Battle Through the Heavens’s God: The Flame Emperor

Chapter Vol 4 1140

Chapter Vol 4 1140: Healing, swallow the sky wood!


"I am..." When Xiao Yan opened his eyes, the Holy Flame space seemed extremely calm, and the terrifying ten-color catastrophe had long since vanished.

"you're awake?"

"How do you feel?" The Soul Eater couldn't help asking.

Xiao Yan's coma lasted for ten days. Although he had the characteristics of the Holy Flame Space, it was only one day in the past, but these ten days scared the Soul Eater.

The clan lines appeared on Xiao Yan's body, and the resulting thing relieved Xiao Yan's crisis, but at the same time made Xiao Yan's body heavier and he fell into a coma.

The Lord of Soul Eater knew more or less about the ten mysterious patterns surrounding Xiao Yan's clan pattern, but he obviously wouldn't tell Xiao Yan.

Xiao Clan protects the clan's ten Yama's prestige, even if it is as powerful as the Lord of Soul Eater, it is quite awe, so Xiao Yan is not strong enough, and the Lord of Soul Eater will not tell him.

"I'm's just that my head is heavy." Xiao Yan rubbed his head slowly with both hands and said.

"It's fine."

"In the last ten-color catastrophe just now, most of the power was resisted by your body. I can only share a little bit for you." The Lord of Soul Eater said lightly.

The Lord of Soul Eater naturally wouldn't tell Xiao Yan what happened to Xiao Yan, but when Xiao Yan's clan pattern appeared at the end, Xiao Yan had already fallen into a coma, and obviously he didn't know what happened.

However, Xiao Yan knew that after he broke through Dou Xian, the clan lines on his forehead seemed to have undergone some subtle changes.

"Thank you very much." Xiao Yan said to the Soul Eater Lord, and then just wanted to walk, but there was a burst of pain all over his body.

"Blame blah blah!" With Xiao Yan's concentration, Rao couldn't help but let out a baring noise.

"The Tribulation of Ten Colors has caused a lot of damage to you, but the blessing of dragging it down, with your physical strength alone, I'm afraid it is enough to be on par with the powerhouses in the late stage of the One Star Fighting Immortal." The Soul Eater said with a smile.

"It seems that this time it was a blessing in disguise." Xiao Yan smiled helplessly.

The power of holy flame was cut off by the tribulation of ten colors before. At that time, if he wanted to take over the last battle of immortal robbery, he could only use the power of the clan pattern. However, just after Xiao Yan triggered the clan pattern, he was in a coma and woke up. That's what it looks like now.


"The injury in your body will not heal for a while."

"But you have an extremely precious treasure," said Soul Eater.

"Tianmu?" Xiao Yan said with a sudden shock.

"That's right."

"Now you have completely compressed the Dou Qi Sea, so that your Dou Qi Sea has turned into a circular Dou Qi, and the power of Dou Xian is fiery red, which is clearly the purest fire attribute."

"But because you are an alchemist, the fiery red power of fighting immortals is also mixed with a hint of green light of the wood attribute."

"What you have to do is to devour the sky tree, so as to use the rich wood attribute aura on the sky tree to separate out your only budding wood attribute!"

"At that time, the two powers of fighting immortals, fire attribute and wood attribute, whether it is refining medicine pills or fighting, I am afraid that it will increase you a lot." The Lord of Soul Eater analyzed Xiao Yan.


"Right on my mind!"

"And I am seriously injured at this time. After the separation of the wood attribute, the rich life force of Tianmu can heal my injury." Xiao Yan smiled.

"Then let's start."

"I think the other two guys are about to wake up, just in time for you to wake up the wood attribute." The Lord of Soul Eater said.

"Tianmu... Come out." Xiao Yan heard the words, calmed down, tried his best to adjust himself to the peak period, and then turned his palm slightly towards Na Jie. The golden treasure chest appeared in front of Xiao Yan before, and it was stored here. Impressively, it is Tianmu enough to help him awaken the wood attribute!

"Crack." With a sound, the lid of the treasure chest was slowly opened by Xiao Yan's palm, and an extremely rich breath of life emerged.


The green light enveloped the entire holy flame space, but Xiao Yan could feel that the reason why there was a breath of life in the sky was because of the wood attribute.

The breath of life is the root of wood, so it is not surprising that it is naturally contaminated with the breath of life.


"It's really such a strong breath of life."

"It seems that Tianmu is indeed the best material for Awakening Wood." Xiao Yan laughed.

"Go!" The next moment, Xiao Yan didn't hesitate, his fingertip pointed at the tree-shaped Tianmu, and suddenly small fiery red fighting immortal powers directly wrapped it and slowly sent it into Xiao Yan before.

At this moment, Xiao Yan possesses two kinds of power, one is the power of blue-yellow holy flame, and the other is the power of blue-yellow holy flame.josei

"Whoosh whoosh!" As Xiao Yan wrapped Tianmu with the power of fighting immortals, dazzling green rays of light continued to emerge from Tianmu's body, and were immediately inhaled into Xiao Yan's body.

With such absorption, the somewhat depleted Dou Xian power in Xiao Yan's body, which had been robbed by Dou Xian robbery, actually slowly recovered, and the fiery red Dou Xian power also slowly appeared with a rather obvious touch. Green breath.

"It's still not good, it's still a little short." Xiao Yan looked at this scene, shook his head and said, he knew that If you want to awaken the wood attribute, the green wood attribute must occupy at least one third of the power of Dou Xian. , At this time, Fang only occupies one-fifth of that, which is not enough.

Although Xiao Yan is an alchemist, the pure fire attribute is mixed with a very weak wood attribute, but Xiao Yan does not dare to be careless. The ability of the pharmacist will also be lost. The price is too huge, so it is no wonder that Xiao Yan has to be careful.

"The energy contained in this Tianmu is too huge." After absorbing it for a while, although the size of this Tianmu has weakened a lot, the wood attribute power contained in it does not seem to be weakening at all. Xiao Yan couldn't help grinning.

At this time, the wood attribute in the body has occupied one-third of the power of the fighting immortal. It is a good time to awaken the wood attribute. If it is absorbed in this way, the two attributes of fire and wood will be unbalanced, which may cause the backlash of the fire attribute. .

"Forget it, the power in the body has just reached saturation, so Tianmu should stay." Xiao Yan said helplessly, and then put Tianmu carefully aside. Absorb in time.

However, Tianmu, which was originally Xiao Yan's thick arm, is now only as thick as a finger, but the wood attribute contained in it is still quite strong. This kind of thing is a rare treasure for the strong wood attribute. .

"Next, it's time to awaken the wood attribute."

"I hope you won't let me down!" Xiao Yan muttered to himself, he closed his eyes after speaking, and a frenzy flooded into his heart.

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