Battle Through the Heavens’s God: The Flame Emperor

Chapter Vol 4 1100

Chapter Vol 4 1100: 1 cave 3 areas 5 places!

This is a rather majestic mountain range, which gave Xiao Yan the illusion that this is not a ghost world, but a human world.


At this time, Xiao Yan had already left the five people, and immediately found a rather quiet cave and sat cross-legged in it.

"Senior, what's going on?"

"Why is the vindictive energy in my body so obstructed?"

"And what is the soul beast that the female first mentioned just now, it's clearly the same as a demon beast..." Seeing that there was no one around, Xiao Yan set up another soul barrier, and then asked the Lord of Soul Eater.

"Hehe, boy, do you need me now?" The Soul Eater heard the words and directly emerged from Xiao Yan's acceptance ring and said with a smile.

"Senior, don't betray you." Xiao Yan said helplessly.

"This is indeed the realm of ghosts."

"As for what you said, the display of vindictive qi was hindered, that's because the aura of strangers on your body is too strong."

"After all, this is the ghost world, and only the power of ghost qi is used, and your dou qi here is no different from a heresy. Although the two are not in conflict, if you go out to use dou qi, I am afraid that it will be discovered by the great masters here. So that you can be easily captured." The Lord of Soul Eater said softly.

"Could it be that I have to convert my fighting qi into ghost qi?" Xiao Yan was shocked when he heard this.

"No, you are wrong."

"In the seven realms, all of them cultivate Dou Qi, but the name of Dou Qi is different in each of them."

"We in the ghost world also cultivate Dou Qi, but due to environmental problems, Dou Qi has evolved into a spooky and eerie force, so it's called ghost Qi."

"But in the final analysis, it is still vindictive."

"And what you need to do now is to render the vindictive energy in your body with a ghostly aura, so that no one will find out." The Lord of Soul Eater said a lot, but Xiao Yan was still at a loss.

"Silly boy!"

"Don't you have ghost face and soul inflammation on you?"

"When you fuse it, ghost qi will naturally be born in you, and ghost qi is the fighting qi in your body, but the creatures in the ghost world are called differently from your humans." The Lord of Soul Eater laughed and scolded.


"As long as you devour the ghost face and soul flame and render your own fighting qi into a spooky and eerie atmosphere, you can evolve into ghost qi. In the future, when you return to the human world, you will use the ghost face ghost flame to absorb the ghost qi and turn it into human fighting qi." Xiao Yan said with relief.


"As for the soul beasts you just mentioned, that is, the beasts, they are exactly the same, but they are called differently." Said the Lord of Soul Eater Zaidu.

"I see." But Xiao Yan smiled slowly when he heard the words. Obviously, the ghost world was not as bad as he thought.

"But senior, what are the creatures in this ghost world?" The next moment, Xiao Yan was asking.

"There are three types of creatures in the ghost world."

"The spirit body, that is, the soul body, the living person, and the three souls and seven souls."

"There are three souls and seven souls in a complete soul. All human beings after death with incomplete souls will enter the ghost world."

"And in the ghost world, the living are the strongest, followed by the soul body, and finally the three souls and seven souls." The Lord of Soul Eater said.

"Then they are soul power or even three souls and seven souls, how can they see me?"

"I am a living person with flesh and blood!" Xiao Yan hurriedly asked in doubt.

"Because you have ghost face and soul inflammation."

"With the mystery of this thing, you are now a human being. Unless the ghost world is powerful, no one will find out your true identity."

"And don't underestimate the ghost world. The ghost world is extremely mysterious. All souls or three souls and seven souls that enter here are all flesh and blood, love and hate, and everything is the same as your human beings."

"It's just that if you want to revive ghosts in the ghost world, it's really difficult."

"However, it is not ruled out that some strong living people use some means to live here." The Lord of Soul Eater smiled.

"Senior, are you also a soul body?" Xiao Yan asked?

"Yes." The Soul Eater said lightly.

"Then why do you want me to refine your body?" Xiao Yan was puzzled.

"I don't need you to refine my body for me."

"The creatures in our ghost world are basically the body of the soul, except for a few special ones."

"Although this soul body has many inconveniences, it also has many conveniences." The Soul Eater said quite profoundly.josei


"I don't know how the powers of the ghost world are divided?" At the next moment, Xiao Yan found a problem.

"I'll tell you this without you asking."

"In the ghost world, it can be roughly divided into."

"A hole."

"Three domains."

"Five places." The Soul Eater said with a smile.

"One cave, three regions and five places?" Xiao Yan muttered.

"Among the seven realms, each realm has an extremely mysterious and unpredictable Cave Heaven Blessed Land. The location of Cave Heaven Blessed Land is extremely mysterious and has endless legends, but since ancient times, it seems that no strong person can spy on its mysteries."

"And this so-called one hole is the ghost ghost cave."

"This is the most mysterious place in the ghost world. Even I don't know the specific location, and with my strength, I don't dare to enter it at a loss." The Lord of Soul Eater said lightly, and there was a deep touch in his voice. fear.

"Shadow Ghost Cave..." Xiao Yan murmured slightly.

"And these three domains are Li Soul Domain, Ghost Abyss Domain..."

"And... Soul Eater Domain." The next moment, the Lord of Soul Eater said, just when he mentioned the word Soul Eater, a rare pride emerged from the Lord of Soul Eater.

"Soul Eater Domain?" Xiao Yan whispered, as if he had found something.

"Among the ghost realms, the three realms are the largest, followed by the five realms, and the territories under the three realms cover almost the entire ghost realm."

"The Lord of the Three Domains can be regarded as the three overlords in the entire ghost world." The Lord of Soul Eater said lightly.

" Could it be that you are..." And Xiao Yan seemed to have some guesses and couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, I am the domain owner of Soul Eater Domain." Seeing Xiao Yan asking, the Soul Eater Lord opened his mouth and said, an understatement.

"What?" After Xiao Yan heard the words, he was shocked.

The Lord of the Three Domains is the real overlord in the entire ghost world, and the guy hiding in the Soul Eater Talisman in front of him is actually one of the three overlords of the ghost world?

"Among the three domains, Li Soul Domain is the largest, and their strength is also the strongest, and my Soul Devouring Domain is slightly weaker in terms of strength and territory."

"The weakest is the Guiyuan Domain, but although the strength of the domain master of the Guiyuan Domain is not as strong as the two of us, it is extremely mysterious."

"And the guy I just met in the vortex of space is a person from Li Soul Territory." The Lord of Soul Eater was still talking about himself.

"Senior seems to have a holiday with Li Hunyu?" Xiao Yan also vaguely guessed something and said.

"Do you know why I was seriously injured and hid in the Soul Eater Talisman?" asked the Lord of Soul Eater.

"Could it be related to the Domain Master of Li Soul Domain?" Xiao Yan guessed.

"The domain master of Li Soul Domain has coveted my soul-devouring talisman for a long time. He knows that the soul-devouring talisman is the twelve evil soldiers of the ghost world. In a one-on-one situation, he can't be my opponent at all."

"So it was designed to murder me."

"In the end, I was beaten and both were injured. I had to live in the Soul Eater Talisman to recover my strength." The voice of the Soul Eater was full of chills.

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