Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 26

Chapter 26: On the twenty-sixth day of love, I met the base for the first time. ...

Mu Baozhu is wearing a top-notch high-end brand. Under normal circumstances, only the top-tier can borrow this kind of high-end clothing. Mu Baozhu was obviously not top class, but Pei Xi had already prepared the dress for her to wear tonight.

This black dress is in suspender style, with two thin shoulder straps on the top, her slender collarbone can be exposed in the front, and her beautiful butterfly bone can be exposed in the back. The style is beautiful and playful with a little sexy, yes The most proud new work of the top big-name queen designer this year.

Logically speaking, there must be no problem in the quality of this kind of high-end brand, and there will be almost no broken shoulder straps.

This kind of situation has never happened before, otherwise, which big star would dare to borrow his family's haute couture? If something happens, it will definitely be the hot topic on Weibo that day.

However, this almost impossible thing happened under the noses of many reporters and hosts.

What's more, it wasn't just one belt that broke, but two whole belts broke together.

Not to mention Mu Baozhu herself, even Lu Yan, who was one step away from her, felt incredible.

The reporters at the scene were stunned for a few seconds, and then the flash lights flashed as if they didn't want money, and they rushed to take pictures of this scene.

The merit system, [There is nothing incredible, the master of merit is near you! No matter what bad things she wants to do to you, she is doomed to fail! 】

Lu Yan was slightly surprised.

It turned out that the movie king mentioned by the reporter just now was really her friend Jing Yi?

Moreover, if the big brother is nearby, can he also bless the effect of meritorious body protection?

Lu Yan just wanted to say, the boss is really awesome!

Mu Baozhu's reaction was fairly quick. When the shoulder strap broke and fell down, she stretched out her hand and pulled it.

But the scene where the shoulder strap broke was still captured by many cameras. It is estimated that many people have seen the light pink chest pad.

Some fans who came to the scene to chase stars were talking loudly.

"There is a small red mole on the chest!"

"It looks so coquettish."

"Tsk tsk tsk, who is this woman? She didn't intend to attract attention, did she?"

"It's possible, otherwise why is she wearing a mask?"

These words fell into Mu Baozhu's ears as if he didn't want money.

Her nails dug into the palm of her hand fiercely, she was annoyed but powerless, at this moment, she could only pull on the dress helplessly and pitifully, lowering her head slightly, making it difficult to see the emotion on her face. How beautiful she was when she walked the red carpet just now, how embarrassed she is now.

Lu Yan didn't know why Mu Baozhu was so overwhelmed. He stumbled on her side not long ago, but he didn't expect to come again now.

Didn't Mu Baozhu know that if he did something bad, he would get retribution?

Pei Xi finally came to his senses at this moment, he simply took off his suit jacket and put it on her body. After finishing the set, Pei Xi put his arms around her shoulders tightly and said comfortingly, "Baozhu, it's okay, be good."

Mu Baozhu's eyes were slightly red, she looked like a bullied little rabbit, "Brother Pei, I'm so wronged."

Pei Xi kissed the top of her head with a gloomy expression, "It's not your fault." After finishing speaking, he gave Lu Yan a vicious look.

Every time the orb touches Lu Yan, it will be very bad. Lu Yan must have brought bad luck to Mu Baozhu.

Lu Yan, who was stared at, didn't notice Pei Xi's eyes at all.

Even if she noticed, she wouldn't take it to heart.

It was only at this time that the host realized, "Ah, there was a small situation just now, but luckily it was resolved soon."

Because Mu Baozhu's dress strap was broken, it was very inconvenient to move around, so the group of them left without interviewing.

Mu Baozhu and Pei Xi went backstage to change their dresses, while Lu Yan and the others went directly to the awards hall.

A group of people sat down on the chairs with the label "Heartbeat Index". As soon as she sat down, Yao Hanhan looked very excited, she looked around, her eyes were full of excitement, "They are all celebrities who often appear on TV!" She never expected that one day she would be so close to a celebrity .

Tonight can be described as a gathering of stars, the stars are shining.

Lu Yan was not interested in other stars, she looked at the big screen in front. At this moment, the big screen is broadcasting live the situation of celebrities walking the red carpet.

Unexpectedly, an extremely strange face appeared in the camera.

Yao Hanhan sighed at the side, "Many celebrities want to show off by walking the red carpet, but Jing Yi never walks on the red carpet. Even so, his popularity has never dropped."

Lu Yan understood it as soon as he heard it. Her friend is indeed a clear stream in the entertainment circle, so many celebrities compete for beauty on the red carpet, doing everything for topics and traffic. He was the only one who didn't even bother to participate in the red carpet.

After a while, Mu Baozhu, who had changed into a new dress, came slowly again, holding Pei Xi's arm. It may be that she finally learned how to behave this time, so she didn't go near Lu Yan, but sat down at a place far away from her.

