Be a Mentor In Love Variety Shows

Chapter 32

Chapter 32: The thirty-second day of love This is my real dad. [One more...

When there was a lot of discussion on the Internet, Lu Yan was drinking freshly squeezed orange juice while watching the conversation between the boss' father and other bosses. On such an occasion, they would only chat in general terms, not in depth, so Lu Yan listened with gusto.

Every time I change a communication partner, the other party will always express curiosity about her.

Lu Beicai took the trouble to introduce it to others. So, after a while, almost everyone on the field knew that Lu Beicai brought his own daughter here today.

In fact, Lu Beicai never meant not to take his daughter with him, it's just that the original body was too much teased by Pei. Pei Xi didn't let her expose her background, didn't want her to show off, and didn't want her to steal Mu Baozhu's attention. Because she cared too much about Pei Xi, she was always willing to listen to him.

The business partners around Lu Beicai knew a lot about the well-behaved and sensible Mu Baozhu, but they didn't know much about the insignificant Yuanzheng.

But after tonight, Lu Yan is destined to leave a deep impression on them.

Halfway through the dinner, the atmosphere on the court became more and more relaxed. After talking to Lu Beicai, Lu Yan wandered away by herself. Some of the big guys were obviously talking, and she would consciously stay away to avoid hearing something she shouldn't hear. , some of which are obviously just young people communicating casually, she will lean over to listen to the excitement.

As soon as Lu Yan wandered to a corner, he heard a young voice say, "Without investment, I probably won't be able to make this movie."

Another voice comforted him and said, "There are so many bigwigs on the field today, and any one you pick out will be someone with no shortage of money. You finally got the tickets to the dinner party, why don't you work hard?"

The voice at the beginning said, "How do you know I didn't work hard? I tried my best, but the boss doesn't like my small investment." The boss didn't even bother to read the script, and didn't even give him a chance.

Lu Yan was a little moved when he heard that.

The boss looks down on her, but she is not a boss.

"How short are you?"

The young voice sighed and said, "It's probably more than ten million short."

These days, even a low-budget movie requires an investment of 30 million yuan. This young man has almost 16 million yuan, which is nearly half of it.

After reporting this number, both of them fell into silence. Obviously, this is not a small number for them.

It was at this time that Lu Yan said, "What kind of story is it?"

The two were taken aback.

Lu Yan waved his hand, "Sorry, I overheard your conversation."

The young man, that is, Ruan Bamang blushed and said, "It's okay."

Lu Yan smiled, "You haven't told the story yet?"

Ruan Ba's friend winked at him.

Just now, Lu Beicai brought Lu Nan to the stage in a high-profile appearance, and Lu Yan himself surprised the audience. It can be said that as long as everyone present, there is no one who does not know Lu Nan's identity.

Lu Yan is the daughter of Lu Beicai, so she is obviously not short of money! Maybe, Ruan Ba's chance has come!

Thinking about it this way, Ruan Ba ​​hurriedly told her about his own story, "It's a fairy tale, with feelings as the main line, and a plot line of upgrading and fighting monsters. I mainly want to show a grand and huge worldview."

After listening to it, Lu Yan said, "Xian Xia has high requirements for special effects, what is the budget of your film?"

Ruan Ba ​​was afraid to scare Lu Yan away, so he said cautiously, "If the budget of the film is not high, it will be more than 30 million yuan. I plan to hire young actors who are not well-known. In this way, the salary can be kept at a very small amount. "

"What about the special effects?"

Ruan Ba ​​scratched his head, "The special effects are fifty cents special effects, the kind that don't cost money. I think the story itself is more important than the effects."

Of course, Ruan Ba ​​didn't think special effects were unimportant. It's just because he doesn't have much money now, so he can only settle for the next best thing and pay attention to the story itself first.

Lu Yan became a little interested, "tell the story more specifically."

The story is a clichéd one. A little girl with a relatively ordinary aptitude for cultivating immortals accidentally picked up a ring. She thought it was just an ordinary and beautiful ring, but she did not expect that there was a great immortal cultivating ability hidden in the ring. So the little girl helped Da Neng find a way to leave the ring while upgrading to fight monsters.

The relationship between the two gradually warmed up as they got along day by day.josei

This kind of story, in the world that Lu Yan lives in, can never afford a little splash, because there are so many similar stories that they can't be counted. However, the development of literature in this world is much slower than that of her own world, and there has never been a similar story before.

This also means that this young man is the originator of the ring stream in this world. Perhaps, there will be surprises?

Thinking about it this way, Lu Yan decided to invest in this movie on the spot, "You are still more than 10 million short, aren't you?"

The young man scratched his head, "That's right, it's about fourteen million."

Lu Yan, "Okay, I will pay for this, and I look forward to seeing your work on the screen."

When Ruan Ba ​​suddenly heard the good news, he was stunned. His friend hurriedly touched him, and reminded him in a low voice, "Aren't you stupid? Why don't you thank Miss Lu?"

Ruan Ba's eyes were flushed with excitement, "Miss Lu, thank you, thank you so much!"

Lu Yan smiled faintly, "I'm not purely doing good deeds. I invest in your movie, so naturally I want to get something in return."

