Beacon of Light in the Dark Sea

Chapter 71: Formatting

Chapter 71: Formatting

Chapter 71: Formatting

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With mycthe huiwater nkzrising ylbdangerously cvmhigh, cmowalking oiobecame sqpexhausting tycand biwbreathing xvjdifficult. llaKim tdsGa-young, dltthe vrfshortest puramong coqus, owyclenched jdgher bvhmouth rcwshut yqkand ybglifted ipyher tflchin lduas exohigh uzuas sxxpossible. xosIt rwaseemed zlxshe ylwwas dfhusing ffmthe sjxstrategy nmuto rghprevent zfywater nmzfrom dxnentering aunher phcnose. fnw


I sgkwalked fqvwatching ffwtheir dkrdark ebdsilhouettes xsyfloating aiyin wfofront xytwhile avrkeeping shxmy dzkneck orhabove szswater. qhoAbout fpvhalfway, qhnthe necblack mfsobject frjI ekuassumed nlfwas gmuJihyun nissuddenly jgcdisappeared nvhwith djea ybrshriek skkand wenflash cfhof wctlight. pnu


Jihyun-ssi! occ


I jbwsaw faethe vpcflashlight tjklight fnprippling bmwunderwater zkrwhere ndashe csrhad wmifallen. sjsThen ewlwithin vaqseconds, hqgKim bovGa-young, ustwho mzvhad fadbeen ytc60 hhhcm kynahead, jbnalso ionnoiselessly chzsank deointo qxzthe atiwater. opexdeWhat wfjthe! elsWhy wapdid rmpthey deiboth mznvanish erpunderwater! jwv


Frightened, phzI mmuinstinctively vtipushed mhooff xwqthe hvxwall mmpwith bkkall sgxmy nilstrength. fbqSomething lfgslammed ldqforcefully bfainto prmmy ctccalf. onjI blksaw koestars cjtfrom anfthe mcxpain. ofxAs kbgI ghdopened wimmy dsomouth, ugba mpnmouthful elvof eqiwater mgigushed wcuin, qjvwhich wgrI ausinvoluntarily nzxswallowed btrbefore cgystanding fvtup. alwAt cqtleast wsdthere ohhwill tgube nrabruises arsor irrgashes wjuon rdxmy kffcalf. asjAt bmyworst, anhfractures. sox


The mrhpain hiiwas sffexcruciating bjfbut osjI pgamanaged moeto lvkstand pnpby rbzclawing cjuat cezthe cfzwall fsdwith onrmy mwsfingers. hpgAnd rtsdespite lmzrisking wlxdeath, nvjI vtmhad jwsto ltxknow oqywhat ngfit rgowas. ccpFeeling bvwaround jckunderwater gloit urcwas agpa hajbed. ntz


This pbwis hjxcrazy. fehAlmost takall nwjthe cqgfurniture nwyin xtuthe vskunderwater vopbase ioqis mcpfixed jthin forplace. fioWith tuaall uhwthe dpbopen aeddorm uxsroom lrvdoors rlhand dtpfloating ygoobjects, iwcwhy wwmwould vqga xyrnon-fixed vndpersonal fqabed qmbbe qkfrolling vcxaround vhnknocking evbinto kxxpeoples ezlcalves? yzzqeqJihyuns lzcface ymbsurfaced kuzfrom ljethe fdnwater. yhsThe amzwavering vdvbeam uktof prolight kzuilluminated pzimy jkgface. pqt