Yao Hanhan took a look at Mu Baozhu's new dress, and whispered in Lu Yan's ear, "Mr. Lu, Mu Baozhu's dress is also very good-looking." Even if Yao Hanhan is the female president of her own business, she cannot avoid liking beautiful dresses , Seeing beautiful people of the same sex, she will subconsciously compare herself with herself.

Yao Hanhan doesn't think it's bad to have a heart for comparison, and only with goals can there be motivation to make progress.

Lu Yan glanced at Mu Baozhu and commented, "These dresses are too revealing and not suitable for her."

Good-looking dresses are indeed good-looking, but whether it is the black dress just now or the champagne-colored dress now, the front opening is quite low, and it may be lost if you are not careful. Each one is a mature and **** style, which is not suitable for Mu Baozhu with bangs. Mu Baozhu is like a child stealing an adult's clothes, **** is sexy, but the overall look is very inconsistent.

When Lu Yan said this, Yao Hanhan suddenly felt that it made sense. If Mu Baozhu had flirtatious and charming big waves, she might be more suitable for such a **** sling dress.

It's a pity that Mu Baozhu now has straight bangs, and she doesn't have the blessing of fairy buffs all over her body. She also has innocent and pure deer eyes, which really don't go well with sexiness.

Yao Hanhan said sincerely, "Mr. Lu, your comments are really spot on." Every time something she didn't see through, Lu Yan saw through it at a glance. No wonder more and more sisters in the live broadcast room began to consult Mr. Lu about love affairs.

Soon, the awards ceremony of "Night of the Scarf" officially began.

Lu Yan has always been not interested in these things. When the host presented the awards, she just sat and rested.

Not long after, the award presenters announced the best love variety show cp of the year.

She smiled and said, "The best love variety show CP of the year is Pei Xi and Mu Baozhu from "Heartbeat Index"! Let us welcome them to the stage with warm applause!"

The flashing lights all of a sudden converged on Mu Baozhu and Pei Xi. Mu Baozhu stood up, and she looked down at Lu Yan proudly, as if silently provoking. Then, she took Pei Xi's arm and walked slowly towards the stage.

The guests quickly handed over the microphone and the stage to them.

Pei Xi took the microphone and talked to the stars in the audience, "Baozhu is the most innocent and kind girl I have ever met, I am very lucky to be able to participate in the love variety show "Heartbeat Index" with her, the progress of the variety show It's not halfway through yet, I still have a lot of time to spend with her, I hope more people can know about Xizhu cp!"josei

After Pei Xi finished speaking, it was Mu Baozhu's turn. Mu Baozhu smiled and took the microphone from her hand. She was about to speak when she accidentally heard whispers from the audience.

"Is this the female star whose dress strap was broken just now?"

"Not a female star, just an amateur."

"How could there be such a low-level mistake in D's couture?"

"Who knows, maybe she did it on purpose. After all, these days, in order to gain a position, what can't these women do?"

In the original plot line of "Sweet Love", because of the original body with a love brain for comparison, it seems that Mu Baozhu is extraordinarily informed and reasonable. She also successfully entered the entertainment circle with her high EQ. There are many people in the circle who appreciate her, and even more people who remember her.

It's just that Mu Baozhu is remembered by many guests present because of making a fool of herself.

Anyway, the final result is remembered by people in the circle, which can be regarded as the same goal to a certain extent.

Mu Baozhu's original good mood was completely ruined by these words. In the end, she hurriedly left with Pei Xi after saying a few acceptance speeches.

On the way back to her seat, she could see other people pointing at her from time to time. Mu Baozhu was so angry that his eyes turned slightly red, and the hatred for Lu Nan in his heart increased to a higher level.

After the annual Best Love Variety Show CP, the host announced several annual film, annual TV series, annual director, and annual most influential female star awards.

The award presentation on the stage was enthusiastic, and Yao Hanhan and Lu Yan also discussed enthusiastically in the audience.

Yao Hanhan, "What? The most influential female star of the year is actually her? She had a plastic surgery last year, and her nose was crooked. She didn't do anything all year. Why did you choose her?"

Lu Yan's tone was flat, "Probably because she has a more distinctive style."

Yao Hanhan, "It feels like there are no particularly outstanding movies throughout this year, and those few talented directors have no new works this year! How could this be the movie of the year?"

Lu En had no expression on his face, "It's all about pulling the general out of the box."

Yao Hanhan, "Why is he the best director! Why why why why! Why didn't my favorite director get my turn!"

Lu Yan lost interest, "Probably because his head is brighter!"

Looking at the bald director, Yao Hanhan couldn't help laughing at Lu Nan's expressionless face.

Lu Yan glanced at her suspiciously, "What?"

Yao Hanhan shook his head, "It's nothing, I just feel good."

She and Lu Yan are like best friends, complaining while watching.

