Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 20

Chapter 20: On the twentieth day of my relationship, I have no interest in Aquaman. 【two……

The importance of appearance is fully reflected at this moment.

If Mu Baozhu's temperament is still as fairy-like as before, then the scene where Pei Xi feeds her will indeed be warm, sweet, and full of love, and it will be enough to make the audience bump into it.

Even if the audience is too sweet to scream, there will be no sense of disobedience.

It's a pity that only 65% ​​of Lu Yan's fortune is left on her body, not to mention that her appearance has dropped a lot, and her temperament is even worse than before. Now she looks like a mortal with a much higher appearance than ordinary people. She doesn't have the feeling of a little fairy who stays in the sky all the time and only occasionally descends to earth.

It's just that Pei Xi's filter on her is so thick that he hasn't noticed her change yet.

Originally, Su Xiaoxiao only thought that Pei Xi and Mu Baozhu were sweet, very sweet, but after Lu Yan said that, she felt strangely that what Lu Yan said made sense.

Mu Baozhu, without the buff bonus of immortal energy, just lying on the hospital bed, let Pei Xi feed him weakly, really looks like a **** with poor hands and feet, who can only be fed by others.

At once…

Quite bald.

I don't think they are sweet at all, what should I do!

She relies on Pei Xi to make a living. From the very beginning, Pei Xi made an agreement with her to let her blow rainbow farts. She has been doing it obediently, and she will try her best to cooperate in the future, and work hard to let their fairy love pass through the ages. It's just that when she blows rainbow farts in the future, she may subconsciously think of today's scene, which makes her how to blow rainbow farts in the future?

It seems that I can only close my eyes and blow it!

Xin Nancheng laughed heartily.

He didn't expect Lu Yan's comments to be so accurate. Before she said it, they didn't feel it, but when she said it, hey, that's really the case.

Lu Yan shrugged innocently.

She was just telling the truth. She didn't mean to cause trouble, but she just expressed her true thoughts.

Xin Nancheng thoughtfully and gentlemanly ordered a few slices of beef rolls for Lu Yan. The beef rolls were cooked soon. He put the beef rolls into Lu Yan's bowl with serving chopsticks, and gently reminded, "Beef rolls The roll tastes good, please eat some, Teacher Lu, be careful not to burn it."

Su Xiaoxiao glanced at Lu Yan with a look of jealousy.

Why didn't such a good thing happen to her? Why is it Lu Yan who was abandoned by Pei Xi?

Obviously Pei Xi dismissed Lu Yan, but Xin Nancheng showed her goodwill frequently.

Lu Yan glanced sideways at Xin Nancheng, and said seriously, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested in Neptune."

The audience in the live broadcast room burst out laughing when they saw Xin Nancheng in a daze.

[Mr. Lu is really upright! 】

[If you don't like it, you don't like it, just say it on the spot, it's not tantalizing. 】

[Hey, I just think too much, I can't be as free and easy as Teacher Lu, but Teacher Lu is so honest, so it doesn't make people feel bored, but I think she is very real, which is also strange to Rio. 】

[Not surprising, this may be the unique personality charm of Teacher Lu. 】

Following Lu Yan's sentence "I'm not interested in Neptune", the number of viewers in the live broadcast room is increasing crazily.

The director looked at the ever-increasing number and rubbed his hands in front of the camera with excitement.

Although this love variety show is tailor-made for Pei Xi and Mu Baozhu, Pei Xi doesn't have any rigid requirements for this variety show. But as a director, he has never been on a star variety show.

A director without a goal is not a good director.

He is naturally ambitious in his heart, and he is naturally eager to have a good variety show.

With his works, he will have a broader stage and more opportunities in the future.

Now, Lu Yan has driven this variety show with his own power.

If "Heartbeat Index" can go out of the circle and become a phenomenon-level variety show, then this will be a brilliant stroke in his director career! He might be invited to make a movie in the future!