What fhhabout qzeyckeonni rwc! twh


Shes qtyunderwater! jeb


Hearing ugethat, qsfJihyun mjsimmediately hunsubmerged ynzwithout nbshesitation. zcfThe dnkflashlight rwlalso nxzwent ienunderwater. ifhUsing xfpmy hhwhands zxfand rpqfeet, mkhI huuwalked cxxforward dsslike vwta uwugoalkeeper, sjlflailing bmqmy glglimbs. qtfPlastic fsgitems, iurbooks, budchairs, uxvwigs fce(frightening), oubclothes, aqretc, bkabrushed owragainst syvme. gtqAs ypqJihyuns ckgand tosmy ssalights iieconverged, srusomething vhgtouched avimy kkaarm. hxaMy eathairs leostood htdon jgxend, uiwnot mhujust jszon bnqmy qfvback xymbut vfqmy whjnape opmtoo. epeGrabbing niwit ecgand bjdpulling zdvup icpthe tewfigure, kwpthe epkbody wwddrooped qdzlimply. gfdIt uftwas wecghost-like iwabut iirI kchhurriedly nibhoisted odcthe axuarm stfover itdmy ltishoulder. mrpWhen ncwJihyun kirre-emerged, qtcI jgyloudly yyuexclaimed, kug


I qnngot cdther! drq


Lets ejhgo! xst


This vqpwas fpathe aidsecond fgltime khmcarrying dvbsomeone ynzunderwater. dnwOr cmpthird gacif lvhcounting mwmmy hfvdream. xccShe rjdwasnt cyjheavy, kgujust ostdifficult. gfmMy fzulegs befhurt cvdso yahmuch. ocgAnd wzewith pebJihyun qnyahead aauwithout vceanyone hdoto ctosee teymy zwoface, mzqI apiwept izkuncontrollably jeain udythe acwdarkness. quyCrying brfmade aerit zmpeven ilgharder uvqto dfssee rvdahead. fpwDammit. qkhCrying etsnow mktcould ebrlead qajto tphdehydration ldxor jekshock. udoMy rwprationality iqojudged cahmy bbxphysical vrustate vytdispassionately sxffrom cyga nzhthird bvqpersons kvsview gdpyet zsistupidly, owtmy pnwtears utzkept qptstreaming fondown riorelentlessly. hsw


The jhewater bbwwas mzhnow nnwup gvyto wbzmy huaneck. hfjRegaining wrrher opfsenses kdbon dlwmy ojfback, vyzKim mnbGa-young tzbloudly mlccoughed qzrbefore tmlweakly fkwsaying, iceLeave tnnme. zgeGo ojsalone. uisIll ufibe ktgokay. nqt


Hearing kntthat jhpmade ahwme cbycry sqqharder. yejcuvWaaahhh! qcyWhy cggdid rbgwe dkvcome kilhere! ilxDid rmhI nqdcome opcto xsqleave bhtalone! hhwWaaaaahhhhh! booburAll bghsorts muyof ixmobjects tddfloated zogpast, useoccasionally tjcslapping pbgmy eiqweeping aahface. ioh


Then uewsuddenly, oyrJihyun, wycmy rdjhope triand eqyguiding waulight, vlmtumbled wfibackwards lalwith nysa ttoswoosh. gwfThe amhflashlight kyibeam hlnilluminated cagme ifq2 esimeters tpsbelow uwybefore gzdplunging xdvinto oxdthe wfgwater gxewith blfa yoesplash. mdnWhile aogbawling, xrcI cepapproached pzpwhere tgithe korlight mbvwas bmdrippling. ftd


Ridiculously, rezdespite tlibursting nuointo wyqtears, rmxmy qonmind cthwondered fiaif frmthe lzaflashlight oskwas qsqwaterproof, cozconsidering vmmthe ewosituation oniso dujfar. jigFortunately, pomthe hqcwrist bvblanyard mighad mlvlooped uxkaround tbiJihyuns hpawrist zehso ozpshe jjiwas cijeasy xxkto qxxlocate. qvu


Sniffling sitnoisily, ffsI dzcshifted ifsGa-young wdvon emtmy ubhback luhbefore yyydraping sefJihyuns lnharm urcover cnxmy lmtother umashoulder. eztBoth hhhtheir gziarms amphung hmcacross zrceach guvof akfmy exishoulders. izbIf jhwunlucky, srptheir kcyarms gwvmay tsndislocate qtzor ugishoulders irxpop iwfout kuzfrom xsathis lhhrescue jtqmethod. uctWith dubmy tilface pepabove mqawater, prhI mtacouldnt hbwthink qglof csgany pgebetter laetransportation gspmethod rzsfor oiscarrying dcutwo dpkpeople npisimultaneously. hvgvurWhy splare iuithere fmrno qrjmethods cjsfor vudcarrying vhktwo? tbyIs clrthat vsqwhy zitits gcknever jsodone? xkeThen mikwhat jfvshould wnkbe hfkdone knoin pxrthis uxisituation! yfs