However, Lu Nan's complaints were all extremely accurate, and the originally boring awards ceremony became interesting because of Lu Nan's existence.

Yao Hanhan discovered for the first time that the attribute of "tucao" is also very cute. Perhaps, only Lu Yan would give her this feeling.

After laughing, Yao Hanhan handed Lu Yan a bottle of unopened mineral water, "Mr. Lu, your voice is hoarse, drink some water."

Lu Yan knocked a lot of melon seeds just now, and he talked a lot now, so his voice is indeed a bit hoarse, and his voice sounds different from before.

She took a sip of the mineral water.

Soon, it was the turn of the award for the most influential male star of the year.

Yao Hanhan immediately sat up straight, this award, if not unexpected, has a high probability of being in the pocket of her male god.

One of the two presenters holds a card. She glanced at the card, couldn't help laughing and said, "Old Wang, guess who will be the most influential male star of the year?"

Another award presenter, Old Wang, rubbed his chin and guessed, "Zhang San, Li Si?"

The female guest smiled and said, "Don't make trouble."

Only then did the male guest cooperate and said, "Don't be secretive, let us know who it is!"

The female guest smiled and looked at the audience.

After seeing the expressions of everyone in the audience, she said into the microphone word by word, "The most influential male star of the year is Jing Yi! Let us congratulate Jing Yi!"

As the name "Jing Yi" came down, there was warm applause both on and off the stage. The applause was so warm that it seemed as if it could break through the ceiling of the awards hall, which shows how influential Jing Yi is in the entertainment industry.

Soon, a slender and tall figure appeared in the camera. The figure got up from his seat and strode towards the stage.

Jing Yi is wearing a three-piece black suit today, with a vest of the same color inside the suit jacket. His white shirt was buttoned to the top neatly, with black hair and black eyes, wide shoulders and narrow waist, he looked handsome and abstinent.

The female guest's eyes lit up when she saw Jing Yi.

Jing Yi took the trophy from the female guest's hand indifferently. Like his cold and handsome appearance, his voice is also cold.


Very short acceptance speech, crisp and neat, just like his people.

The others were obviously used to Jing Yi's style. Even though he only said two words after he came on stage, the guests off the court showed extra enthusiasm and applauded him warmly.

Lu Yan originally thought that Jing Yi would return to his seat, but she didn't expect that he walked towards her directly.

Lu Nan was slightly surprised, could it be that Jing Yi recognized her?

But it's impossible.

Except for the tomato egg noodles last time, she should have no chance of falling off in reality.

As for the tomato and egg noodles, it should not be so easy to fall off.

Could it be that she was negligent in some way?

Before she could figure it out, Yao Hanhan said excitedly beside her, "Ahhh, the actor, he is more handsome in real life than in the camera."

As Jing Yi got closer, Yao Hanhan became more and more excited.

The male **** is also too handsome, and it is not an exaggeration for people in the circle to comment on his appearance. It's that his demeanor is too cold, and his body has too little smoke and fire, and he feels that he is completely out of the same world as her.

Lu Yan glanced at Jing Yi who was walking towards this side, but she couldn't detect the difference.

She had never seen Jing Yi's works, nor had she seen him in the camera. She only had contact with Jing Yi many times in her dreams.

Obviously, there is not much difference between Jing Yi in the dream and him in reality.

Therefore, she didn't feel that Jing Yi was strange at all. After all, he was also an old friend of whom she had dreamed six times.

"Mr. Lu, you haven't commented on my male **** yet!"

Thinking of Lu Nan's accurate comments on "Movie of the Year, TV Series of the Year, Director of the Year, and Most Influential Female Star of the Year", Yao Hanhan wanted to hear Lu Nan's evaluation of her male god.

Yao Hanhan looked at Lu Nan expectantly.

But at this time, Jing Yi was already very close to them.

Lu Yan sat in the dark. At this moment, the only source of light in the audience was the awarding platform. The awarding platform was bustling with lights flickering.

And he, step by step, walked towards her against the light.

Yao Hanhan wanted to hear her evaluation of Jing Yi, Lu Nan thought about it for a while, and chose to tell the truth, "It deserves its name."

She had probably heard about Jing Yi from the merit system before.

He keeps a low profile, but every year he donates a large sum of money to poor children in mountainous areas to help them go to school. He doesn't talk much, but he has been doing practical things quietly.

So Lu Yan felt that he deserved this award.

After finishing speaking, she noticed that Jing Yi didn't even pause at all, and just passed by her, passed by...

He didn't even give her an extra look.

Time seems to have returned to the time when she fell into a dream for the first time.

The first time she entered the dream, she only said a word, and Jing Yi directly "invited" her out of the dream in a nonchalant manner.

The first time they met in reality, Jing Yi was also indifferent, as if he didn't notice her at all.

Lu Yan laughed.

So, her first face-to-face meeting with her dream friend ended in a hurry?

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