Thinking of this, the director became even more excited. He clenched his fist behind the camera: Lu Yan, go!josei

Xin Nancheng coughed dryly. He couldn't refute that.

He was indeed an Aquaman before.

If he refuted it now, it would seem too hypocritical.

He raised his eyebrows and asked, "What if Neptune wants to be good?"

When Lu Yan heard this, he asked indifferently, "You mean that King Hai will go ashore and become King Lu?"

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. 】

【Xin Nancheng seemed to be choked by these words and didn't know what to say. 】

[It turns out that the helpless expression of the handsome guy is so vivid and beautiful! 】

[Mr. Lu's remarks are too classic, absolutely perfect. 】

[Actually, if you think about it carefully, Teacher Lu is right. How could a man who is used to flirting with his sister give up a large ocean for one person? Even if you give up temporarily, you will return to the ocean again in the future. Because without the sea, we would die of thirst. 】

[To be honest, it's a joke for the prodigal son to turn around. 】

Xin Nancheng shrugged helplessly.

He suddenly realized that Lu Nan and Mu Baozhu were different. Mu Baozhu enjoys the feeling of being sought after by countless men, and enjoys being a heartthrob, but Lu Yan is rational and sober. However, this kind of reason and sobriety is more charismatic than Mu Baozhu's vanity.

So, why did Pei Xi think that Lu Yan was a "love brain"? Obviously she is so special.

Therefore, there is a high probability that Pei Xi is blind.

Pei Xi, who was guessed to be blind, sneezed, and continued to warm Mu Baozhu.

After eating the hot pot, the director took the drink provided by the new sponsor's father and asked Lu Yan to insert an advertisement to help the sponsor's father bring the goods.

Lu Yan took the bottle of drink and saw that it was actually a new product of Lu's.

In the past few years, the Lu Group has focused on the research and development of robots. The so-called eggs cannot be put in the same basket, so the Lu Group is actually involved in many industries. In addition to robots, the Lu Group is actually involved in real estate, beverages and other aspects.

The bottle of white peach oolong drink in Lu Yan's hand is a new product launched this year by a subsidiary of Lu's that specializes in beverage production lines.

In the original book, Father Lu also invested in and sponsored this love variety show after knowing that his daughter had participated in "Heartbeat Index".

However, in the original plot line, the original body has been chasing after Pei Xi, and has never helped bring his own products.

Mu Baozhu knew that this was Lu's product, so he took extra care to bring the goods.

However, it may be because her ability to carry goods is not strong, or it may be because the product itself is not good in taste, so the sales have not been able to increase. Not long after that, this white peach oolong was taken off the shelves. Later, this beverage production line was vacant for a long time, and no other beverages were produced.

Lu Yan was still very curious about the taste of this white peach oolong. She unscrewed the lid and took a sip, tasting it carefully.

After tasting it, she shook her head, "It doesn't taste very good, no wonder the sales volume is not up."

Everyone:? ? ?


The director suddenly regretted letting Lu Yan bring the goods.

If the sponsor's father knew that Lu Yan not only failed to bring the goods properly, but also commented that this product tasted bad, would he withdraw this wave of sponsorship directly?

The director regretted and felt helpless in his heart. Lu Yan must have been drifting away. How could he say such words to the audience in the live broadcast room!

She said so, who would buy it?

The director was angry and anxious.

Xin Nancheng and the others were also very surprised.

He stepped forward and wanted to make up for Lu Yan, but Lu Yan didn't notice him, and honestly expressed his impressions after tasting, "How should I put it, this white peach oolong is too sweet. The sweetness is too sweet, the sweetness exceeds the standard, and the taste of oolong tea is very light. After drinking, I just remember that it is sweet. If the sweetness can be reduced a little, the taste of oolong will be stronger, and the taste should be better."

She noticed that Xin Nancheng was coming, and glanced sideways at him, "What's the matter?"

Xin Nancheng couldn't laugh or cry, "It's fine."