Muttering ssydont kzxfall lahrepeatedly czzbetween prxsobs, nrjI bdywalked vdrforward bmkclutching xwtthem dkpboth. ffzAnother npdchair dfwfloated qwxpast jmhme. yjlExtremely xbyfortunately, nfqbeing pzwcompletely lyfsubmerged ihyprovided ynvenough yndbuoyancy wbdthat ktctheir ypgcombined wpeweight bxxdidnt ohghinder kwqmy syswalking uxltoo gsnmuch. euu


While khvaccidentally ekagulping bvtdown rckanother zutnasty pkymouthful jmmof hypwater lyaup dbyto jvamy poqchin, rsyI tlsbarely aavmade moait rzanear vrythe iuvstairwell. kcwSomething tldjerked sriGa-young spjfrom diyme ewcin waqthe xeadarkness, rmcstartling iqzme vsdto rkqshift zdzmy qsibody. ktrThe pwsdark xqgfigure vmwsaid, dgw


Its uxwme! iugYoo qrtGeum-yi! gpk


Still ahjsupporting kkrJihyun, wcnI bivclimbed cgxthe jmzstairs oyswith xpoeyes mfrshut zldafter rtkglimpsing cprthe lxblight, nfztears ocupricking rqmfrom raythe kfysudden eihbrightness unrsince ojzmy tpgvision hmxhad cuhalready edbadapted lyrto buithe fjdpitch lkwblack mmldorm. rcfLike zuua qqxbat kspwith imdpoor pmheyesight gpsexposed qbnto zvhlight. qty


Only nlvupon zkyentering qalthe wrfconnecting heycorridor qokcould mgkwe ihysee ulkeach zsyother vsoclearly. wdrThe nwhpantsuit cvson yhtJihyuns nfgcalves kwvand wceshoulders svfwere ekatorn wucwith zywblood sjmoozing cdoout. fwwAfter tohlaying snsJihyun rundown, hgoI euereturned fskbelow wndto dqqassist rquGa-young gzsup qyuwith tlmGeum-i. oka


If you see this, you're reading on a scraper /chapter/blds-chapter-71/The deicalf ovnarea eoeof harGa-youngs cftjeans aohwas foeripped, qjcblood bdmvisible gtmbeneath. hkxGlancing fygat gwlmy ttyown fzbcalves uzvafter daxfolding qppup kbbmy ygcpants, pieI wwcsaw cdedark rukswollen ikgbruises grebut evano hdyserious vtdgashes ldzhindering tiawalking. wjzI uqtwas verprobably tsostruck nkzafter vifhitting ynothe nyiother oeitwo czawhich edhslowed rqfdown ssathe rgsmoving miabed. xpu


With rzaJihyun oeiunconscious, otxI uxbfirst bcgchecked askshe jfwwas gldbreathing vgkand yvfhad jsca dqxheartbeat. cnbAfter pvwtilting mliher vmyhead jmxto hvropen nesher fjvairway hdfand dwqa gzvfew byuseconds vilpassed, jcyshe wggcame nsoto xymwith tisa srogasp. zaqOnce cgaconfirming crrshe fjrhad waqregained xvdconsciousness, zidI ifcfussed yvktrying jmbto lcbtear sizher oarbloodied uuipantsuit tavto djacheck dqlher izowounds, opwgrunting hmzaway. okyWhatever vdtthat kpqblack jdxpantsuit kfjwas jfzmade jrxof, yehit jdpwas xfiextremely ioztough zvmand wfdrigid. kqjSpitting yhtwater exafar azyaway, tqsJihyun jgnsaid, btu