Ruan Ba ​​almost raised three fingers to swear, "That's natural, Ms. Lu, I will definitely work hard to make this movie well, and take it to a box office of 200 million yuan!"

Lu Yan thought for a while, "That's not necessary. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. If you don't lose money, you can make a small profit."

Ruan Ba ​​hurriedly nodded, "Okay, the minimum requirement is not to lose money, but to make a small profit!"

"I'll leave you the phone number of my agent. If you need to contact her, she will help arrange things like signing a contract."

After finishing speaking, Lu Yan reported a number, and Ruan Ba ​​hurriedly took out his mobile phone to write it down, "Okay, I saved the phone number, Miss Lu, thank you so much today, I will definitely not let you down!"

The two negotiated an investment in a short period of time.

After the conversation, Lu Yan remembered to ask the other party's name, "What's your name?"

Ruan Ba ​​touched his nose, "Ruan Ba, my name is Ruan Ba, eight is the number eight, and I am a director who has been working for three years."

Lu Yan thought about it for a while, but he didn't have much impression of the name. He probably was an ordinary passerby in the original book, and he didn't know if he had any investment in the original plot.

Lu Yan didn't think about it any more, "Okay, then I'll contact you if there is something to do."

"Okay, Miss Lu."

For the first investment, Lu Nan's requirements are indeed not high, as long as he does not lose money. Of course, if she really lost money, there was nothing she could do. However, Lu Yan's life principle is: dare to try, not afraid of failure.

Only by taking the first step, the future has infinite possibilities. If you dare not even take the first step, how can you talk about success or failure?

After Lu Yan and Ruan Ba ​​finished chatting, they went to the drink area to look around for a while. Tonight's drink area naturally has everything that one expects to find. She just finished drinking orange juice, so she replaced it with a glass of fresh coconut juice.

As soon as she picked up the cup, a calm male voice sounded behind her, "I didn't expect Miss Lu to be interested in investing."

Lu Yan turned around and found that it was Shen Rong who had just greeted him not long ago.

She didn't say much, "Just try."

Shen Rong smiled faintly, "It's always good for young people to dare to try."

Lu Yan and Shen Rong are not familiar with each other, so she has nothing to say. Just as she was about to leave, Shen Rong suddenly said, "There is a lot of noise on the Internet about Miss Lu and Boss Lu attending the dinner together, and Miss Lu doesn't respond?"

Lu Yan was a little surprised, "I don't know about this."

Shen Rong briefly explained the ins and outs to her, "Boss Lu seems to be ignorant of this matter for the time being."

Lu Yan thanked, "Thank you, President Shen, for reminding me."

Shen Rong said euphemistically, "Three people become tigers. If you don't explain this matter as soon as possible, it will affect the reputation of you and President Lu after all."

Lu Yan nodded, "I will deal with this matter as soon as possible."

After thanking Shen Rong, Lu Yan quickly found an empty corner and opened the scarf.

This was the first time she landed on the original owner's scarf.

She didn't have to look for it at all, she saw a few hot searches on the homepage at a glance#爱情课师包大脸#

#Lu Tutor Middle-aged Big Brother#

She clicked in and took a look. The people in the photo looked familiar to her, it was her and Father Lu.

The person who took the photo should have been squatting near the hotel, and took a picture of the scene where she entered the hotel holding Lu's father's wrist.

The title is sensational, and the content is even more exaggerated and false.

"Recently, Lu Yan has entered the public's attention with the love variety show "Heartbeat Index". Her sharp words and unique style of painting have attracted many boys and girls. But today, she was found to be holding her age. A middle-aged man who could be her father at a heavyweight dinner party.

You know, those who can participate in this kind of dinner are all wealthy people with a lot of money.

She was chatting and laughing with the middle-aged man, with an intimate posture, and seemed to have a very close friendship. Obviously, the relationship between the two was not ordinary. I thought that Teacher Lu was a special existence in the entertainment industry, but her outspoken words were just a human design? In private, she is just a member of the thigh-hugging group? "

The comments below say it all.

[In this world, what else is true? 】

[Thought Teacher Lu was real, but what she showed was all fake? 】

[Very disappointed, I lost my fan. 】

[This boss is old enough to be her father! That's it, she can do it? 】

[You have to know that some female stars now do all kinds of scandals for the sake of popularity. They originally thought that Teacher Lu was special, but in the end it was just what we thought. 】

【These days, money is enough. 】

It has to be said that the unanimity of the trend on the Internet has something to do with the gossip that Pei Xi deliberately sent out at the beginning.

Pei Xi portrayed the original owner as a girl who "comes from an ordinary family, and actively enters the entertainment industry to improve her family's conditions".

Lu Beicai didn't notice this kind of trivial matter at all. As for Yuanshen, she likes Pei Xi, she can do whatever Pei Xi asks her to do, and she can do whatever Pei Xi says, so Yuanshen has never clarified it to the outside world.

The gossip spread widely, and over time, more people talked about it, and the false ones almost became true.

Lu Yan first looked at the original body's attention, and after clearing all the attention list, she posted the first Weibo since she passed through the book.

Lu Yanv: This boss is indeed old enough to be my father, because he is my real father. My relationship with him is really unusual, because we are a father-daughter relationship.

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