Lu Yan heard him say nothing happened and left him alone.

In the end, Lu Yan made the final evaluation, "Bad evaluation is not that bad, it's not that bad, but positive evaluation is absolutely impossible. Medium evaluation is very suitable. This white peach oolong can barely get a passing grade."

[Is it so bad to drink? That has to be tasted. 】

[I want to feel how bad the White Peach Oolong that Tutor Lu rated in the middle review is! 】

[Hahahaha, what would a passing drink taste like? 】

【curious. 】

[Curiosity +1.]

After the audience in the live broadcast room heard this sincere evaluation, their mouths were disgusted, but their bodies pressed the purchase button honestly.

Anyway, a box is only 29 yuan, and there are 10 bottles in it, which is less than three yuan per bottle, which is not expensive.

[Sisters, if we bought the White Peach Oolong, we've already drank the same one from Instructor Lu. 】

[Drinking the same style as Teacher Lu, can I be as accurate as Teacher Lu, and can I comment in one step? 】

[After drinking the same style as Teacher Lu, can I be as attractive as Teacher Lu? 】

Seeing the wildly rising sales in the background, the director was bewildered.

This wave of operation by Lu Yan can be described as a reverse operation. He said that the drink tasted bad as soon as he opened his mouth. As a result, the effect of the reverse operation was infinitely better than the effect of the forward operation.

Now, the sales volume in the background has exceeded 10,000.

You know, this white peach oolong has been on the market for two months, and the monthly sales volume is only a few thousand.

As a result, with Lu Yan's few words, the sales volume of White Peach Oolong is much more than the sales volume of the previous two months combined, and the sales volume is still rising crazily.

Is this Lu Yan's ability to carry goods?

It can't be said that it is not strong.

After Lu Yan brought the goods, he didn't care about the sales volume.

In the original book, this product was quickly taken off the shelves, so she chose to tell the truth. The worst result is the same as before. If the person in charge of producing this drink happens to be watching this love variety show and can make adjustments in time according to her suggestions after hearing her comments, maybe this drink can save a life.

After all, her taste is still very representative of the public.

Generally, if she thinks it's okay, the public will think it's okay too. If she doesn't think it's good, other people will think it's not good.

Because of the lack of four guests, after Lu Yan brought the goods in the evening, the guests and the tutor went back to their rooms to rest.

As soon as Lu Yan returned to his room, he received a call from Father Lu.

On the phone, Father Lu's tone was very gratifying, "When you grow up, you can also help the family's business. After you helped bring the goods today, the sales volume of this product has exceeded 30,000. Dad is very surprised. "

Lu Yan sat on the bed and told the truth, "This is only temporary. The most important thing is to improve the taste and let the public accept it. After the improvement, the sales of this product will be better and the viability will be stronger." The audience is now It's just an early adopter. If the taste does not improve, this product will be off the shelves sooner or later.

"Dad knows, Dad will talk to the person in charge."

The father and daughter chatted a few more words and cared about each other's health before hanging up the phone.

On the other end of the phone, Lu's father was full of relief, that Niannian had really grown up. Sensible.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Yan quickly washed up and got ready for bed.

Tonight, she will still enter Jing Yi's dream.

The more unlucky Mu Baozhu has been recently, the more Lu Yan is grateful to Jing Yi who shared her merits.

If it wasn't for Jing Yi, she would have already been plagued by bad luck. Maybe, she might be even more unlucky than the current Mu Baozhu.

Thinking about it this way, what the merit system said before is indeed true.

The boss is awesome!

Lu Yan lay down on the bed, ready to make Jing Yi a bowl of tomato egg noodles that he has been thinking about lately after falling asleep.

Although she was thinking about things in her heart, she still fell into a sweet dream soon.

As soon as he fell asleep, Lu Yan opened his eyes and saw the snow-white ceiling.

She felt the soft mattress underneath, her face full of astonishment. This time, she actually passed directly onto Jing Yi's bed?

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