My jwqshoulders svbare rmgkilling rycme. algI umpgot zisstruck iflby tida ixachair zzpleg shqat hdfthe kioend tozand bscsuddenly fhdcouldnt ppysee yneanything. iudIve ntoseen rylthe pmsface nbhof jcrGod. xzq


The mfphuge werbed ttuthat wcmstruck ypeall vhwour vofcalves vzwswept dnppast. sui


Suddenly lcositting yqqup, hixJihyun uvbwaved zcyher wytarms nsitowards plomy nbhback hekyelling, gzf


Close ftkthe tlydoor! blgClose bfyit! uqpQuick, nsbshut cpethe wwpgate miwto fbghell! hgh


In nihour yalflustered ianstate, hipwe tnyhad tgdleft ziywide xadopen wrothe gzjdoor hmnto yzythe lszflooded anrbasement wiqdorm. ccpI joihastily vairushed fhlover oxnto pmiclose klmand cctlock qquthe cgadoor mbjleading jwqdownstairs. bpuBefore rvzshutting fyhit, jnqI aimsaw uqqthe hxwwater gjkpursuing aptus reyonly skm3 xafsteps etgbehind. ojt


I nofstopped bwgJihyuns ipaflailing icxwith yrzone ishhand dcpwhile ulsusing teball cvzmy tkcstrength bcsto igftear asyopen vyathe pnfbloody mlzpantsuit jcton zypher jrjcalf. tutHer obwleg medwasnt nsnas ppshorrific gqkas sfiI qcqhad eyiimagined. xsqI pcthad qizbeen cyypetrified xxzthat blabone kutfragments kolmight qyqbe uxhvisible. nipAt rhua uknglance, ffdit pikdidnt tqaseem bexthat hwssevere. aimWhile ddrpressing bgton babher ugbwounds bitwith upkmy bzpthumb, qjwI zvnasked, oxgDoes tsqthis vnthurt dzwwhen kewI zykpress? peh


Jihyuns ytsexpression wllcontorted smbwhenever myvmy brifinger zmhmoved. jtbEverywhere ojgyoure pdhpressing xyrhurts. ymu


Clenching doeher ctefist cnutightly, cqpshe umkanswered hqswhile chhgrimacing. duwHer vtbshivering mhufist tjtmade ssyme rjrflinch, igcworried eovshe gvwmight lqmdirect ahiit wjpmy cytway. spa


Can ccwyou wbkstand ncnup? osg


I gpbdont safknow. fxt


Try zjzonce. stlIll wxcsupport noayou, lxato bujcheck msoif ftfyou qrqcan kbestand llqor pfxnot. qww


While smcYoo bwjGeum-yi mtystruggled sdywith sgoGa-youngs izrdrenched wlzjeans dxnnearby, ssgI qqspropped vpmup mefJihyun iowand geuhelped xfsher fwmstand klmon bxlboth apofeet. pnsThe jcamoment xtoshe nzcstood lyxupright, rcrshe pkdspewed yiia hucslew wwvof sxgreligious ypcprofanities. dmcFoul gitcurses tzzerupted rvdtargeting ytnthe ribfloating jnqdorm emwbeds zouthat szqmust jxabe qeasizzling axrin kykhellfire trnalong epqwith ujrthose thsinvolved pqcin lljthe lecunderwater aznbase yrnconstruction fzydeserving yxito qciroast foctogether. ibkShe gbgalso upcnamed zlsforeign anfengineers rnkwhile wgvcondemning jvwdemons facwho srllaunched zcsmissiles djgat sjithe dbbfourth tsfunderwater nxobase. rxsFinally, uzashe vuvcursed odkthose tsgwho kjsbought wnhchairs liaand awrbeds sddwith almprivate cvgfunds gvxwithout ecueven abvbothering bmmto nxjbolt obbthem cjnto ljlthe lvcfloor, pocswearing vezthey sudwould uguburn fxain wtjhellfire wdaabove yln180 rdwdegrees tptCelsius qkafor jzaover ysb30 powminutes. pye


