Battling Records of the Chosen One

Chapter 239

Chapter 239: A Ferocious Saber

Chapter 239: A Ferocious Saber

Translator: Flying Lines

Edited by Lord Immortal

The door was closed so Shue Jin could not know what Lin Xun was busy with, but he knew that this saber was very important for Lin Xun.

A few days ago, Lin Xun had mentioned this refinement and consulted him about the structure and characteristics of sabers.

As a strong fighter with abundant experience, Shue Jin had seen a lot of spiritual weapons in his life, but he was not sure what kind of saber Lin wanted this time since Lin Xun even consulted him on several minor issues. josei

Standing beside the furnace, Shue Jin became more and more curious as he watched many brilliant spiritual materials steaming in the Supreme Smelting Furnace and the Chirps controlling the fire carefully.

He could vaguely feel that Lin Xun’s saber would be totally different from the ones he had seen before.

In other words, it was very likely that a new type of saber will be born in the hands of Lin Xun.


With the passage of time, temperature in the Supreme Smelting Furnace rose continuously. The dazzling flames were roaring and rolling inside like tide sweeping over.

It could be clearly seen that all kinds of spiritual materials had begun to gradually melt at this time. They turned into red, blue, white, green, purple and other colorful liquids that were so beautiful.

Shue Jin witnessed the process of smelting spiritual materials for the first time. So he was amazed to see such a fantastic scene.

This was the magic of a spiritual tattooist!

Transforming waste into gold! It was a marvelous creation excelling nature that endowed all kinds of inconspicuous spiritual materials a miraculous property.

Whiz~ ~ ~

Chirps sprayed a tongue of fire into the Supreme Smelting Furnace every once in a while. Although this was the first time that Chirps did it, Chirps was now able to control the temperature skillfully. What was more, under his control, the spiritual fire in the Supreme Smelting Furnace was perfectly maintained at an optimal temperature.

This made the anxious Shue Jin completely relaxed. As he said before, Chirps was a born master of smelting because it owned Smashing-star Golden Fire!

Other smelting masters in the world needed to control the temperature of spiritual fire by means of complex spiritual tattoo formations. But the higher the quality of spiritual fire was, the less controllable it was.

Controlling heaven-rank spiritual fire often required the cooperation of several smelting masters in order to fully play its magical effects.

But for Chirps, that was a piece of cake. Smashing-star Golden Fire, this heaven-rank fire, was generated from Chirps’s body so it could be easily controlled by Chirps.

Compared to others, Chirps was obviously more skilled.

Shue Jin even believed that if the geezers in the Imperial Academy of Spiritual Implements knew the power of Chirps, they would turn green with envy.

Time went by quickly in Shue Jin’s flights of fancy and night came quietly.

All kinds of spiritual materials in the Supreme Smelting Furnace had been completely melted with all impurities removed and only the purest essence left.

By this time, Chirps had already spewed out lots of Smashing-star Golden Fire. It was obviously weak as its chubby body was wheezing constantly as if he would fall down at any time.

But the little fellow showed a kind of tenacity at this moment. Its dark round eyes seemed merely intent.

This made Shue Jin worried and surprised at the same time. He didn’t expect that this silly cute little fellow would be as tough as Lin Xun.

If Chirps wasn’t a spiritual beast, Shue Jin would doubt whether it and Lin Xun were father and son.


Suddenly, a strange noise came from the Supreme Smelting Furnace. The fluid made from various completely melted spiritual materials was now covered by a spiritual tattoo, which produced an amazing transformation.

Suddenly, Shue Jin stared into the furnace where the embryo of a saber with a peculiar shape was gradually taking shape. The fire was glowing and the spiritual tattoos were flowing, appearing mysterious and dazzling.

At this moment, the door that had been closed for almost a day was abruptly opened, and Lin Xun strode out. When he saw the mutation in the furnace, his dark eyes flashed brightly.

“That’s enough, Chirps. Good boy.”

Lin Xun’s words relieved the burden of Chirps. It breathed heavily and swallowed all the Smashing-star Golden Fire in the Supreme Smelting Furnace.

At the same time, Lin Xun recited a magic spell. In the rain of light, the Supreme Smelting Furnace suddenly stopped functioning and turned silent.

Shue Jin couldn’t help approaching the furnace and saw Lin Xun pick up a black saber of two feet and nine inches in length and four fingers in width.

It appeared rather ordinary at first glance, but the blade of saber was specially designed. The blade was as thin as a cicada’s wing. The edge of the blade was shaped in a perfect arc. At the center of the blade was a straight blood groove reaching the tip of the blade and exuded a bloodthirsty aura!

Shue Jin’s eyelids twitched. Judging from the shape of this saber, it was made specially for killing and murder. The perfect arc of the blade as well as the blood groove on it was all for killing the enemy more effectively and directly.

Overall, compared to other sabers with more exaggerated shapes, this saber looked not that amazing, even somewhat ordinary.

