could hear them. The spectators also puzzled by Randy's decision of continuing the battle. He could pass to the next phase yet he rejected the offer and wanted to continue the battle.

Even his family and his wife also didn't understand what Randy's intention by continuing this pointless battle.

But Randy's answer made the spectators and the man wore a golden armor speechless, speechless to the core even the man wore golden armor could not refute him.

"When I defeated the other participants, I have a new feeling popped out in my heart," Randy answered honestly with plain tone and plain-faced.

"Oh, what is it?" The man wore a golden man asked curiously. Even the spectator inside the Colosseum fell silent, waiting for an answer from Randy. They were also curious.

"Joyful, fun and satisfied, this is what I felt when knocking them down. It turned out bullying the weak would bring out this feeling from my heart," Randy told what the feeling that popped out in his heart.

Hearing this, the man wore a golden armor didn't know what to do. He could not even refute what Randy said just now. Furthermore, there was no rule for the strongest people in the group could pass without finishing the battle, so Randy had the right to continuing the battle.

Even the atmosphere inside the Colosseum was dead silent, only breathing sound could be heard.

After a few moments, suddenly there was a sonorous laughter rang inside the Colosseum,



All spectators turned their head to the sound source. The laughter was from a tanned skin man with a simple face.

After a few seconds, the man stopped his laughter while wiping the tears that flowed from his eyes because of laughing. After the tanned man stopped his laughter, his face became serious and stood up from his seat.

"I AM UDIN, THE BERSERKER… FROM NOW ON I WILL JOIN THE HAPPY GUILD AND FOLLOW RANDY CHRISTIAN AS HIS SUBORDINATE," The tanned man made a declaration which shocked the spectators inside the Colosseum.

Also, the tanned man was famous in the East city. He gave himself a title The Berserker, but no one didn't agree by the title because he, himself would go berserk when he was fighting.

Previously, there was a man the member of Royal Assailant Guild acknowledged himself as The Real Berserker and declared Udin was a fake berserker. That day that man challenged Udin, and they fought in Jakarta territory.

The fought was so brutal and savage. The man from Royal Assailant was mutilated into six parts. Since that day, Udin fame skyrocketed in the East city, especially in Jakarta territory. Even the Royal Assailant didn't dare to take revenge for their member who died a tragic death.

"Who is he? He wanted to join our guild, but I don't like him based on the first impression he gave," Almira frowned while looking at Udin who laughed sonorously.

"He is a famous fighter in the East city. Also, he is a ruthless fighter," Zhen Yi told her mom-in-law she knew about Udin. She also only knew limited to this.

"Do we have to accept Udin join our guild? I don't like this man" Almira thought this Udin was not a good person. So, she didn't want this man affecting her son.

"Leave it to Randy, he is grown up already. Let him decide what the best for him, we can't make the decision for him forever," Wisen disagreed with his wife.

Hearing what her husband said, Almira fell silent. What her husband said was right. She could not make the decision for her son forever. In the end, she should let her son flew over and let him decided what was the best for himself.

"So, I don't need to continue the battle anymore?" Randy asked the man wore a golden armor.

"You don't have to, come to follow me!" Afterward Randy followed the man wore a golden armor. He was brought to the teleportation gate to back to the Colosseum.

Arrived in the Colosseum, Randy went back to where the Happy Guild gang seat. When he sat down beside his wife, he realized there were many holograms displayed the Battle Royale just now.josei

Earlier he didn't notice the hologram because it was on the top of his head. After he sat, he could see there were 16 holograms displayed by the remaining participants.

After he sat down for a while, there was a tanned man stopped in the front. He didn't recognize this tanned man. The height was about 1.7 meters, wore a black armor and the expression on his face could be explained in one word, Wild.

Randy looked at the tanned man and the tanned looked at him.

"What?" Randy asked

"I am Udin The Berserker, and I want to join your guild,"

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