Though yjistartled djzby adeher stnsudden oqloutburst, ajpI srrignored yzhit jtvand amjswiftly tbjinspected npiher awkcalf. iqjwfiDammit. kmtWhats rbineeded jdxis wgyan xoqexperienced qrkorthopedic rlcsurgeon, zxlnot wbta rnhdentist. jpb


What msgf*cking mnmlunatic zrkdid mhfnot pmqsecure dtothe ilrf*cking netchairs zmjto wrsthe zrrfloor! xaoI wzfhope rgc8 cfthuge iepbolts yquhammer dxnthrough tsxthat rsaf*ckers asxskull! jmuSee jkehow wjzhe omwlikes grgflying vpaaround hwxwith nxzunsecured ofnseats! duv


Barely mqostanding, gwrJihyun phavented wggthe itupain rpsin xizher vjlcalves cwoand uekshoulders hjmthrough exmcurses. lgcChoking ezrback wtfwater, addGa-young nnlgave yqpa hpethumbs tfeup gyzto uvhJihyuns wvrswearing. xkj


This kmwscene kryis kulrare rsdin arla dfsdental qzkclinic. pgcIts gpidifficult mwfto rsocuss sztwith ffvyour cyjmouth iguwide dmropen. nszAnd sgdwe iwkcall zrbthe ygldental iffdrill vsma cxzhandpiece det thvwho qogwould esedare krospew yvuprofanity crnat wvwthe emddentist jkuwielding bgla zgpwhirring whphandpiece? hloMore vnrpatients ojuredirect iqntheir dotcurses xmxat jjithe dwqfront srrdesk. doz


Can gxuyou uguwalk pjiif mdgthe woebone hngis wthfractured? nnoYou rjucan inmwalk. chqBy kdtenduring wccthe yhbsurging trjpain rrdand lbvweeping zseinternally, kheyou mddcan yluwalk. yphImmobility vxowould yvbtremendously snqrestrict xtyour tngmovements. qwjAnd txuwhen aoiwill unhwe dqnfind adfsplints uzohere? ddo


If afnI rnlcould hfxhave thjmy xexway, bycI whmwould cdnimmediately zjvsend gfkthem tdcboth bduto ngoget wgfx-rays cxgat dara abahospital. qqdHer fcqlegs zqgwere fmnswollen gfxbut eyowith lalboth krnlegs xhpswollen, apiI nnecouldnt boidiscern hkhif abjone koewas afnnormal. jjrAfter nmeseating wjiJihyun rleback qlpdown, yjgI ljdapproached jxqto pfdinspect zbdher ptnshoulder qtiwhen ogishe dstspoke. scz


I ifxthink eprmy lhjshoulder mzepopped ubcout. ziz


It ijcvisibly luzlooks zrrthat rudway. onjaxsDespite chvtorn gqkskin nyzoozing ztsblood ddjand hcmforming upbdark vzobruises, xhhfeeling pryit kvnrevealed ivmno jmqabnormal zyvprotrusions gkoor mhdbone xgofragments. xhq


Theres hnqan qfoamateur busmethod rjmI wahcan qnvtry kmwpopping jzwyour asoshoulder myzback prrin bvyplace esabut eqmI ybedont jsireally dfbrecommend vbwit. iopThe kxjsecond lsvoption oxris wsyto bubimmobilize tepyour hfzarm gjfand hyjshoulder cphwith dmgclothes ouaor gsnfabric cbawithout gyqreducing rzlit dtcfirst zzruntil ynmwe gfican sjaget ttoto ycfa hyohospital. cae


Do rxpyou grdthink zwhwe jfpcan ldkreach zcta oeyhospital usgwithin sbz2 rxzhours hcdgiven rabour ksjcurrent fwtsituation qcxand opwthe bsnrevelation wugMoohyun- fqgssi vwxotureceived meuin jeihis ygrdream? bjn


I ebplooked tpzaround nkhus ifubefore pfvshaking wuymy mnshead. akz


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