But if you look carefully, you would find that although this saber had not yet been carved with a spiritual pattern, meaning it wasn’t a real spiritual weapon at this moment, the body of the saber still exhibited a kind of compelling ferocity!

It was like a sleeping beast. Once awakened, it must drink blood!

What kind of saber was this?

Shue Jin could not help but wonder. However, just when he wanted to ask more, he saw Lin Xun rushing back to the room with the embryo of the battle saber.


The door was slammed shut, and Shue Jin was left standing in the hall. He was appalled, ‘Do all spiritual tattooists at work behave in this manner?’


Chirps was like a crumbling bread, lying on the ground, breathing heavily, making a weak chirping sound, and showing an exhausted look.

Shue Jin felt pained in his heart when he saw the tired Chirps. He scolded Lin who had just picked up his saber and left without saying a word for consolation, leaving the hardworking Chirps alone. He was too heartless.

If it hadn’t been for Chirps’ help, how could he have made the embryo of saber so quickly?

“Here, have a drink.”

Shue Jin scratched his head and took out a bottle of Soul-burning liquor and handed it to Chirps.

Chirps shook its head and looked piteously at Shue Jin with pure black eyes.

Shue Jin had no idea about what to do next but quickly took out a Green-B Spiritual Crystal and stuffed it into Chirps’ mouth.

The little fellow cheered and swallowed the precious high-quality crystal into his stomach, which was worth one hundred gold coins.

Immediately, Chirps jumped up like a child in joy, chirping and screaming constantly. The fire was rising all over his body.

Shue Jin could not help laughing. However, when he thought that all of this should be Lin’s responsibility, but he, a bystander, had paid a Green-B Spiritual Crystal, he instantly turned gloomy.

He looked at Chirps and murmured in his heart, “Did...that boy trick me? Otherwise, why was he looking calm when he saw Chirps so weak?”


Shue Jin really wronged Lin Xun this time. Like other spiritual tattooists, once Lin started working, Lin Xun would put his whole heart and mind on refining. He could even forget himself while working so there were no miscellaneous thoughts in his mind at that time.

Just like right now: he sat at his desk, picked up the inscribing pen, dipped it in the spiritual ink which had been prepared earlier and began to engrave spiritual tattoos on the embryo of the saber with all his heart.

The battle saber that Lin Xun forged for himself was an innovation that had never existed before. Whether the spiritual materials for the embryo or the spiritual ink for inscribing the spiritual tattoos, they were all conceived and finalized meticulously by him.

Every minute step was deduced by him many times over in order to prevent any failure in the refining process.

After all, there was absolutely no prior experience to follow in this refining. Everything depended on himself. If there was even one step wrong, all the efforts and preparations made before would have been in vain.

Lin Xun adhered to strict spiritual tattooist’s principles. This quality was inherited from Master Lu. So he always fully prepared before every refinery work.

As the saying went, it was the supreme belief of every spiritual tattooist to be critical and to pursue perfection.

Rustling ~ ~

The inscribing pen was waved smoothly, outlining several mysterious and light spiritual tracks, which branded themselves like slowly blooming fireworks on the surface of the saber one after another.

Lin Xun’s engraving was unhurried and brief with a hidden majesty, but his action was unrestrained and free with the grandeur of tempestuous waves in the vast sea.

This was a kind of style formed by countless self-rigorous revisions and training from Master Lu in his childhood. It was not so mysterious, but it was the most suitable one for Lin Xun.

All of those enabled Lin Xun to maintain an incomparable precision, conciseness and agility when carving spiritual tattoos, so as to maximize the correspondence between spiritual ink and perceptual power, allowing the carved spiritual tattoos to produce the greatest magic power as far as possible.

However, unlike in the past, Lin Xun had prepared forty-nine spiritual tattoos! As the saying indicated, there are forty-nine out of fifty natural rules which can be perceived in divination practice while the left one is up to himself from which countless possibilities can be derived. Therefore, the number forty-nine implied the theory of “Harmony between Human and Nature”.

It was undoubtedly very difficult for Lin Xun to make these forty-nine spiritual tattoos correspond to each other, and it was far beyond any of his past works.

Fortunately, at present, everything was still under Lin Xun’s control.

Time flies; as the sun rose and set, three days had passed.

Lin Xun did not eat or drink, did not sleep or rest. He had maintained the same posture and finished forty-eight spiritual tattoos.

He was now working on the last spiritual tattoo.

But his face was pale at this moment with sweat exuding on his forehead, and his eyes, though kept concentrated and calm, were clearly showing signs of fatigue and lethargy.

Within his body, the immense spiritual power was already on the verge of exhaustion, and his perception was seriously depleted. Lin Xun struggled to remain focused.

The situation was really serious!

Until now, putting his deductions into practice, Lin Xun found that it was much more complicated and difficult than he had imagined.

If he couldn’t hold on at this moment, all the previous work would be in vain.

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